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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 39 (+43/-4)
ccp: 262 (+273/-11)
votes given: 59 (+59/-0)
score: 301

Cohencidence     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Eligrey to Jew 8 months ago


Every aspect of the us government is jewish.
"They're all dead, and Ukraine has no real men left" - Scott Ritter | Redacted with Clayton Morris      (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Eligrey to anything 10 months ago


So we've spent out entire savings account under the biden regime. SPR gone, backup ammunition gone, spare rolling military hardware gone! Soon our airborne hardware severely depleted.

And yet the (((government))) continues to bang the war drums. This is protracted and will not end well.

When are we going to start executing politicians? The time has long since come and gone.
Why?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Eligrey to AskUpgoat 1.6 years ago


If you are not one of (((them))) and supported or still support biden, cameltoe, warren, pelosi, shcumer or any of the other traitors to America I really want to know why?

Can you not see the obvious grift, corruption and lies that they all spew from their pie holes day in and day out? Can you not see they have sold this country out to the highest bidder and have no intention of doing anything that does not benefit themselves, regardless of the consequences? And the consequences look dire to me!

Look it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the USA is in a steep decline. We are no longer a great nation and it's only the dwindling excess equity we had that is keeping this country from falling like tomorrow. Why do I seem to be the only one I know, the only one within shouting distance, the only one I work with that is absolutely disgusted, pissed off, madder than hell and advocating for someone, ANYONE ELSE, to see the forest through the trees?

How is it that anyone walking around, somewhat coherent of present events and capable of forming an intelligent thought not showing some sort of disgust for the fucks running our government today?

The treasonous fucks I mention above are a very small lot of the whole that are the problem. Lots of them are jews but plenty are not, which baffles me. We all know jews will betray their host country, it's in their genes. Why do you other folk and you white people especially, not show some revulsion for this, just why?

Because apparently there aren't nearly enough people that are outraged at the state of affairs I'm going to sit back and watch this country sink into the cesspool. It takes a village to make a difference, I apparently live by myself in this town.
Zero Percent Inflation     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Eligrey to USPolitics 1.7 years ago


The left can't meme and I'm pretty sure the maths are really hard for them too. 62 genders and zero% inflation.
What is up with all the talk about lack of workers for skilled labor?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Eligrey to AskUpgoat 1.7 years ago


No one is offering a living wage for a white collar job these days and they scream "we can't find the workers!". When in fact they are offering sub-par wages and demand an astronomical amount of experience for entry level positions.

What would you expect from American citizens except "fuck you" I'll take unemployment until that runs out and I'll start my own gig.

The US is gaslighting it's population into thinking there are no skilled workers available so we have to import our labor force. In the meantime white folks with obligations and families find a way to make it work outside of the mainstream "job market". You know, that one the Govm'nt measures.

Just like "inflation", the numbers are fake and gay and they assume you'll not (((notice))).

That's right jews, I'm looking at you!