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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 3949 (+5448/-1499)
ccp: 5498 (+7698/-2200)
votes given: 1859 (+1549/-310)
score: 9447


It's the memoirs of the French general, Eisenhower, Churchill and an English general I think.

You read those four guys who had more knowledge of the reasons behind ww2 then almost anyone and they have basically no mention of the holahoax. There is a meme about it that list the 4 books

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66368f9941b4c

Can anyone explain fundamentally what the fuck Arab sand nigger religions have to do with my white Irish and Scottish ancestors? I mean why the fuck did whites fall for this shit.

I think the big reason is core Christian morals are very good with whites and our empathy makes us very forgiving and our high trust society.

Why then didn't we develop something similar? Or why did it lose out to the sand nigger transplanted religion?

Was it technology that allowed the spread of the first propaganda?

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=663693eb0676a

Read my reply I expanded further on what you said

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6631e69a9dc52

I've not read any replies. But let me try to explain what is going on in the mind of a person with that smile on their face.

Ohhh wow did I just see that nigger do that? Yep I see you you see me seeing you do that nigger shit and I'm just gonna smile like this as if it's ok but we both know it's not ok to be doing that nigger shit but we will both just pretend it's normal in this new insane jew controlled world. So go ahead nigger keep doing your nigger shit and I will give you this confusing smile that doesn't illicit your inner nigger monkey violence.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6631e69a9dc52

For the voat percentages we would be deporting everyone who doesn't qualify under the pre 1965 immigration act...

Basically every Indian and Muslim would be sent packing and most Mexicans.

Pre 1965 only white western Europeans were supposed to get citizenship

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66367cc1778b5

One day
The boy thought
He forgot
But he remembered
Deep down something
Repressed it made him frown
When he was a child
He was humiliated
Today he remembered that thing
It started as a little tingling
He remembered how to hate
He went to the gym
He went for a swim
Miles he ran
Nights he packed
His gear
He had no fear
The hate he kept
Close and near
It warmed his heart
For he new when it would start
There would be no end
Except for his enemies my friend.

/v/antiWhite viewpost?postid=663659dc5eb0c

This should be happening in every major city across the nation... San antonio would be a good one we have a fucking jew mayor for fuck sake

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6636593a7a0f6

Who got the 1965 immigration act passed?

Was that boomers pushing for that? No it was kike who blackmailed a Kennedy

Did boomers want integration? No those were the fuckers showing up and protesting fighting until jews unleashed the nigger enmass using communist black orginizations... the blacks that knew about the jews got killed.

I agree whites should have and could have done better but they were fighting against new technologies and propaganda controlled by the jews. And their international bankers and communist


MEEPAC. Weather directly controlled or by hidden groups it d9esnt matter the end result is clear.. California pre 1965 96% white California today 36% white and dropping.

It's white replacement at best genocide at worst look at South Africa to see what how it plays out.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

Lol I said jews are narricist specifically covert narrisit.. number one trait of a narrisist? Lack of or no empathy

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66355ebed3516

Jews are basically narrcist... think of a jew and what they are characteristically then look into covert narricist.

They go hand in hand.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66355ebed3516

Good ideas.. I like out side the box thinking.

Sadly the jew has everyone in the red man blue man mindset. Two solutions to every problem

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66321a4eaaa28

I'm so tired of my computer trying to trick me into windows 11.

Every fucking time I'm like no fuck off

/v/technology viewpost?postid=66339a0e3237f

He said something very profound...

You can change. You got to stop believing the lies...

Right there! Who made the lies who infiltrated the education system who poisoned the minds of whites? Jews fucking jews and yes some weak white men or women allowed them in colleges in high school let them publish the books. But thr lies are not white men and women being weak it's them being tricked by a wicked enemy that doesn't play by any rules except satans

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=66339415f30ae

So to be clear? You don't think the Jewish influence on American culture had anything to do with how the boomers turned out? Almost all of what I call the MEEPAC MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT EDUCATION PORN ADVERTISING COMPLEX <<< Has been jew controlled from the start?

So your theory is that white western civilization for thousands of years thought about the future generations as much or more then any culture. Then after 2 Jewish banker wars and an insane amount of technological influence that had never been seen. These white people all the sudden on their own accord just decided to be evil boomers?

Zero blame for jews communist international zionist.. just for some reason on their own that generati8n of whites went against everything their people had ever done?

Zero fault of jews communism etc

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

Wow what a sync.. before I saw this I just posted about Owen benjamin doing boomer hate week with out acknowledging the root cause for most of the boomers issues. Aka Jewish subversion of western civilization. He basically says they had to accept it or not accept the offer. Why is their an offer at all? Why do they have to choose porn or not porn? Shit Hollywood movies etc etc

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

Holy shit is this all bots? Not one serious response.. personal attacks. Reddit style jokes? Something is off.

Taylor swift is big enough and left enough that someone should have had at least one real comment.

Or say damn op you gay as fuck, but you have a point about x y or z...

Anyways really weird

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=663287809bb24

Just listening to it probably moved me slightly on the gay meter.. I'm so far hertro I could afford to take one for the team listen to it and report the overblown praise for this pile of shit is unbelievable..

And the fucking fan base of narricist single moms and lonely cat and wine girls and their constant every day every second victim status claiming the album is getting attack for some conspiracy is fucking crazy... now the jews don't like taylor she cut them out of their jew middle man position so she might actually be getting attacked.

But I stand by my take shit poetry same themes to music that doesn't go together and she raises and lowers her voice when shit doesn't ryhme

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=663287809bb24

God I hate autocorrext.. exile not excited. And I kinda liked the the last album the collaborations where decent

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=663287809bb24

Dude I couldn't stop laughing. I have no idea what either was thinking at the mid way point. But fat and woman should never describe a cop.

How the fuck wouldna female cop deal with me 190 bench 300 great shape can do sit ups all day. Know basics of wrestling and striking. It would be ridiculous for a woman cop to try and stop me.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6632695292ba8

Way to much (((noticing))) going on with tik tok

/v/SocialMedia viewpost?postid=6630a15e2d1c3

So a mossad agent in Afghanistan is doing predictive programming to let American know to expect an (((islamic))) terrorist attack

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=66309c8976cc0

Once you go down the narricist rabbit hole and realize how weak and insecure people are and what vile liars many people are.

You can only be very skeptical of this apology

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6630ef30bca02

The only mass deportation that would save America would be revoking the 1965 immigration act and deporting everyone who was here illegally after 1965.

Then change the constitution

1. No jews in America all must be deported
2. Taxes can never be more then 10 percent
3. Not sure that's a good start

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6630356d09c6d

If those are 25s not that impressive I can do that easy at 48.. if those are 45s that dudes a beast

/v/based_department viewpost?postid=66301fcee4cb7

And when people say why don't cops focus on taking guns from criminals.. here is the perfect example of why they don't want to fuck with taking criminals guns but want to take guns from regular citizens

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66302da714989