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Member for: 2.3 years

scp: 571 (+592/-21)
ccp: 320 (+343/-23)
votes given: 31 (+29/-2)
score: 891


This cheap-ass con-man is going to have his balls busted.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6633550a76073

The big jews were surprised at the level of support for the Palestinians. This whole genocide/lawn-mowing operation has not gone all that well for jews. It lets people see, if they care to, the true nature of jews--paranoid, murderous, lying.

When Mossad and other jews start threatening Americans for supporting the Palestinians it shows a fatal weakness. Jews have gotten waaay too big for their britches.

/v/news viewpost?postid=662a3587d7120

Jews had no part in writing the Constitution or in the construction of the first versions of state and federal government. This rankles the shit out of them to this day. Y'know, the goyim didn't need the massive jewish brain-power to do anything important. So now, Chuckie-poo is just another worthless yid genocider who rebels against history by saying "Fuck it...if ya-hoodie jews didn't originate it, then I don't recognize its legitimacy."

Fuck you, Chuckie, you vile useless motherfucker.

/v/news viewpost?postid=66169bafa8976

I'm gonna guess her kid is a monkeybaby.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=66168dda8a90d

...says the oddly-blonde nigger female.

Hey, Clamydia Champagne, you still don't pass and you never will. A nigger you are and a nigger you always will be.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=660d980b08942

The only way that niggers' animal outbursts will cease is when they get shot down. If you have a pack of marauding chimps, how do you put the hammer down on them? You do something that even they understand. Lynching was a tool that worked pretty well to suppress animal savagery. Our ancestors knew this.

/v/ThirdWorldUnitedStates viewpost?postid=660ac40385e5e

Jesus Christ also rules over the Devil and all evil spirits.

Jesus Christ is the King of Creation.

/v/Christian viewpost?postid=6606b30707191

This is a good example of the boundless jewish hubris. They plan to force God's hand. Yep, if they kill the cow, the Lord will have no choice but to bless their effort to rebuild their temple. They have no clue that the sky is about to fall on them. heh.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6602d1c5cfbeb

I looked into teepee niggers history and it ain't pretty. Basically, they were all Stone Age people who got beat down by much more advanced hu-White people. Teepee niggers were always at war with each other, usually just or the hell of it. No writing, no law codes, no inventions. And cannibalism was not unusual among them. For instance, the word "Mohawk" means flesh eater. Several tribes in the northeastern US practiced cannibalism and at least one plains tribe did also.

I think they are like niggers--they are self-hating and filled with envious hatred of Whites.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=65fedd0083881

Uncle Adolph wrote his own speeches too. He was a highly intelligent man. The last president we've had who was intellectually capable of writing his own speeches was John Kennedy, but we know he did not write all (if any) of his speeches. I'm impressed with how Hitler organized the key points he wanted to make. He wrote and spoke as an educated man. It is no wonder the media and academic jews don't want anyone to hear the overwhelming case that Hitler made for his positions.

/v/anything viewpost?postid=65ec3f18cc04c

I have two Aussies that bark at every damn thing that moves on our three-block street. Our neighbors don't mind, either. An Aussie is small enough to ride comfortably in your vehicle, but big enough to warn off anybody who MIGHT be a menace. As herding dogs, they have a great sense of what compromises your property and they love their humans to the max. Plus, they have a great sense of humor. Get you two Aussies.

Mine are 60 and 80 pounds.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=65eb4fd8eb066

LaVey was a jew. Isn't it weird how you so often find jews and crypto-jews populating the whole gallery of harmful organizations.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=65e5b57ad4c7a

Huh. I never knew Lizzie the first was an ugly nigger bee-atch.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=65d9a3476ed65

I had the pleasure of having dinner with Mr. Irving several years ago when he was making a lecture tour of the US. The amount of energy this guy had was amazing. He worked very hard doing research. I was the only person who showed up to dinner. We had about 90 minutes of conversation. He had gone damn near everywhere and knew damn near everybody, like CIA directors and British spy people. He was extremely intelligent.

It was an amazing meeting for me. He sold me a few books afterward and threw in a beautiful and large color poster. He will always be an example of guts and honor. He had every fucking jew in the world shrieking and kvetching at one time or another. One man against all of them and he never backed down and never quit.

RIP Mr. Irving. Thank you. Thank you.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=65d55091d67e4

In all seriousness, THIS is what niggers have contributed to American culture. Jazz? It's because niggers are loathe and/or not very good at playing ensemble-style music, like Europeans are. Blues? It's because ignorant niggers said "Scales? We don't need no fucking scales." And then we get to murder, rape, rioting, arson, theft, etc.

Lord, that is hideous.

/v/cringe viewpost?postid=65ca7f28e2e52

We need a foreign cowshit consumer as president like we need another hole in our heads. Lemme tell ya: here in Louisiana we elected this little pajeet nameed Jindal to be governor. His reputation was he was soooooo smart but he just talked really fast and substituted a wave of words for any substance.

White people do not need any leadership that isn't White.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=65a502988ba81

Was gonna say the guy with the barstool got in a near-perfect lick on the nigger. But, class, let's use this as a learning opportunity: nigger skulls are very thick and merely hitting one upside his head with something is not a reliable immobilizer. Two in the chest and one in the head is what you should do when possible.

/v/Eurovasion viewpost?postid=659f5ff2e3581

Her eyes are just a little bit crossed and I think that's sexy. Eyebrows, no. Not close to natural. She's very pretty, has a beautiful face.

I muted the vid so I just watched her talk. Would bang.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6589e719e7c72

The guy who produced this video should cool it with the anti-semitism.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65867c68520a3

You should've experinced the '50's. The country was over 90% white. Amos and Andy was on TV. The Gray Ghost was a popular weekly show. Local station played Dixie when it shut down broadcasting at midnight. We learned lots of old-timey folk tunes at school. You never saw a nigger where one didn't belong. Money actually had value. A big event was waiting to see how the car manufacturers would change their product line-up each year.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=656b6423dfc4f

You should've experinced the '50's. The country was over 90% white. Amos and Andy was on TV. The Gray Ghost was a popular weekly show. Local station played Dixie when it shut down broadcasting at midnight. We learned lots of old-timey folk tunes at school. You never saw a nigger where one didn't belong. Money actually had value. A big event was waiting to see how the car manufacturers would change their product line-up each year.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=656b6423dfc4f

A nigger named Kool-Aid McKinistry plays for Alabama. A nigger name Amon-Ra Saint Brown plays for Detroit. He has a brother named Equinimious Saint Brown. A nigger named Squirrel White plays for Tennessee. Then we've got sevreal niggers named Ju-Ju or Ha-Ha. I don't know how the announcers don't collapse in laughter saying these names out loud.

The best nigger name I've heard is Shithead, which was pronounced Shi-theed. But he really was a shithead y'know. Now hell.

/v/Monkeyshines viewpost?postid=656a7e6eccfc8

"The Kansas City Defender" is a nigger "news" outlet.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6568b1bd93c7a

His nose looks like an eagle's beak.

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=655876cc29de8

...and those are our little masters. Quite an impressive line-up of...uh inbred lunatics.

I wish every person who identifies as Christian would watch that video.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65572b007012e