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Member for: 2.5 years

scp: 433 (+438/-5)
ccp: 447 (+468/-21)
votes given: 98 (+66/-32)
score: 880


Why the fuck are these white women always in wheat fields? I haven't found any running through my wheat. Maybe I need to plant a larger plot of it?

/v/HateCrimeHoaxes viewpost?postid=6326fcd34fcdf

I work with a bunch of Gen x vets. That should say it all.

/v/195 viewpost?postid=6324c96bcf946

Mighty White soap is the only soap you should be buying.

/v/195 viewpost?postid=6324c96bcf946

Bullshit. I'm Gen x and surrounded by these fucktards. But at least I'm not surrounded by millennial effeminate faggots, only manly whiskey soap smelling faggots.

/v/195 viewpost?postid=6324c96bcf946

Epictetus 1 point 1.7 years ago

I made an offer to my extended group of people to pay for the midwife for the first white child born in 2023 for our group.

/v/History viewpost?postid=6303f6c9a741f

Bunch of fat fucks upvoating this with PF flags in it, like half the users don't shit all over PF every time our stuff is posted.

Fuck you faggots.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=62fe7630d1fb6

I'd really like to know more about this, as I believe I was part of a medical trial in 2008 by the DoD. Three other recruits and myself were pulled for a seperate injection series, yx and some numbers that were on my official(but not the printed copies I received) medical transcript.

I have heart issues that caused me to be discharged medically, but they will not allow me to be listed as permanently disabled, I have to go in every year for full blood work.

/v/Vaxtards viewpost?postid=62f96ead041f8

So should I edit my other reply to include quod erat demonstrandum or...

It is clear your aim is not to secure a future for white children.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62e48fb8ea10c

Soros and gates.

Ask me how I know you never did anything in the interest of whites.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62e48fb8ea10c

I'm running an alcohol cutoff thing with my group. Starting slow, because some of them are full on alcoholics. Replacing drinking with physical requirements to achieve the privilege of having a drink.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62e46b735fe75

Hail brother.

Maybe I was wrong, seems a couple of us went on to do something rather than shitpost.

Happy to see another returning ambassador of get off your ass and stand for your people.

/v/Whichever viewpost?postid=62e3b38fc2ed6

Because I would have met you or come across at least more than a handful of people in irl activism that had any idea what voat was.

/v/Whichever viewpost?postid=62e3b38fc2ed6

It's not defeatism. I am far from that. Voat, and it's user base, seems to hold a high opinion of itself which is unwarranted or earned.

A handful of people from voat went on to do things, most of the original members are stuck on shit hole dead end forums being convinced that irl action is all glowniggers.

/v/Whichever viewpost?postid=62e3b38fc2ed6

Epictetus 0 points 1.8 years ago*

Well shit nigga, you probably know the Beach Goys. I used to be active in SoCal, early active club days. Got good friends in active clubs in flyover country.

Kulak/NJP member for my part.

/v/Whichever viewpost?postid=62e3b38fc2ed6

Epictetus 11 points 1.8 years ago*

I think voat was another dead end that keep people in the finklethink corral of believing they were making a difference in the world by posting memes and arguing with each other.

Virtually no one from voat ever went out and organized in the slightest with other white people, and nearly everyone remaining is an isolated individual with no ability to communicate effectively to other whites where it matters, the real world.

Edit: happy to have been proven wrong. Hail victory!

/v/Whichever viewpost?postid=62e3b38fc2ed6

Point him to the JQ. The negro army works both ways, and is easily swayed.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=62e1b2aab4cc2

What is your goal? Ultimately, suicide for no cause other than checking out is a new thing. A jewish controlled culture thing.

I'm not going to try to talk you out of it. If you are a competent white man who has made up his mind, my words are of little effect beyond the fact that you dishonor yourself and your people.

/v/MeanwhileOnSVF viewpost?postid=62dd8df939829

Epictetus 1 point 1.8 years ago

The military is a training ground for the people that will attempt to crush every vestige of whiteness. From the top to the bottom, they are not your friend or ally.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=62da2baf50eb8

I had a neighbor bring me a fawn a few weeks ago, thinking it was abandoned. Stuck it in some bushes next to my pond and left the gate open so mama could find it, and she was back to collect it within a few hours.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=62d64a6f5c52d

Where in the fuck do you even come up with this shit? The voices in your head?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62d471f70b841

Epictetus 1 point 1.8 years ago

I've got a sheriffs department I'd love for you to troll the shit out of.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62d43e54431c1