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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 520 (+535/-15)
ccp: 821 (+849/-28)
votes given: 2248 (+2216/-32)
score: 1341

Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

5 submissions to PureFuckingKikery
5 submissions to Memes
2 submissions to Controlavirus
2 submissions to Australia
2 submissions to Niggers
Voting habits

Submissions: This user has upvoted 705 and downvoted 3 submissions
Comments: This user has upvoted 1511 and downvoted 29 comments
Submission ratings

5 highest rated submissions
Conversing 85 points
Christmas Gifts for my Fam50 points
You made me a better person45 points
The long HONK!33 points
Consistency of the State 28 points
5 lowest rated submissions
Scientific Conclusion-4 points
Edward Coon Looks good for a 150 yo faggot0 points
Kike? or no kike0 points
The 41 year old reddit coomer1 points
Niggerdogs2 points