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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 98 (+107/-9)
ccp: 36 (+36/-0)
votes given: 69 (+69/-0)
score: 134


Mac is trash. Everything that needs to be done on that faggot OS needs Apple's approval, as the top one which I can remember is 32Bit support. That kike company simply axed the code, making all the old apps obsoleted. Then now they shifted to ARM trash which makes old x86 code slowly die out once their transition is done.

Then you have the biggest elephant in the room, BGA trash hardware, everything is fucking soldered. You pay $1500+ for a pile of shit which you cannot even service, SSD, RAM, CPU, GPU all are soldered, Keyboard is glued hard. Battery as well, so you pay more always and get less performance. All the Starbucks Soy Chugging faggots love this shitty company and their trash products because of consumerism.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62306db6ecb23

My little historic nostalgia rundown, could be having some errors sorry for them.


Well as their NFO states, CODEX started from 2014. But before that and during that we had Razor1911, FLT, SKIDROW, RELOADED which are the top tier groups. RLD has an sub group called PROPHET who released full game copies with all DLC they were very unique, nobody did that. RLD cracking was also very top, SKIDROW too, if you see their old NFOs esp AC Unity, both of these groups fought over the best techniques. And SKIDROW back then cracked ACII online only DRM later they also cracked Denuvo DRM at some point as well. These all groups cracked SECUROM, which was the most notorious one out there along with Windows Live. DEVIANCE was also another small scale one. I do not know others on top there's VITALITY too which also did some cracks. HOODLUM was old too, they did not release much I guess. At-least the games I have. Then during this so called Gamergate and the whole 2014 thing, SKIDROW collapsed, and died out. I really forgot the reasons I cannot remember, RELOADED released SCII Legacy of the Void with Bnet DRM cracked too. And at that timeline specifically DENUVO happened, who was behind DENUVO ? ex-RELOADED crew. It was formed by SONY DADC group, which also were the ones who made SecuROM DRM as well. So entire scene competition faded out to be honest. Then as a rising Star a newcomer emerged, it was none other than CODEX. They cracked a lot too, Bnet DRM, UWP, even Denuvo DRM too, their cracker was C000005 who later left CODEX (this is EMPRESS now btw) during NFS Heat some bullshit happened at CODEX too. Since then CODEX did not crack Denuvo DRM but they consistently provided updates, DLCs filling the space of PROPHET also PLAZA is CODEX sub group so now they are also gone.

Now with CODEX gone we are back to dark ages of Scene. No RLD, no SKIDROW, no competition. CPY is gone since 1 year no release who were the only ones alive and were cracking DRM DENUVO. STEAMPUNKS / STP were another group who also cracked Denuvo DRM they and CPY competed. You can see that in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon WIldlands CPY NFO, STP also faded.. during this time CPY / CONSPIRACY used to tease the upcoming Denuvo DRM games within their NFOs man, that was the coolest shit ever seen tbh. Amazing group.

HOODLUM does release their shit but they do sloppy job, and their installers are shit having permission issues. FLT is using old name and not the old crew anymore, because Fairlight was busted by ZOGBOTS along with a lot of other groups. RAZOR1911 releases too, but they are trash now unlike their old self who cracked Rockstar Social Club DRM esp on the GTA IV. They stole a P2P crack for CODMWCR2, Modern Warfare 2 Remastered. DARKSIDERS is a new group I guess, they are okay but they do state in NFO they do not provide updates, not bad but nobody can take the spot of CODEX.

I forgot REVOLT, this group was famous for their Steamworks, Multiplayer Emulators, they had a lot of games working under that emu. Basically you need to have legit steam but install REVOLT crack, you and your friend who has same crack can play the game through Steam but you both are pirates. So far not much of VAC ban I guess, not sure since I'm not into MP. Plus REVOLT member was VOSKI who was Bulgarian, this guy made Denuvo v4 crack how to video on Jewtube, sadly fucking kikes from Austria, Irdeto the parent corporation of Denuvo got him jailed and punished. He and his cracks are gone since that day as he retired. And their discord server got nuked. Some places do host their Steamworks cracks. https://archive.is/dJzzg

EMPRESS is no scene, and the person is just one, surely not going to provide any updates or shit like CODEX, because the fact is CODEX HAS TO BUY THE GAMES and rewrite the emulator which is trivial for talented people but someone has to damn do that job, P2P does it sometimes but not always because you have to buy the fucking DLC as well. Like that DOA5LR with all DLC is $1200 SKIDROW released it. Look at the Street Fighter 5 DLCs, shit ton of them. Lot of this bullshit and still they did their job very fast and clean. And they released 7300 games, imagine how much they invested for FREE. And the reddit faggots bitched hard. Add PLAZA's 5000+ releases. So yeah, CODEX is RANK 1 forever. Nobody can beat CODEX.They also took proper care of Scene rules apparently as per EMPRESS post this retirement. So yeah we lost a big one.

They stood up for their NFO tag - Always looking for competition.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=6217070a32489

Ungleich is up now and we are as well.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=6074fd547b04b

This is purely done to spite the goyim in their brains. Microjew is going full shekel subscription mode, simply making everything as a Service.

Their whole Windows, Office, Xbox GayGoyimPass all are as a Service. They cannot do shit to sell their faggot box so they simply use the kike shekels to buy out everyone and put dumb normie faggots into the consumerism overload.

Now with this move now all the normies will pay for that GoyimPass on PC with UWP dogshit for that yearly Call of Goyim Kikery and enjoy the MTX and faggotry all over.

Soyny or Xbox all are same kikes. Only good thing out of this is Soyny fags will seethe and moan.

Oh also Reddit faggots are like muh Bobby Kotick abused women he must go away REEEE, bunch of pathetic faggots who cannot even think a bit...about how Microjew being a HW manufacturer AND Publisher would make the whole Gayming industry choke of creativity, which is already dead in this timeline with infinity niggers and faggots in every single game.

Look at this faggoted MeToo timeline and tell me if this is not a targeted attack on men..below is my comment copypasta.

**MeToo smear hit campaign**

*Looking at past we got that from all the companies - **Riot Games**, they fired people and hired Chief Diversity Officer. Then **Ubisoft** fired the top brass and hired another Chief Diversity officer (Jubisoft had another thing AC Wokehalla director a Muslim was fired on some other bs), then **ActiBlizz** which was a lawsuit by CA govt lol, and there's even more news that they stole some baby food, a.k.a breast milk from fridge, sure I think I can believe that, it sounds much like AyTone Holoh0ax series. Bungie got hit by IGN editor on the same thing again. Also do not forget **Rockstar news** on "bad eggs" on the same context by Jason rat. Where even Dan Houser a leftist jew left the company !!

This is just a new tactic, all these wamen they never talk when they get their $$$$ for their dirty work on men. But once the man get's her what she wants, they all fire against the men. ActiBlizz Bobby Kotick however was in the Blackbook of Eipsthein, guess all the normal f4gs do not care, about how that M0ssad asset lured almost every single politician, big time CEOs, Elon Musk was in that lol. Also Tesla got hit by the same just a month back.

This is just a new form of usurping by the abuse of political talking points. PLUS a Big thing to observe here - All these companies got hit in the past 2-4 years only, **they were already Woke !!**

**Just look at the timeline** - Rockstar RDR2 was woke and that's from 2018 (when they launched but game development was after GTA V). ActiBlizz started pushing POCs, wamen (WWII 2017) and F4ggotry since MW2019 and post OW, which is 2017-2018, Riot Games censorship hit in 2018-2019 exactly when they deployed a POC. Bungie was already biglypozzed, how can we forget their characters and BLM, f4ggotry since Destiny 2 2017. Jewbisoft we do not need intro, exactly during Syndicate and Origins, 2017.

There is a very small possibility that these cucked corporate developers who were already morphed into CulturalMarxism (GDC 2017) started abusing Women. Remember how The Z0gnald was slammed by everyone since his tenure ? These are all just political hitjobs if you ask me*

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=61e7006235134

I knew it ever since the 343i Kikes and Feminist cunts said how the Gayme is free 2 play. I think some fags still believe I only play Campaign and I just pay $1 for Gaypass and finish it. Those dumb fuck faggots do not know its GaaS so basically with that all padded open world bullshit on top of the new vertical mechanics and shit the SP campaign will never be finished. It will be episodic trash.

If anyone wants to play Halo they should stick with MCC SP campaigns and be done with it. For Halo CE get the original Custom Edition with Chimera mod, Campaign Refined maps and DSOAL for EAX.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=619c3c4838e88


That is the Youtube snapshot

/v/Controlavirus viewpost?postid=611c765d529b8

What a sad state really. Why did have to make this nigger bitch do this ? Fucking Japanese are really balless faggots. What will young kids in Japan think about this bullshit ? Fucking Jew bastards.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=60fb46a5ef293

Remember that this is not for making shekhels or shit. It's about sending the message and tuning the brains of the young kids born with iPads and iPhones. This world will be fucked if this goes on without any setback.

Every single thing you like as a man will be replaced by a nigger or a wamen or a faggot.

Sad state of affairs. The thing is I do not know why Kikery is going on an exponential state rather than the low key shit ?

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=60aad5add3439

I'm thinking it could be related to his services which probably is the reason for the blackout in comm, so best course of action is to just wait and keep faith. If we don't really see it coming up even after a long time, then it's really bad news.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=6074fd547b04b

Thankfully I was done when the new MAPPA studio bullshit Miakasa art came which made her into a Dyke wamen. That and AOT never had any busty girls at all, most of the women had flat chests almost. WIT was out, that was a redflag.

So this show is now burned to the ground as I see from these threads. Fuck this new fag anime shows.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=606e71a8cc548

Good to see posted this on Voat. I archived this link and page even offline to prove it in dire situations for mega faggot normie idiots. Many need to see why new anime is shit esp that kiked gayniggerfest of MHA the uber normie friendly faggot Anime.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=606885570ce8a

Didn't expect this, fucking real bullcrap. Motherfuckers KT all of them, as always pirate them all. Fucking faggots do not deserve even 1 cent.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=60647c561b979

To be honest, their showcases of assets and gear, esp Graphics was meh, it was not something great. I wish they showed a slice of gameplay. The only worry I have is M$ funded this company GSC (yeah they are Ukraine based)so I hope that they do not inject any pozz.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=605f476b641ba

I don't think it's a glitch, they might be starting either filtering words and then issuing deactivations OR they might have saw a report on some users in the chat room by someone. But they could have flatout shut the room down.

Not sure really very weird way to do this. But Element is compromised. Shame.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=605e243f48e2b

Damn I just tried to log in and found it deactivated. Looks like there's a kike in us, fucking proper kike infiltration. Who is the one ? Until now it was all fine suddenly..

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=605e243f48e2b