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Member for: 1.4 years

scp: 6 (+13/-7)
ccp: 1878 (+3258/-1380)
votes given: 7694 (+5506/-2188)
score: 1884


Yup. I hardly bother with this place anymore. Same with gab.

Fuck you all.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=65e72c5154ad4

Fuck your freedom.

You will do what's right. In truth lies your freedom.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65dfb9bd8f1fc

Okay, you're an anarchist. I am your worst enemy. Die for your fucking sins.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65dfc9ab3f42b

Nope, not jewish at all, but your defense of sexual immorality has been noted and you'll fucking die for your sins.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=65d9202f3d050

>Yeah. People have sex.


Fucking imbecile. Women have sex, sluts and hostiles fuck outside of marriage.

White women are almost all hostiles by definition. To Hell with them.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=65d9202f3d050

>White women are still most loyal


If that were true, then they wouldn't be fucking until they're married.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=65d9202f3d050

Aka: Sea of traitors.

Drones give zero fucks.

/v/UpliftingNews viewpost?postid=65d9e6adb2158

Which are inherently Christian, exactly as God intended.

/v/UpliftingNews viewpost?postid=65d9e6adb2158

Smith machine? Only problem with that idea is I'd rather have a free range of motion. Smith machines have the same problem as the machine I'm using now. It's one set path, and no, absolutely zero, deviation. That's not how bodies move. Now, I haven't ever *used* a smith machine, but I would think things like deadlifts and bench pressing would be... "Interesting".

/v/PimsGym viewpost?postid=65d8829520293

Heard of them, yes. Haven't bought anything yet, gotta have my own house first.

/v/PimsGym viewpost?postid=65d8829520293

Heard of them, yes. Haven't bought anything yet, gotta have my own house first.

/v/PimsGym viewpost?postid=65d8829520293

Yup. Never *ever* understood the concert thing. Then the stage queers do all these weird movements and try to make a show of it. It's just strange. I listen to plenty of music, I enjoy it, but you won't catch me at a concert or watching a music video or anything.

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=65d8a4f927ec9

Just follow the Crusaders' and Inquisition's example and you'll be fine. Listening to a modern-day Christian pastor/priest/overrated dumbass is like watching a modern-day Italian try to act like Rome is still alive and well.

These so-called Christians are shadows of what men once were. Freely disregard them. Pay attention to what Christians of old believed and fought for.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=65d8fa0b3332c

Yup. Greg Doucette, Athlean-X guy, Sean Nalewanyj (straight up kind of guy), Jeff Nippard, and some of the Renaissance Periodization jewish guy. Watch all their stuff, and you'll be pretty well rounded in your knowledge of lifting, what to do, why do it what way, and all that.

/v/PimsGym viewpost?postid=65d8829520293

>1- that isnt "dancing"

Makes no difference to me whether it's that weird cringe robotic shit or if it's the tango or whatever. It's weird.

>2- You're supposed to have a partner. makes it way less gay.

Twice the cringe, double the gay.

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=65d8a4f927ec9

I hate that troll-faced bitch so much. Fucking annoying to look at and listen to.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65d8edb28876b

>Encouragement of interracial relations

>Encouragement of sexual assault

Summary execution. You can always kill yourself.

/v/Women viewpost?postid=65d897b769eea

"Women" below 50, from what I've seen, are basically worthless cunts.

/v/Women viewpost?postid=65d897b769eea

$1000 will get you all you need.

A bar and 300lbs of weight as well as a simple power rack/cage.

/v/PimsGym viewpost?postid=65d8829520293

Which would bother me to no end...

I wish I had a bar and power rack/cage. All I've got right now is a Marcy MWM980 machine thing and it just ain't the same. Tears up my right shoulder doing chest press too. The handles just don't sit right for how I'm built I guess. Never had a problem benching with a bar.

/v/PimsGym viewpost?postid=65d8829520293

Idk. I've never understood dancing in general. Seems really gay for a guy to do it. I guess it's tolerable for a woman to, but even then... Why? I just don't get it.

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=65d8a4f927ec9

Never understood the point of dancing.

Seems pretty gay.

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=65d8a4f927ec9