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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 2 (+2/-0)
ccp: 12 (+14/-2)
votes given: 118 (+117/-1)
score: 14


It is the language adopted by Satan's chosen people though.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=65a555104a456

He was a Chaldean. He predated Israel as Israel was his grandson, the second child born from his son Isaac. Jacob (birth name, later changed to Israel by God) was the father of all the tribes of Israel. One of those tribes was Judah, "jew" is used as a shortened form of this sometimes. Although to my knowledge the proper term for being of the tribe of Judah would be Judahite.

Another source for 'jew' could be some one that lived in the southern kingdom of Judah after it split with Israel, there were two or three of the twelve tribes in that kingdom. Although I believe the correct term to appeal to a person living in that country would be Judean.

the tribe of Judah and the kingdom that split off from Israel called Judah did not exist until long after Abraham was dead. There were no jews in Abrahams day including Abraham himself. With all that said it looks likely that those calling themselves jews today were Edomites from the land of Caanan and the religion they practiced didnt exist until the Babylonian exile of Israel.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65705d7e3eb0e

Agreed, I hate this kiked bullshit we have to deal with.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=656e28754d573

Damn, I fully expected those gooks to sprout antennae out of their heads.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=656e657310375

Your videos are so much fun. Thank you for your efforts black Crimes Matter.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=656d27589ce53

Amen, great news on the new addition! Assuming everyone involved is white, otherwise, suck start a shot gun for me.

Hopefully she will give you even more to come in the future. Congratulations faggot.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641116828ee13

Pump the brakes a little, we don't wanna overstate the case.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=640a53d9a27c0

Silver is the second most versatile commodity. Only oil has more uses. While gold is rarer in the earth (earth has 8 ounces of silver per ounce of gold) silver is rarer above ground. In other words it has more uses than gold and there is less refined silver that we can grab off of a shelf.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=624c7c701a987

you believe in God but don't like the idea that he is the designer of the universe?

/v/science viewpost?postid=61c345e29ba68

Good point on the fasting heart rate. I have been reading a lot on the subject and one thing sounds right and then I will read another experienced guy that contradicts other experienced folks and he makes as much sense as the others. Lately I've just started wondering how much of my "knowledge" is bro-science that I haven't questioned.

/v/PimsGym viewpost?postid=60e90e1cf0087

does it matter much if I do cardio before or after lifting? I figure before would help warm up but don't know if there are other benefits to doing it afterward instead.

/v/PimsGym viewpost?postid=60e90e1cf0087