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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 3205 (+3332/-127)
ccp: 19275 (+20130/-855)
votes given: 25465 (+23965/-1500)
score: 22480


Owner of:
WhitePeopleThings, Crime,
Mod of:

What I took as a post denigrating White belief in Christianity does not show how society is kept aloft.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=654794dd8b3a5

I got tossed as a mod for pinning a post about how anti-Christianity is destructive to our movement. I'm not going to tolerate it in my sub.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=654794dd8b3a5

WhitePeopleThings is supposed to be for posts contsining those things unique or especially connected to White people. How is this relevant to the elevation of White people? If you fail to answer this to my satisfaction, I am deleting the post.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=654794dd8b3a5

Valerie You have summoned me by placing something in my sub that doesn't seem to belong. How is this WhitePeopleThings? I'm not even certain she's White.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=6546880ace71b

Looks cool, but your name looks gay.

/v/all viewpost?postid=6521fbbe7507b

This is forum sliding. Off-topic nonsense. Of course, your better idea is to run and hide as noted in your other comment. Kike detected.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=62b06de8cd2fe

$1.5M isn't shit. We need to fight back and take back what is ours. Create a township and they will just come take it. You sound like a total kike spreading defeatism.

A bully pushes you, you don't just find a new spot to stand. You shove that fucker back or kick his ass.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=62b06de8cd2fe

But he's not factually incorrect and he admits it is now illegal.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=62b06de8cd2fe

He states they are called faggots because they will burn like a bundle of stick in hell.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=62b06de8cd2fe

The guy is a literal goat farmer and he is trying to help out a literal sheep farmer.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=62b06de8cd2fe

Well, I guess you can just go suck system's dick and watch the site continue to fail.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=625ad215c1ebc

So you want mods that do absolutely nothing. You gave no guidance. No feedback. I marked a couple of posts as gore. I pinned a post trying to point out the trolls. The trolls are killing the site.

**You are a fucking idiot. **

You ran off katharzo and now I understand why. You provide no backing, no presence. You didn't even have the decency to say something to me in private. I hear from other people.

I actually believe you are one of the trolls trying to test us.

**Choke on a dick.**

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=625b0fb8ec31e

No. I stated my case and stand by it. I'm confident in my motive.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=625ad215c1ebc

No. If I've been de-modded it's news to me.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=625ad215c1ebc

He caved. In what way did he not cave?

/v/news viewpost?postid=625ab53fcad08

You don't understand history. You don't understand the verse. It's nice that way. I can easily ignore any comment you might have. It's like a 5 year old giving life advice.

/v/religion viewpost?postid=6259639d4ad0d

*Somebody* never found his Easter basket.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=625aeeec3fb70

She's a hero. Fill her canteen account.

/v/JewishPrivilege viewpost?postid=625af93d22fde