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Nigger     (packaged-media.redd.it)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 7 months ago


The time I asked a crossdresser what it was     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 7 months ago


This might not be such a shocking story considering how many sexual predator trannies are out in the world now, but this happened sometime between 1998- 2000 and there weren't many. You sure as fuck didn't see them on tv and they weren't promoted anywhere.

I used to be very militantly anti-smoking. To an extent I still am and will say something or give someone shit about it if they're doing it in a place they shouldn't or they just smell like ass, but back then I would take public ashtrays and throw them off buildings and shit. One of my big problems with it was how smokers just throw their butts everywhere. People smoked a lot more then so during the day, walking to work, lunch, home, etc you'd see hundreds of butts and it was goddamn disgusting. Worse than that was having to walk through a cloud of smoke to get into a building. You're breathing in smoke that has already been in someone's diseased body.

Anyway, I was coming home and I saw a huge disgusting crossdresser throwing it's butt right on the front steps of my building as I started walking up the stairs. The thing was bigger than me, which made it look even more ridiculous, like when a [football player puts on a dress and wig](https://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/11700000/Revenge-of-the-Nerds-1984-revenge-of-the-nerds-11734272-950-534.jpg) for a joke. I immediately stopped it and asked it what the fuck it was doing.

In a faggoty falsetto it said it was just throwing it away. I told it I lived here, don't litter where I live. "What do you want me to do with it?" the sick fuck asked.

"Pick. It. Up. and put it in your pocket until you find a garbage can." Of course, being a pedophile, it was wearing a dress with no pockets so I told it to just hold it until it finds one. Even funnier because I'm big but, like I said, it was bigger than me.

and the sick fuck did it. I pointed at the ground and it meekly bent over, picked it up and carried it in its child-raping hands. As it was walking away I asked "What the fuck are you, anyway?"

I have a pretty good idea which neighbor that sick fuck was going to see but that's another story.
I AM NOT AN IMMIGRANT     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 7 months ago


Let's stop that 'we're all immigrants' bullshit right now. Not all of us. My ancestors came over on the first boat (yes, *that* one) and landed on the coast of a battlefield and fought for every inch, every day to make the land our own. My family fought invaders not once, but twice and though I'm not related to anyone that signed the Declaration or the Constitution, we helped give them a place to sign it.

We fought the indians and then the British. We built our own homes and nigger slaves had nothing to do with it. None of them were anywhere near those of us that actually built this country.

I belong here. jews and niggers are the invaders. This is MY country, not yours. I'm not an immigrant.
Nigger that didn't belong there in the first place is 9/11ed years later     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by NuckFiggers to Niggers 7 months ago


Smelly Niggers     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 8 months ago


I've always had a much stronger sense of smell than I should and that's not a good thing. Most scents people don't even notice make me gag.

And then we come to niggers

The best nigger scent is overly perfumed, cheap powdery stuff you'd get at the clearance aisle at Walgreens. Most times they reek of stanky sweat. Not normal human sweat, it's more like the dirtiest animal at a farm. Go to the zoo and you'll get the same scent from the dirty corner of the animal cage. This is the average nigger smell

Other times they smell like literal shit. So many niggers smell like porto potties left in the hot sun all afternoon. I can't understand how anyone can be around them. Maybe Asians have more developed senses of smell than most (I'm White, not Asian) because they are always holding their noses. Does everyone else have clogged sinuses? How can anyone stand being around niggers? They *reek*.

and then there are the nigger women. Maybe for other niggers it's not so bad, but naked they must smell even worse. How can anyone be with a negress and not vomit constantly?

If you've ever been to a school in a nigger area, holy fuck. It turns my stomach. They had an abandoned nigger school in the city I used to live in that still smelled of nigs despite being closed years before
Trannies     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 8 months ago


Trannies are sexual predators. By going out in public pretending to be a woman and, worse, demanding people treat them as a woman, they are forcing people to play a part in their masturbatory fantasies. Leftists have said such behavior (forcing people to play a part in anything sexual) is rape or at the very least, sexual assault.

While watching videos of the outcome of the 2020 election and all the 'men' that voted for Hilary Clinton, I realized they are really women. In fact a lot of people pretending to be men are really women- males that have a lot of tattoos, vote for Bernie Sanders or consider homosexuality legitimate. They are all women.

At least trannies have stopped pretending to be otherwise. I'd rather have a woman that is a freakish mutilated mess than one that by all other aspects appears to be male.
Toll paid/Women shouldn't work/Gentle Giant/Gud boy     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 8 months ago


This one has it all
Don't Forget     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 9 months ago


I've been watching news reports about poor little stores getting robbed by niggers who are now doing coordinated smash and grabs where they loot the store for tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. *Now* they are acting like the crime is out of control.

At the same time those poor little rich pedophilic actors are whining because they signed contracts giving their likenesses over to jews who are now recreating it in AI without paying them. Those poor little rapists are going to be out of work and can't get paid for pretending anymore.

Remember all of them were the ones standing up for jews and the nigger hordes and scolding everyone that spoke out against it. Now that it is affecting them, they really expect everyone else to give a fuck and help them.

Fuck them. Let it all rot.
Why I'm racist     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 9 months ago


There are a lot of reasons but beyond the natural hatred of niggers I've always felt there was something else.

Right now mainstream society is disgusting and immoral on every level. Every ad, television show, movie, school program, job, etc in some way promotes this disgustingness so it's near impossible to escape it. Any rational person would see it is being pushed at you constantly. A normal person would question it because it has gone far beyond any attempt at subtlety.

By disgustingness I'm not just talking about beastiality but also pedophilia, promiscuousness, dishonesty, lack of modesty, lack of honor, incest and every sexual degeneracy you can imagine. I'm against the filth pushed in this society so I hate it. Niggers are just a fraction of that so I hate them as well.

Who is doing this? The obvious answer is jews but to those that are blind I would say the rich, the powerful, the people in charge. It is obvious they want you to love niggers, either literally or vicariously through media. They want you not just accepting of pedophilia/faggotry, they want you to consider yourself an 'ally' (a condescending term).

At best, niggers are another species. In general they are a plague on humanity and have been since their cursed species first interacted with humans. This much is obvious. If you deny this you're blind. Smarter people then I have researched and found niggers to be another species. The stupidest people in the world can see they're born criminals.

Yet still they are worshiped. Despite that they are shown constantly on media people believe they are rebellious or standing out when they worship niggers. In today's sick society you are told you are fighting the system by doing exactly what the system tells you to.

If I didn't hate niggers for all the reasons I listed above, I hate them for the fact that society loves them. I can't detach myself completely from society (for all those yOu CaN gO tO a CaBiN iN tHe WoOdS people-save it) but I can hate it's message and right now loving niggers (and pedophilia/faggotry)is the main tenet of society.

I want to be as far as possible from that.

And racism is natural. Hatred of evil is healthy. Only a sick society wants the opposite.

So I hate them.
If the things you are doing in front of kids     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 10 months ago


would get you called to HR if you were doing them in front of a woman at work

You are a pedophile
Proposal to call troons     (Troons)

submitted by NuckFiggers to Troons 1.1 years ago


I propose we call shehes Adrian Hales and heshes Anderson Aldrichs because

- This reminds everyone that every trannie is a mass killer waiting to happen

- It associates dickcutters and zippertits with mass murder

- It's a whole hell of a lot easier than Female-to-male and male-to-female so people have to stop and figure it out.

- It keeps the killers' names alive (I noticed they are already trying to scrub the name of the heshe and the real name of the shehe.

- It warns kids of their dangers and to keep away
Leftists are pedophiles     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 1.1 years ago


A while ago Reddit did a social experiment to keep kids from another sub. To do this they blocked every member of a subreddit for teenagers and said they were too young to go to that sub. Problem was, they were kids and had no idea what was going on. The mass banning caused a backlash on on further inspection they found that thousands of people much older than teenagers were hanging out on the r/teenagers sub. Not just hanging out but trying to pick them up, flirting and being overly sexual with people they thought were as young as 13 or 14. Reddit is a very, VERY leftists site. If you even whisper something not left of center you are blocked from it.

When Epstein's island was finally revealed to the public it was shown that most of his visitors were leftists. Not just politicians but all the celebrities and business owners that were publicly leftist enjoyed fucking young kids.

The awkward, pillow loving, obese autist that lives in his elderly parents' basement and masturbates to cartoon porn of kids certainly isn't right wing.

Not to mention leftists are publicly pushing to rebrand childfuckers.

They will call you the worst names they can think of like Nazi or rAcIsT (duh, no shit) but they will never call you a pedophile because a) they know they are and b) they don't think that's a bad thing.
Here's what to remember about the school shootings     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 1.1 years ago


As we watch the coverage and read the crocodile tears in opeds by liberal rags there are a few things to think about.

First- they don't give a fuck about kids. Not one tiny little pebble shit. These people are gladly sacrificing their kids not just on untested vaccines marketed by psychopaths and pedophiles, but they are pushing infants into the arms of known child rapists dressed as women.

When a white child was thrown off the Mall of America no one said a word. When a child was shot by a beast while playing in his front yard it barely registered. As a former child that regularly went to school visibly bruised I remember how teachers would look away so I wouldn't catch them looking because hen they'd have to do something. I remember how my cunt of a mother screamed at my rageaholic father to hit me harder. That same cunt later mewled to a friend how she 'would do anything for her kids'

It's all theater. All of it. If they actually gave a fuck they would do a lot more than send their kids to school with known pedophiles and sitting amongst niggerlings who are not only prone to violence, but it doesn't even get noted. The leavings of parents that tell their chimps that they should attack white children and then they scream about it when someone raises their voice. Parents know this and don't care.

Of course it's not about kids. These are people that sacrifice their kids to known childfuckers. Now they are giving them to jews to take guns. They don't even care about getting rid of guns- just all guns except those owned by niggers.

If thise weren't true they would do something to stop the nigger crime wave currently in its second (third?) year. They haven't done one goddamn thing except hope it doesn't hit them so they won't have to question their nigger worshiping beliefs.

and they won't tell you the recent shooter is a boy groomed by those same parents in the first paragraph. A poor boy so confused and molested by adults that he didn't know what to do.

I'm not even a gun guy, though I support gun rights. But it's not about guns. It's about people with empty lives desperate to find something, anything, to give them purpose and ecstatic about the chance to yell over everyone else that THEY CARE MORE. It's bullshit. Don't believe it. It's just to make them feel better about themselves.
Boon admits it doesn't know what it's doing and has a gibs job that pays too much, doesn't question it and gets upset when it's fired     (archive.fo)

submitted by NuckFiggers to Niggers 1.2 years ago


Holy fuck, spics are lazy     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 1.2 years ago


My office faces a large yard area and every week or so spics come to take care of it. Usually they set up a post with all their mowers, equipment, etc but today they did it right outside my window. It's like having a bunch of beaners chatting right next to me.

They are supposed to be cutting the grass and doing all the outdoor bullshit and I've seen them fuck around before but I've never been so close to watch exactly how much. When they arrived it took half an hour just to get out of the truck to even get the equipment out. In that half hour they stayed seated, chatted, some got out, pulled up their pants, dropped garbage on the ground, talked some more, looked at their phones, picked the garbage up, looked at their phones, dropped the garbage again, etc. All before even starting to work.

When they actually do work they come back minutes later and spend even longer by the truck, drinking massive gas station drinks, playing the radio and talking. It has been *hours* though we don't have that much ground. It should take about half an hour with a crew that size.

I know the 'Spics work hard/do the work Americans won't' boomer cope is bullshit but holy fuck are they lazy fat fucks. Because they are such lazy fucks my work is interrupted all day by motors right outside my window rather than the hour or so it should logically take.

and I say this as someone that had a job doing yard work when I was much younger. I'd say I don't know how they don't get fired but it's because their hermanos, tios and primos are all their coworkers and it's not about trabajo it's about familia
Nigger nigs, escalates the situation     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by NuckFiggers to Niggers 1.2 years ago


Here we see a sheboon sitting in her car doing nothing in a parking lot known for having cars broken into. Cop asks for its ID and it explodes. While it doesn't have to give its ID it worsens the situation by eeking and ooking until the cop has to take action.

This is a perfect example of how nigs always antagonize a situation and make it worse for themselves. Remember, cops kneel for niggers. They protect them. They are on their side and even then nigs escalate it until they are arrested.

You'll also hear that despite the millions (billions?) spent on educating primitive nigs it still can't speak proper English even as an adult. How many children were cheated out of an education because this ape was up to monkeyshines rather than learning how to speak like a human
Niggers are actually kind of amazing     (Niggers)

submitted by NuckFiggers to Niggers 1.2 years ago


I hate wasps but I think they're kind of well made insects

Sharks are motherfuckers but surviving that long with so little evolution? Good for you, sharks

Spics are fat, lazy, stupid motherfuckers but for a small window their women can be hot as shit

But niggers? They are loud, ugly, stupid. They smell. They are greasy and scummy. The females of the species are a mockery of everything feminine. It's like they are anti feminine. I've never known a creature that offends all of your senses at the same time while making you nauseous as well. I don't like wasps, sharks or spics, but at least they have something good about them. Niggers are like if God wanted to create a completely useless, vile, purposeless animal. That in itself is amazing. Finding a species that don't offer any use is amazing.
jews jewing the dead     (en.wikipedia.org)

submitted by NuckFiggers to Jews 1.3 years ago


>The operators of the cemetery were accused on more than one occasion of destroying graves and discarding human remains to make room for new burials.

Even jews aren't safe from jewing jews
Thoughts About Stereotypes     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 1.4 years ago


Earlier today I watched a spic crew load up a hand truck. They looked at the supplies, talked, moved the supplies around, finally put them on the handcart, stopped and talked, played on their phones, looked at the supplies, put the rest of them on, played on their phones, looked at the full cart, talked, looked at the cart some more, moved the supplies off the cart, looked at them moved them back, looked at the full cart again, moved the cart, stopped and talked again, finally moved the cart slooooowly and it made me think about the other taco crews I've seen and how they would do a dozen other things before actually doing any work and when they finally did work it was interminably slow.

Then I thought of the niggers I knew that did nothing but speak at a shouting volume, brag constantly and beat women when they were rejected or steal and then wonder why people hated them and whine about racism after people react to their shitty behavior.

I thought about the kike kids in school and how one had a secret market selling porno mags at school and another would draw naked women and erect penises over everyone's textbooks when they weren't looking. I thought about how those kids would always go to the teacher and tattle at the slightest opportunity just to make themselves look good.

and I thought about how stereotypes exist for a reason
That time Reddit tried to get a childkiller's case thrown out because it was a nigger     (archive.ph)

submitted by NuckFiggers to MeanwhileOnReddit 1.5 years ago


Nigger movie     (Niggers)

submitted by NuckFiggers to Niggers 1.5 years ago


I used to watch those gore Faces of Death movies on VHS before anything like it was online. I can't say I really enjoyed them, it was more shock and disgust. That was the same attitude I had going in to watching Precious.

For those lucky enough to have never heard of it, Precious is a film about a fat gorilla that goes to an alternative school. If you've been around niggers nothing in this film will shock you. It was clearly made for sheltered liberal women who, as much as they are obsessed with them, have never really been around niggers. Throughout the movie the gorilla fights in class, steals fried chicken and vomits from eating too much. In many ways it's worse than any gore movie. The scariest thing is the constant butchering of language so it's almost hard to keep up. There are singular words used when they should be plural, plurals where they should be singular and I don't think the gorilla has ever heard of conjunctions.

The main point of this movie is to show how terribly niggers live, which should come as no surprise to anyone. The father fucks the daughter, the mother is an abusive welfare cheat and the nigger males do nothing but chimpout and laze through their lives. The most shocking thing about this movie is how so many liberals were fascinated by it, though it is well known niggers live so pathetically.

Though she can't even sound out letters and can't read, the gorilla gets an award for her studies and even a check from the mayor, all paid for by my taxes.

One thing that did surprise me about this nigger movie is that Mariah Carey is actually a good actor. She plays a kike though.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 1.6 years ago


Great movie and amazing book, even if written by a major fucking hippie.

The message is you're labeled crazy for going against authoritarianism. Kind of strange given today's political society.

I doubt any of us is unaware of how the liberals have become the violent authoritarians. I wonder if they still acknowledge their movie or do they pretend it doesn't exist the way Disney denies Song of the South. Now right minded people are the bold, counter culture patients arguing with authority.
Little jews play with their best friend     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 1.6 years ago


Your grandkids will be white     (Whitepill)

submitted by NuckFiggers to Whitepill 1.7 years ago


Think about it- how many blacker than shit niggers have you seen? I've seen maaaaybe two in several years. One was a clear refugee they forced on us and one was in the jury pool when I got called (he didn't make it haha). For all the jew talk of 'your kids are gonna be brown!' it's more like niggers kids are going to be white. I've seen a number of Barely Niggers lately where I had to stop and look again to make sure. They are losing themselves more than white people.

and the fact that both casual studies like dating apps and more scientific studies (http://sf.oxfordjournals.org/content/89/3/807.abstract) proves this. In addition- niggers not only beat, but kill their kids- not abort in utero- murder their already born children far more than whites do (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886901000290).

Another little white pill- all I've said about niggers goes for jews to a lesser degree, though I doubt they murder their kids at such a rate.

If the world does get that melted crayola sludgy brown people jews always masturbate about, it's will be much, much whiter than they think.

97 percent of men will not fuck niggers. Personally I think that's too low, but it's still a good number.
If you could get rid of one thing     (whatever)

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 1.7 years ago


Which would it be?

CPAP Machines- If you are so fat it stops you from breathing you should just suffocate. You made that choice.

Mobility scooters for the fat- The same but for being too fat to walk. Barring a handicap, you made the choice to be that fat. Without these two fat people wouldn't live that long. Instead we see cartoonish sized people still functioning like it's no big deal.

or Smart phones. Cell phones not connected to the internet can still exist. Therefore no dating apps, no tracking apps, no watching you tube constantly.

and no "I wOulD cHoOsE tHiS iF i CoUlD..." NO. No caveats. Choose one and they're gone. Personally I would get rid of all three if I could.