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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 199 (+200/-1)
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score: 1468


Well the irony isn't lost on me. Israel is pummeling Gaza, pro-Israeli protesters are pummeling pro-Gaza protesters. Can't wait until both sides are packin; then we'll have our own little shitstains of the middle east conflict right on our dirt instead of half a world away.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6632738c59815

>fitness requirements

Requirement of [fitness dick in yo mouth.](https://www.unilad.com/news/maegan-hall-police-lawsuit-groomed-sexual-exploitation-696398-20230301)

\*it's a link to the whore cop story guys

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6632695292ba8

Well that, and normies still all view AJ as some conspiracy nut who thinks the fake Sandy Hook shootings in Connecticut were fake (no one has an adequate explanation for Robbie Parker's behavior having just lost a child). So with that label in mind, if he starts raving about the jews controlling Congress... doesn't matter how obvious the facts are, "he's just Alex Jones that conspiracy nut." Kind of like Kanye, or Mel, or anyone who calls out the Jew publicly. Something is brought to light to discredit the person (ad hominem), and the normies buy it.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66323f7ea8d20

I haven't seen reasonable .223/5.56 ammo in like 2 years now. Last I bought it for a quarter a round, maybe even $0.22. I haven't seen it under $0.40 for a long time, and now I'm seeing $0.50! I'm at around 500 rounds and it's making me itch.

Got plenty of 9mm so my carry gun will stay full for the BLM Boogaloo part 2.

/v/Covidicences viewpost?postid=66311eb4d7cb0

Are you not American (or in the West broadly)? No one wants to live with blacks (not even other blacks), but blacks want to live with Whites, and some fucking jew along the way decided freedom of association was no longer constitutional (despite being right there in the Bill of Rights), so schools were integrated at the barrel of a gun, and the neighborhoods soon followed.

I'm guessing that only now, after minorities have opted to self-segregate in many cases, is it okay for the Whites to say "hey, segregation sounds like a GREAT idea!"

/v/news viewpost?postid=66308a51a9415

You know, come to think of it... I'm not sure covid was a massive conspiracy anymore. I'm still certain that y'know, the vax is dangerous and doesn't work, covid was used to manipulate the public and commit election fraud, but I mean I used to think it was a medical conspiracy right down to the rank and file (at the very least, the doctors).

But now that I recall - my son was born in March 2020. One of the nurses had trouble finding a vein in my wife's hand, to the point I was ready to take the needle and do it myself (my wife is thin and her veins easily visible). The worse was the delivery doctor though - the delivery went fine, but my son came out face up. NBD, daughter did too, and the doctor just turned her over, gave her some soft pats, and bam, crying healthy baby.

But this dumb bitch kept him on his back running around the room saying "Aspirator! Aspirator!" I said "Just turn him over..." and made gestures with my hands, but she was literally panicking with my newborn son in her arms and she was fixated on that solution. Anyway they got the aspirator and, after waterboarding my newborn son for a bit, he was breathing fine but... oh no! His oxygen is low!? How could this be? Better keep him because he's probably got pneumonia. So they held him in NICU overnight. Oxygen was fine the next day, still some fluid in his lungs, better hold him again...

This shit went on for a few days - continually making up bullshit reasons to keep our son away from us to the point we had to threaten a lawyer to get our fucking son out of the hospital.

All that to say... I guess I shouldn't have been shocked by the gross incompetence displayed by the medical community in the face of a "crisis," manufactured or not. Just never really made the connection until this story... the covid crisis was inevitable because the (in)competency crisis has already been upon us for years.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=662f9b38829ab

The article presents two good perspectives of pre- and post-feminism, but the comments also contain a good perspective on peri-feminism.

>I can understand some Petronella's article. The sociatal pressure on professional women back in the 80's to be successful and yes even to manage to have kids. Led many of us into the triple burden of juggling career marriage and children. If not left lonely like Petronella **it certainly left many of us and I included myself here, burnt out and depressed by our middle age.**

Pre-feminism: Women keeping a home, doing "demeaning" tasks to create a home for a family, get depressed because their skillset is underutilized. Terrible reasoning btw - ffs, get a hobby, or employ that skillset to bring added value to the family while the husband brings external income. But I digress...

Peri-feminism: Women join the workforce to fully employ their previously-underutilized skillset, but still raise a family (albeit doing a worse job, with less time to devote)... and get burned out and thus depressed into middle age. There is, at least, something to be said for when this group gets to retirement - like the accomplishment felt after having run a marathon.

Post-feminism: Women focus only on the workforce, neglect motherhood entirely, and feel used up and depressed by middle age for lack of meaningful relationships. Easily the worst of the three.

But taking all three scenarios in leads to the obvious question: Can women ever just be fucking happy?

/v/FeminismIsCancer viewpost?postid=662b61de1dbc7

That just means he's too dumb to recognize what they report on vs. what they omit and the tone associated with it. They'll report on child genital mutilation with the most serene and sterile tones using glossy feel good terms like "gender affirming care" instead of calling it what it is: child castration. That sort of softening of language is what first tipped me off to them, and this was back in the 0bama years. The fact that they didn't even report on the IRS tax targeting scandal or brushed over Fast and Furious made it glaringly obvious that there was a slant, but everyone had a boner for 0bama (especially Big Mike), so I kinda brushed it aside. When they stuck to the theme after his presidency I realized they were just another left wing rag.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662a8ef6e57f0

Hilarious too because "Crimer" really does sound like a "safe" (for now) replacement for nigger. I'm sure it will be on the ADL's website as a White supremacist word or some shit in a matter of weeks/months, but for now, I look forward to people referencing calling niggers "crimers."

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662a4c1e37e39

I won't say that Hitler did *nothing* wrong, but usually the context more a critique about idk, trying to win a land war in Russia e.g. As far as cleaning up his society and getting the trains to run on time (I know, that was Mussolini's thing, but Nazis were pretty punctual too), he did most everything right.

He is far, far from the villain that people paint him to be; that much becomes obvious very quickly to anyone who does the slightest big of digging. Then you dig a little deeper, and suddenly things like Epstein's child trafficking, Jewlywood's rampant child rape culture, and the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians make a lot more sense.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629058749779

Many such cases. Honestly even without the holohoax veil lifted I would still find Israel despicable, and despite what anyone tries to tell you, *every jew* is pro-Israel. To be jewish is to move lockstep with Israel and defend the nation at all costs. If you hate Israel, you hate jews. And you don't need me to tell you that - jews will readily tell you the same.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629058749779

>many called me a jew hater

Were they wrong?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629058749779

>‘First Lady of Stand-Up’ Elayne Boosler

Literally never heard of her. Rita Rudner, Paula Poundstone, Gilda Radner, hell even Tracy Ullman... all about the same age, all more deserving of the title "First Lady of Stand-Up" (if anyone deserves it).

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6628e3527b09e

"Whatever you want to do as an adult, God bless you, that's fine, you have that right... but let kids be kids. Let them make that decision later in life, *when it's appropriate.*"

I deny the premise that genital mutilation, even self-inflicted (or doctor-assisted), is appropriate at any point in life.

Lolbertarians are just as bad as leftists, maybe even worse because their arguments can be a bit more appealing with the "non-aggression" and perceived neutrality. Lolbertarianism can be summed up as trying to save face while you continue losing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6626591028050

Yea but so do lots of other animals. Maybe it's just because it's got the word "rabbi" in it.

/v/HebraicHijinksandSheenyShenanigans viewpost?postid=662284521211b

Baby's first and last words: "I can't breeve!"

/v/NiggerCulture viewpost?postid=662282c9aae00

That's my takeaway from reading Deuteronomy and Leviticus (which is where you can find the laws this yid is talking about). They have rules and procedures for dealing with leprosy, mold, blood, sores, etc... as well as which meats can be consumed.

There are some weird ones that I can't figure out though, like rabbits ("chew the cud but don't split the hoof"). I can understand pigs being regarded as unclean, but rabbits don't generally strike me as an unclean animal. Not that I give it too much thought beyond "huh, that's weird."

/v/HebraicHijinksandSheenyShenanigans viewpost?postid=662284521211b

As if she's not already on the taxpayer dime.

/v/NiggerCulture viewpost?postid=662282c9aae00

It's amazing how their solution is never "go build our own non-White male society," but instead "Infiltrate the White male society and remove the White male."

That's of course because they exist only to tear down; if they existed to build, they'd have done it already (building from scratch is easier than removing the current occupants and overhauling, after all). But all they can do is covet and seek to destroy the beautiful thing that they could never create.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6621ad604df07

Yea so it's actually probably a healthy amount below 14% of the population, but that's the most generous number I could find. Kinda like the 13/50 stat - it's really only black males aged 13-30 that are doing all the murders, so it's more like 6/50.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661f520601cec

I bounce between ConPro and Voat so much that I have trouble remembering what I said where, but here's a comment I made when the topic came up on ConPro. Stats in the links:

>These dogs are some of the gentlest most loving chill dogs I've ever known

"My personal, extremely-narrow experience is different therefore the statistics lie."

Yea dude I know a couple of black guys who aren't criminals. Doesn't make 13/50 any less accurate.

[3397 attacks, 295 deaths from pitbulls in the 2014-2020 period.](https://topdogtips.com/statistics-on-dog-bites/)

The next closest is rottweilers with 535 attacks, and huskies come in second in deaths with 26.

So despite being 6% of the dog population (well, let's be generous and go with [14% percent of the dog population](https://petkeen.com/pit-bull-statistics/#The_Good_Pit_Bull_Statistics)), pitbulls account for 71% of all dog attacks (3397/4768) and 68% (295/437) of all fatal dog attacks (from first source).

So they're apparently actually more dangerous than niggers, by the stats. And you've got 2.5 of them in your tight-nit group. You're basically all coalburners/oil drillers lol.

So... statistics and odds just not your thing? Or do you just like to live dangerously?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661f520601cec

>It sounds suspiciously as if they don't really know for sure.

When "the majority of infections in humans are mild or without symptoms," it gets tough to get a baseline reading of how many infections occur, because few go to the doctor with mild symptoms, and even fewer go when they're asymptomatic. So you figure if 50 people are detected with mild cases, there could be, idk, 10-20x as many people out there who go unnoticed because they don't go to the doctor.

/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=66168bfb46c19

I mix some black soldier fly larvae in with my seed and the crows come by the murder daily. Been out for a while though, so they've gone elsewhere. Otherwise they tend to stay away from the feeder if it's just nuts/seeds/grain.

/v/AnimalsBeingBros viewpost?postid=6614b7f235560

>The risks are numerous

Love that in the subheading. Like no shit.

/v/science viewpost?postid=6613cd1144787