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Here's what to remember about the school shootings

submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 1.2 yearsMar 27, 2023 23:33:41 ago (+3/-0)     (whatever)

As we watch the coverage and read the crocodile tears in opeds by liberal rags there are a few things to think about.

First- they don't give a fuck about kids. Not one tiny little pebble shit. These people are gladly sacrificing their kids not just on untested vaccines marketed by psychopaths and pedophiles, but they are pushing infants into the arms of known child rapists dressed as women.

When a white child was thrown off the Mall of America no one said a word. When a child was shot by a beast while playing in his front yard it barely registered. As a former child that regularly went to school visibly bruised I remember how teachers would look away so I wouldn't catch them looking because hen they'd have to do something. I remember how my cunt of a mother screamed at my rageaholic father to hit me harder. That same cunt later mewled to a friend how she 'would do anything for her kids'

It's all theater. All of it. If they actually gave a fuck they would do a lot more than send their kids to school with known pedophiles and sitting amongst niggerlings who are not only prone to violence, but it doesn't even get noted. The leavings of parents that tell their chimps that they should attack white children and then they scream about it when someone raises their voice. Parents know this and don't care.

Of course it's not about kids. These are people that sacrifice their kids to known childfuckers. Now they are giving them to jews to take guns. They don't even care about getting rid of guns- just all guns except those owned by niggers.

If thise weren't true they would do something to stop the nigger crime wave currently in its second (third?) year. They haven't done one goddamn thing except hope it doesn't hit them so they won't have to question their nigger worshiping beliefs.

and they won't tell you the recent shooter is a boy groomed by those same parents in the first paragraph. A poor boy so confused and molested by adults that he didn't know what to do.

I'm not even a gun guy, though I support gun rights. But it's not about guns. It's about people with empty lives desperate to find something, anything, to give them purpose and ecstatic about the chance to yell over everyone else that THEY CARE MORE. It's bullshit. Don't believe it. It's just to make them feel better about themselves.

2 comments block

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 28, 2023 01:43:23 ago (+1/-0)

It's good to remember that on some level they know this as well. Which means it's a good angle of argumentative attack in the event you need to put a no guns faggot in their place.

[ - ] NuckFiggers [op] 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 28, 2023 02:53:17 ago (+1/-0)

It's never to stop the tragedy or crime. It's how to exploit it to benefit them. Everything from floods to the bad economy to molested kids shooting up other kids. They don't want to stop it, they just want to exploit it.