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Member for: 2.0 years

scp: 7 (+7/-0)
ccp: 2618 (+2871/-253)
votes given: 2239 (+2227/-12)
score: 2625


"chronic traumatic encephalopathy"

dactyl dactyl trochee dactyl

very poetic phrase

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=65fc195e0b583


Fimally summody's sayinit!

Pencils be rayciss!

Water be rayciss!

Dirt be rayciss!"

/v/UnitedKingdom viewpost?postid=65fc1d11c8b6f

"Knotts was also a trained Shakespearean actor and won a Tony award for his portrayal of Othello."


/v/funny viewpost?postid=65f780fd27b1d

The "snakes" Saint Paddy drove out were
Ophite Gnostics.

In the form of the Rothschilds, they came back with a vengeance.

They believe the world is evil, but that they themselves may remain pure, regardless of how much they spur on that evil, and profit from the evils of others.

Global Satanic Communism was the fate of the World from the moment John Milton invented Satan out of scraps & snippets & insults in the Judeo-Catholic Bible.

Oops! Frau's pissed.

gotta go!

::: ::: :::

Beware of Zionist doomsday cults posing as something new.
It is no coincidence that The Great Awakening morphed from a Zionist's wet dream into a fulfillment of the wishes of the WEF, combined with a shitload of the same decades old propaganda with zero proof.

"But our buddies died fighting aliens in the tunnels!"
That's why they are dead.

The nigger slave hoax is only to hide most real slaves were and are Irish.

Y'all been compromised, again.

::: ::: :::

As long as the government & military are complicit in assisting foreign enemies of every type: evidence of perversions, parasitism, & predations will remain CLASSIFIED as a means of covering foreign enemy crimes.
QTHESTORMM dropped a hundred dead geese in the vicinity of my house, so that the Jew next door could call his stepson in the Press; just to show they're still in charge.

But anything & everything that exposes their real crimes & your righteous achievements is CLASSIFIED, so as to be easily disposed of, and forgotten forever.

Same Shit Salad, different dressing.


::: ::: :::

"Trust the Plan" went to shiTT, when we elucidated that it was fulfillment of the same Plan of the Learned Elders of Zion that even bastard Rothschild Adolf Hitler had the sense to oppose.

Here's a new Plan:

Have members of government vote to declassify everything involving organized criminal activity, crimes against humanity, & extraterrestrial, interdimensional & other Secret Society motivational bullshit.

If anyone votes NO: Shoot them in the back of the head, and leave them to rot, as a kindly advice to other politicians.

Call it "The Offer They Can't Refuse Plan."


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f6eafc804f2

Knew a woman who looked just like Robyn, who attempted thrice to murder me with a chain mace, whilst screaming:
"Satan! Get thee gone!" & such.
Same eyes. Most likely owing to similar chemical preferences.
Dollars to donuts, coroner will determine that Robyn had a ruined liver, owing to booze & drugs; moreover, that she had untreated walking pneumonia, leading to attempts at self-medicating, which led to toxic shock & sepsis.
They will say she overdosed on fentanyl-laced street drugs.
Actual cause of death, most likely, systemic destruction via coerced or forced injection with a bioweapon genetic toxin patented under one of the myriad subcategories of variety of CoronaVirus©.

It's not yer grandpappy's Spanish Flu anymore: It's Monkeypox Pride Bat Soup Flu Surprise. (the surprise is Hemorrhagic Fever, HIV, AIDS, even Ebola, if you live that long. Then ya may get super duper cancer. But, whether you don't die from the nanites forming a white polymer map of your circulatory system, and you don't get VAIDS, and you don't come down with some lab-created third world disease; you've got Valzheimer's to look forward to: It's like vaccine AIDS, but with prions that'll rot your brain, which nothing can stop, not even fire."

Factoid: If beef infected with prions is cooked even to the point of being burned to a crisp, until no trace of anything similar to meat remains, the prions remain intact.
Forty years from now, two people who are unrelated to anyone "vaxxed" with that evil crap, will bump into each other, accidentally, and exchange a mutually lethal prion residue, each become demented until death, merely via encountering microscopic particles on a relatively clean park bench.

Warp speed, indeed.

::: ::: :::

Unless it's all a FF TT Holo-Hoax designed to catch evildoers with their pants down; in the Apocalyptic genocidal equivalent to Inflagrante dilecto, in order to have a coverstory to have innocent, naive, even nescient folks distracted by flashing lights, to keep them from running back into a burning theater.
It is the hardest fact of all, that those who desire to commit genocide, be allowed to commit a bit of genocide; both to display their sincere intentions to so do; and to justify the actions of the Righteous, in putting them to death, not silly & willy nilly, like the television Third Reich; but honestly, honorably, and with paramount integrity.
As it was, is, and shall be:

So Mote It Be.

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=65f430d82ec10

He's still around?

Well that certainly may explain who's been downvoting me.

The old adage: "Scheiße oder gib's auf vom Pot!" doesn't mean much, when ya got a hugenormous Anonymous turd di tutti turdorem halfway out, with no paper left on the role, eh?

Feels like 1999 all over again. Or 2001.

Nothing to see here! Nope! Nada!

I'll just move along!

(moves along)

{{{{{{hands in pockets, whistling}}}}}}

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=65f3e3a3a4e9f

🐈 💥 💥 💥 💨 #driveby

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f25e210c4e0

Whoever downvoted moi is gonna get the skittery trots, then completely shit themself to death, if i come around to giving a living fuck.
It's not like i even care, in the least.
Yet i've been feeling like casting a good ole fashion Death Hex, like back in the day.
Until such hour as we opt to strike: beware.
Keep in mind for how little you died.
What a senseless waste of human life.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f25e210c4e0

Haven't looked into it in years, and was not fully attuned to the puppet threads at that time, owing to the distractions of Arab Spring; but was aware at that time that the same slave-trade deceptions as surrounded that earthquake in Haiti that linked GHW Bush & Bill Clinton in a massive fundraiser.
Moreover, a week before Hurricane Sandy occurred, further to the east in the Atlantic, a tropical storm grew to a Category 5 hurricane within a day; then it moved north, then east, then south, then east, then dissipated. Knew immediately, that someone was testing Storm Warfare tech. ... Week later, European Weather service says: "There is a tropical storm near Cuba that will strengthen to a Category 5 hurricane, then, in 10 days, will hit New York City at low tide, flooding the subways, yadayadayada.
Whenever really evil cannibalistic troglodytes are going to establish roots in an area, they burn a town down then rebuild it.
San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, & Washington DC, have all been burned to the ground then rebuilt. But most precious city of all to the post-Viking Scandinavian Slave Trade German Jews, was and is New Amsterdam. A town so nice they named it twice & burned it down thrice, counting the hurricane damage repair concentration that put in place much of what has recently been somewhat managed.
It is possible that the draft riots, protesting that Ape Lincoln's illegal Emancipation Proclamation, was among the primary objections in starting the Civil War. The Nigger Abolitionist Republican Party was so successful at piling on the bullshit, that nobody knew or everyone forgot, that it was the White Native Americans east of the Mississippi, then later the Irish, who have been the core of the Slave Trade connected with Mohammedan filth.
So, after Arab Spring, Obama had his Black Muslim connections tied in with the Muslim Brotherhood; and they needed to establish roots. Flood New York, New York (Ivar the Boneless King of Dublin's New Amsterdam).

Significant point in Hurricane Sandy stuff was Chris Christie sucking Obama's dick dry, indicating the Sicilians & Irish mob were behind whatever was going on.

Hurricane Sandy;

Sandy Hook (to show they still had the means to sell children they had the Press pretend had been mass murdered);

And then you have:
Sandy From the Block,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Sandra Goldbergbaumsteinwhatever:
Grew up a wealthy New York Jewish American Princess, emigrated to Mexico, immigrated to America full of gawk-eyed wonder & an uncanny skill of saying just the most specifically retarded things at just the right times.
AOC came later; but is part of the Bernie Sanders Revolution, out of which came Seth Rich, by whom Democrat Party computers were utilized for data going to Wikileaks; and then sent to Ukraine for safe keeping, where White Hat agents gleaned everything they could.

Sandy Hook was a deep cover international law enforcement operation, masquerading as an unspeakable atrocity. Did any children die via slavery? Ask Jamal Khashoggi.

Bored now.






/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f25e210c4e0

hadn't intended to fight that tranny nigger Balrog today.

suppose it has to be done sometime.

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=65f07c65ed337

Forgetting is not retarded, but occasionally efficient.
One cannot know everything at once.
At least not with human neurological limitations, even utilizing the peripheral nervous system for supplemental sentience, memory storage, & psychic perception.

Never got around to reading The Turner Diaries.
Knew a Jew who was wigged out about them. Some folks have always worried that what they did to others would be done to them; but they pushed it & pushed it, so now who really knows where it's all gonna go?

Had a perfect huge peach tree that bore hundeds of peaches. Allowed him & his adult son to pick some peaches.
Soon after, the tree split down the middle. Next year, tree got leaf rot.
Never bore fruit well afterwards.
Mysterious business.

But i ramble.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ef3d6b97939


Snarked before i looked.


/v/news viewpost?postid=65ee761be0e34

Of course, they're not counting nigger nations, which are naturally unhappy because niggers.
They're only counting nations who have become unhappy because niggers.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65ee761be0e34

"OMG! OMG! Sumody hep dat nigger!"

Blazing Saddles
(1974)(full film)

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65ee72c88070f

M'man Vlad!

Had a Malkavian whisper send me here!

Neat meme!

/v/WhitePower viewpost?postid=65ee713e852c7

There will come a time when prisons will be unnecessary, because everyone will know rape, molestation, yadayadayada, etcetera will be punished immediately by death.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=65e59a572cab2

"The ruthless yet mindless dictatorship of the systematically apathetic, randomly hysterical, arbitrarily vengeful, lowest common denominator:

Bread, circus, fetish; freak-show 'BOO!"

- Virgil 'Boogerfinger' Smnottwrangler.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=65e4f6d9ad3e9

RotFL !...!...!

ClubberLang bustin a move !...!...!

licemonkey just sorta bobbin boppin!

Mensa must be fun!

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65d663404bf87

All this nignog BS, from the ridiculous boogeyman myth of nigger slaves (from 17 ships owned by a handful of (((families))) working for 15 years, between 1850 to 1865, during which time the importing of Africans for slavery WAS FEDERALLY ILLEGAL SINCE 1812) to every "ah cahnt breef!" FF FBI BLM BS; is all the reason why the FBI & (((ADL))) proclaim the greatest problem in America is White Supremacism, both in the form of women & children who do not desire to be ravished by savages; as well as EVERY PERSON WHO REMEMBERS THAT 1986 WAS THE FIRST YEAR THIRD WORLD NIGGERS BEGAN TO WEAR HUMAN CLOTHING SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME. Also when sheboons began to wear the hair of human women as a hat, like scalps collected by some other style savages.


Moreover: Cease kvetching about black face while every other nigger is bleached and painted in imitation of human women, as well as WEARING HUMAN HAIR AS A HAT IN OVERT RACIAL AND CULTURAL APPROPRIATION. Human women grow that natural from their head. Y'all look like apes wearing gunny sacks on your heads.


Give them each a bus ticket back to Wakanda. Parasitic predatory subhuman shit. Let them all be lost at sea, and silenced from spouting their (((bullshit)))

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=65d436bb11489

6 Tigers = 55 Tabbies = 17 Lions

::: ::: :::

Y'all ever hear of 100 geese struck by lightning, midair, and falling over a quarter square mile area?

@QTHESTORMM is not fuQing around.

Also just DOXXXed m'self.

Situation is under control.







/v/Israel viewpost?postid=65d4196916a3d