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Member for: 11 months

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score: 334


The problem is still alive.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=64ca56340665a

⊕ K.K.K.
• Knowing ourselves;
• Know our enemy;
• Know the battlefield.

So let's win!

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64bd18d162bf5

It is a scalable schedule to destroy the goyim:
• Vaccines cause autism --→ Autistic people are more retarded --→ Each generation is more retarded than the last --→ They'll give their children more vaccines....

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64bcac45882d2

Tim "Cuck" is a shabbos goy...
If you're using Apple® then you are on the *nose* of the trouble.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=64bcdbc51903b

KingsPawn 1 point 9 months ago*

Okay hypocrite kike, you liar, viper, son of Satan... How will you escape hell?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64baaa4b8b52a

You need mental treatment as you are an paranoid.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64baaa9a653b4

Not again, climate retard.

/v/news viewpost?postid=64bad370c5380

Flat earth is flat brain syndrome...

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64baa80c1d9b4

>"I believe they're just waiting for someone to tell them of a plan that will change things."

I think we're doing our best to spread the information about the Jews in various countries, and every day more and more people are awakened from the Jewish matrix. The results are noticeable...

About waiting for a kind of leader, I totally disagree.

The work to change things is basically a personal work of self-education, non-collaboration with the Jews, and debunking the lies of the Jews.

It is necessary to form at least two generations of scholars nationalists. The more the better, but they don't have to be many, just occupy the top positions in all universities, churches and media....

With time the results will come, but don't expect it to be in this generation. Because the problem of Jews dominating the money and mind of society didn't begins overnight and the solution will not be achieved in just one day.

/v/HopiumDenied viewpost?postid=64b962b00d2f8

When you don't name the Jew, the information is untrue.

/v/news viewpost?postid=64b923b1d6db6

KingsPawn 1 point 9 months ago*

You should know why the name is *White* House.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64b9496611b59

I wonder why that guy married a street whore (his ex-wife).

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=64b913e86d4bc

Jews have already given mushrooms to the Goyim.
Nuclear mushrooms!
Let's return it to them.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=64b481193a29c

In fact illness are the Jews, they're the problem and *name the Jew* is the cure.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=64b481193a29c

Alcatralia is China's puppet.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64b466fc828a4

Canadian marihuana smoke covers the cocaine powder in the White House.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64b1af059a009

>"I have been to Davos many times, attending the events organized by Mr. Schwab, even back in the 1990s. Klaus just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, during my time in St Petersburg, I visited this important forum many times..." ---- Vladimir Putin at the World Economic Forum, January 2021.

If you follow Putin, you’re being led off a cliff.

You need to be red pilled:

• Putin was the director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) (a.k.a. KGB) until December 1999. During Putin's FSB leadership, in the days 4, 9 and 13 September 1999, there are clear indications that the FSB blew up three buildings in Russia cities of Buynaksk, Moscow, and Volgodonsk to put the blame on Chechnya for acts of terrorism. The inside job bombings, together with the Invasion of Dagestan, triggered the Second Chechen War. The handling of the crisis by Vladimir Putin, who was prime minister at the time, boosted his popularity greatly and helped him attain the presidency within a few months. Putin illegally classified the documents of the operation for 75 years. Russian residents of buildings accuse Putin for treason.

• Putin could obtain Israeli citizenship if he wanted, as an ethnic jew. His mother was a *yevreyka* meaning hebrew, jewess, named Mariya Ivanovna Shelomova. This makes Putin fully jewish by jewish law.

• Putin's first action upon his rise to power before he ordered the invasion of Chechnya was lighting a large menorah over Moscow with his rabbi Beral Lazar.

• Putin has fired a top national security official who drew widespread condemnation for calling the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement in Ukraine a "supremacist cult".

• During his time in the KGB, Putin trained and provided arms to red anti-White communists such as the Red Army Faction and MK.

• Putin praises multiculturalism and vilifies "nazis".

• Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger and Vladimir Putin are in the same side: it means KGB and Khazarian Jews. (Globalism, Zionism and Eurasianism are all Jewish). The jewish definition of "democratic" is communist.

• Putin was mentored by Schwab, Schwab is mentored by Henry Kissenger. Everyone is dancing to the Great Reset tune and ushering in the *Fourth Industrial Revolution*... Eurasianism is *The Fourth Political Theory* formulated by Aleksandr Dugin.

• Despite the Kremlin’s outwardly “traditionalist” and anti-LGBTQ agenda, it becomes clear that Putin is using "globohomo" Cultural Marxism against his enemies (the West). However, Aleksandr Dugin (Putin's Rasputin) is an follower of Aleister Crowley teachings, the Thelema, a satanic derivative of Kabbalah, which uses pagan sex-magic and sodomy for the perverse cult of goddess Babalon, the Great Whore, *the mother of all abominations*, and who will bring forth the beast 666, the antichrist...

>"For instance, American and European far-rightists think that because Vladimir Putin has restored Russia as a strong and sovereign state, he’s somehow aligned with their beliefs. And is on some kind of mission from God to save ‘white’ Christianity. But, he’s not. Because Russia may well be the most ethnically and religiously diverse country in Europe. And Putin’s own cabinets have included a smorgasbord of Jews, Muslims and Buddhists in addition to the Christians and Agnostics who form the largest Russian ‘belief’ categories." ---- RT (2018)

• Klaus Schwab and Aleksandr Dugin (Putin advisors) are anti-Europe and pro European mass immigration. Both are fully communists and fully anti-America. Dugin pretends to support every extremist ideological movement in the US: BLM, Antifa, Proud boys... Whatever. The aim is to demoralize, destabilize and provoke a massive crisis in the USA.

• WEF is the continuation of international Jewish-Bolshevism. The ultimate neoSoviet Jewish-global influence for the 21st century.

• Putin has been in office since December 31, 1999... Why he don't intervene to stem the future flow of mass migration that Gaddafi warned about? And, Libya was one of the few countries without a Rothchild-controlled central bank. He sure would be against that! Oh wait… Russia’s central bank is owned by them.

• Gaddafi stated Russia had never done anything for them. They just throw more tinder into the fire to keep it running, like they do it in Syria. When Russia is bombing Syria, they’re heroes fighting the West but when US bombs it they’re the bad guys. This is clear soviet propaganda. They love to bring up Russia “saving Syria”, but the truth is we didn’t see millions of refugees fleeing into Europe until 2015, that’s the year Putin entered the conflict. That’s also the year Putin was awarded Israel’s man of the year.

• Why Putin protects Assad so much? It's because Assad is a KGB asset, like his father was.

• Putin protects Iran and makes alliances between the Orthodox Church and Islam against Western Christianity... Israel needs Syria and Iran to be the antagonists out of their perfidious desire of victimization as well as a way to make the west goyim (Neo-Cons, Protestant Church and the Christian-Zionist) bow down before Judah, and fills Israel with money from American taxpayers.

• Putin was influenced by Henry Kissinger who was partially responsible for making China the superpower it is today. Sino-Soviet-Israeli is the greatest adversary of the West. US is being perverted, beaten down and demoralized to guarantee victory for Jewry.

• Every time Jewish mass media states "Russia needs to be destroyed", it increase Putin's power in Russia, Asia and Middle-East. Obama/Biden administrations push this agenda.

• It is clear that the Russia-Ukraine War led to the increase of Putin's power in Russia, Kazakhstan and in Belarus, but ultimately the collapse of the "M.A.D." doctrine caused by the unilateral withdrew of US from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in June 2002, paved the way for the of Putin's lifetime dictatorship. ---- What you don't know is that menace of a Nuclear War was deliberate, to push a new cold war, the BRICS and Eurasianism, that is, the global Communism.

>"Putin may not be good for Russia, But he’s definitely good for the Jews of Russia." ---- Chabad Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie

• It is the 5th-gen war chapter called "disinformation": The Eurasian NWO tying together the Kremlin media (Sputnik and RT), the pro-Russia controlled alt-media "Truthers" (Alex Jones), the pro-BRICS (anti-FED) alt-media, the Jewish mainstream media, and the Christian Media. It’s an interesting combination to say the least. All this sounds as fake as US deep-state & CIA controlled CNN / FoxNews.

Take a time, try to escape from the dialectic trap, because you must see this:

Video: [Putin's Marxism.](https://youtu.be/LDqUgidLP7k)

Video: [Will Putin save the world?](https://youtu.be/8IxkQlwx3HU)

Video: [Assassination of Russia.](https://youtu.be/9sx2YmSXDy8)

Book: "Henry Kissinger Soviet Spy" by Frank A. Capell.

Article: [The Ethical Culture Movement: Judaism...](https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2021/10/24/the-ethical-culture-movement-how-did-reform-judaism-lead-to-the-modern-education-curriculum)

Video: [Aleksandr Dugin embrace Aleister Crowley teachings in 1995.](https://youtu.be/l_PcWPlgzgw)

/v/History viewpost?postid=64b08973ed193

Putin is a Klaus Schwab's WEF "Young Global Leaders". In a 2017 interview, Schwab said:

>"When I mention names like Ms Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they have all been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now is the young generation, like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on." ---- Klaus Schwab

In a 2019 interview in Costa Rica, Schwab lists Tony Blair, Merkel, and Putin as former World Economic Forum “Young Global Leaders”.

In 2022 WEF announced that it has severed *all relations* with the Russian government and Putin due to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

Putin is one of them, wake up!

/v/History viewpost?postid=64b08973ed193

You're wrong.

Eurasianism is Jewish and [anti-Europe, anti-Christian](https://www.bitchute.com/video/paFjrPjS8iRF), it is also [anti-White and anti-White Civilization](https://counter-currents.com/2013/06/alexander-dugin-on-white-nationalism). They're actually trying to pervert what it means to be white in people's minds, lying and blaming all crimes committed by the Jews (the communists themselves) on the white race, such as LGBTQ+, groomers and feminists, etc. what they call "western immorality" caused by the white race and capitalism.

Thus, Jews cleaning themselves from the filth the KGB has created in other countries: The Tavistock Institute and the Frankfurt School destabilizing perversions which they banned in the fully stabilized communist countries, i.e. Russia and China the "The Second World". The First and the Third world were the targets of attacks by Cultural Marxism.

The true perpetrators of all evils in the west (khazarian Jews, KGB and CCP), now pose themselves as moralists and saviors of civilization, and as top it all: they accuse whites of our own disgrace and for spreading the gender ideology around the world. ---- According to your post @Crackinjokes, Jewish tricks worked at least on you.

Wake up!

>"The KGB's goal was to impress upon American minds that Communism is a good thing, and even preferable". ---- Yuri Bezmenov ex-KGB agent

The Communist Party and the KGB never stopped being Jewish and still rule Russia. Russian government values and goals are the same as the International Jew of USSR (the bolsheviks), which is extermination of white-race and turn Europe into Communism.

Vladimir Putin stated in November 2011 that the Eurasian Union would build upon the *"best values of the Soviet Union"*.

**Aleksandr Dugin** is a Russian political philosopher, also knowned as "Putin's Brain", co-founded the **National Bolshevik Party** and author of 2011 book *"The Fourth Political Theory"* and the 2017 book *"Rise of the Fourth Political Theory"* (I recommend reading these important books on this topic), said:

>"I am a supporter of blacks. White civilization, their cultural values, their false dehumanizing model of the world, built by them – did not pay off. EVERYTHING POINTS TO THE BEGINNING OF ANTI-WHITE POGROMS ON PLANETARY SCALE. Russia is saved only by the fact that we are not pure white. Predatory multinational corporations, oppression and suppression of all others, MTV, gays and lesbians – this is the fruit of white civilization, from which it's necessary to get rid of. So I'm for reds, yellows, greens and blacks, but not for whites. I wholeheartedly am on the side of the people of Zimbabwe". ---- Aleksandr Dugin

Putin is not the "savior".

He's a fucking Jew of the worst kind!

/v/History viewpost?postid=64b08973ed193

It's ok... He just ate glass.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64af45f1d9fa9

KingsPawn 1 point 9 months ago*

You are right. Roman Catholic Church declared the doctrine of Dispensationalism heretical at the beginning of the 13th century. (But, things are not quite simple).

**The Theory of the Three Ages**, or three dispensations, was originally created by a Italian abbot and Christian theologian **Joachim of Fiore** (in Italian *Gioacchino da Fiore*). Fiore died in 1202 before the doctrine of Dispensationalism was disapproved by the Church.

However, heretical Catholics continued following the Fiore's doctrine that influenced Italy, and more deeply Spain and Portugal, consequently, all of Catholic Latin America. Fiore's influence contributed to the rising of other heresies and paganism such as *Sebastianism*, *The Worship of the Holy Spirit*, cult of *Barbelo* i.e. the famale aspect of God (Virgin Mary?) and the belief of *The Fifth Empire*.

The Fifth Empire isn't a territorial empire. It is a spiritual empire which spreads throughout the entire world... This Empire is related to Daniel's prophecies about 4 evil world empires: 1-Babylon, 2-Persia, 3-Greece and 4-Rome. The fifth empire would be the last one, the good one, the One World Government like the return to paradise lost.

Fiore's Theory of the three ages consists in:

• *The Age of the Father*, corresponding to the Old Testament;
• *The Age of the Son*, corresponding to the New Testament;
• *The Age of the Holy Spirit*, impending, a contemplative utopia of "Universal Love".

This idea never died among catholics and is more alive than ever. This is where the charismatic movements came from.

Catholic *Revival Movements* of the 19th century, have parallels with the Protestant revival movement *Second Great Awakening* (1790–1840), such as the doctrine of the "World Peace", "Social Gospel", "Ecumenism" and "Miracle Cures"... The Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican (**Council Vatican II 1962-1965**) it is an evolution of the concept of the three ages towards the "Universal Love".

Hidden behind these movements is Alice Bailey's New World Order agenda (actually the United Nations agenda 2021 / 2030), which preaches ecumenism and the religion of the earth (Mother Earth / Gaia / O.T.O. Babalon / Aliester Crowley's Babylon "666"). In fact, these movements of revival have not ended yet. They go out of style then come back again, and they become more and more like the **Theosophy**...

OBS: I don't agree with that.

I'm just studied the subject, and I come to clarify some important concepts.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=64ade240853c7

KingsPawn 1 point 9 months ago*

Mormons are Christian-Zionists, Freemasons and Neo-Cons as like every religion adept of *Second Great Awakening* (1790–1840). This religious movement is both *Messianic*, *Millenarian* and *Universalist* (a.k.a. Globalist), which preaches the equality of all races and religions, and the return of the human being to the earthly lost paradise (a.k.a. The One World Order and one world messianic government).

The *Second Great Awakening* revived ancient Catholic heresies such as *The Age of the Holy Ghost*, ages or **Dispensationalism**. And it's like the first version of the New Age movement (1970s). It is also a form of Neo-Baptist movement (in the sense of John the Baptist a.k.a Elijah), who prepares the way for the arrival of the **Messiah of Israel** (Moshiach Ben David). The *Messianic Redemption* will be ushered in by a person, a human leader, a descendant of Kings David and Solomon.

Mormons, as other companies are committed with the advance of the apocalyptic agenda, just as other discreet societies as the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta of the Catholic Church who rules The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). To do so, they need Israel's Third Temple to be built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. That's the agenda of the Neo-Conservatives, that's why they cooperate with the Zionists.

Millennialists, from Aleister Crowley to the Mormons, from the Scofield Bible to the Zohar (Kabbalah), take different approaches to the realization of the Bible's Book of Revelation, Book of Isaiah and the Book of Daniel. They work for those prophecies to be fulfilled in the 21th century that is, in our times.

That's crazy!

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=64ade240853c7