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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 316 (+359/-43)
ccp: 621 (+649/-28)
votes given: 13883 (+13730/-153)
score: 937


I was talking about the clip you stupid kebab nigger.

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=65af8c2c46052

Why is this nigger wearing a Chi-Rho ring? Let me guess, they were the real Christians and Jesus is black.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6597dabc52b0f

I get the impression that a call center is posting shit they want seen here, then downvoting everything else.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6591dde5c1fd2

They even steal white culture. If I were a nigger, I would feel really uncomfortable seeing all these adaptations that only highlight how black people have no culture and imagination.

This is why this makes it the perfect weapon against white people. Niggers have no shame and pride.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65867be14ac67

Looks like @rotteux really hurt your fee-fees, doesn't it?

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=657a174a9afda

She could probably make you a sandwich while riding her motorcycle.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=6546880ace71b

They already have an answer to that I'm sure.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64e1b6fb305e7

But... but, what about places where it's dark? Can we see the night from afar? And beyond all that, can we see the edges?

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64e1b6fb305e7

Buy me another pillow at 45% off(Trump 45), go back to sleep for another two weeks, and when you wake up, well... nothing will have changed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64de76d6efc30

Nigger fluid is not blood, no need for a gore tag.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64d6d4e02e434

This car is now good for scrap, the fetid smell of this nigger is now impregnated forever. Fuck I hate niggers, They ruin everyting.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64d6d4e02e434

It's a very good clip but it will never beat the cane pajeet one. That one was pure gold.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64d6d4e02e434

Still better than any jew trying to blend in with white people.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=64d2a321a00a8

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Little Capri Solo


/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=64cbd683a7865

Isn't that the old vintage washing machine you restored? Next time you should use genuine parts rather than used parts from Africa.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=64cb96b9d4855

What's that supposed to be, some kind of New York jewish humor? You can go fuck yourself with your beastie boys.

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=64c3e0d3ba727

And he probably has bad breath from wiping and eating with the same hand.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=64bd4deaefeac

This is what I was looking forward to but again the video was cut too soon.

/v/Soyboys viewpost?postid=64bbd821cc004

Oh shit! I had never thought about it.

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=64b91d874a9ca