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Member for: 1.8 years

scp: 488 (+963/-475)
ccp: 564 (+1041/-477)
votes given: 559 (+372/-187)
score: 1052


Sal_180 0 points 10 hours ago

2 posts up you say not to trust the media because they twist what she said. Now you want to blindly trust them as the Trump's running mate even though there's no suggestions from Trumps camp that she was considered. Ok.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=663564d968466

Sal_180 0 points 11 hours ago

Who said he was considering her?

/v/politics viewpost?postid=663564d968466

Sal_180 2 points 19 hours ago

Police would have come and arrested the palestinian protesters in a second

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=66353f22f378f

Sal_180 0 points 19 hours ago

Lol https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1633/7705/files/kristi_noem_arm_workout_480x480.jpg?v=1704242907

/v/politics viewpost?postid=663564d968466

Example of my anti American culture posts please?

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66322a53eb519

Answer my question first. You specifically said he named the jews

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66323f7ea8d20

Because they don't have enough land already

/v/Russia viewpost?postid=6631574676e86

I watched the whole video. Can someone please tell me where the word "jew", "jews" or "jewish" is said. He definitely dances around by saying "zionist" which is not naming anyone.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66323f7ea8d20

2 weeks was the attention span of the qtards

/v/VaxDeathDiscussion viewpost?postid=66327e477957e

Almost every post here is anti American

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66322a53eb519

Trump gave a big interview yesterday about how antisemitism is out of control and something needs to be done. At least the people are waking up

/v/videos viewpost?postid=663222f9dbc85

Also, I never threatened anyone with violence. Op is retarded

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66322a53eb519

Anyone you don't like is idf? Show me a pro Israel post I made

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66322a53eb519

Dead Russians, someone filmed it because it shows the real horror of war. People just hear of victories

/v/Russia viewpost?postid=6631574676e86

Tell yourself that. This is what war looks like

/v/Russia viewpost?postid=6631574676e86

We know why they're fighting, because Russia wants to take a piece of Ukraine

/v/Russia viewpost?postid=6631574676e86

Nice work. It doesn't show up unless you're logged into twitter. More Elon rules

/v/Russia viewpost?postid=6631574676e86

Of course, it's massively pro Trump so therefore pro Israel

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66303ebb26d5d

Lip service? Lol, sure. He definitely didn't increase funding to Israel, Obamas $38 billion package wasn't enough. Trump had to increase it. Also moving the American embassy to Jerusalem and give recognition to the Israeli claims that its capital is Jerusalem because Netanyahu asked him. More lip service? He says Israel should wipe out palestine, suppose its just lip service. Wonder if he wins the election will he go straight to Israel again? Probably more lip service according to you. Wonder if he'll put (((Kushner))) in charge of the Israel Palestinian peace process where they just talk to Israel, let them annex whatever Palestinian territory they want again, but hey, that's just lip service according to the retard Freeintex.

/v/MAGA viewpost?postid=662f973b29bd7

Not surprised you defend it. President candidate wants to suppress your right to speech because it's against Israel, but that's fine because its just "politics".

/v/MAGA viewpost?postid=662f973b29bd7

@FreeinTX going to defend him again

/v/MAGA viewpost?postid=662f973b29bd7

Did someone order a nothingburger? James is ready to serve. In 2 more weeks

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662c797990122