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The two laws used to perpetuate wars. One false need for continued commitment. Two if we don't stop them they'll keep going into other countries Domino effect.     (creativedestructionmedia.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to politics 5 days ago


Missouri Secretary of State candidate Burns porno books advocates return to paper ballots and many other good things. Daughter of legal immigrants. Maybe they haven't grown as soft as meant multiple generations of prior citizens.     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to USPolitics 5 days ago



Needs to be a bigger pile of books and on the ground but it's a good thought.
Given the number of crazies and criminals being allowed back on the street at all times it's worth knowing some basic self-defense and this guy has some defense techniques that seem the best that I've seen on youtube.     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to videos 5 days ago


For example this video in that channel is a really good exercise in defense against knives since so many stabbers seem to be out there these days

Please save this. It's amazing how people lie and say the rothschilds wealth doesn't exist and they don't have control and no they didn't start Israel and then here is an actual Rothschild doing an open discussion about all their wealth all their mansions and how they started Israel      (m.youtube.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 5 days ago


Please save this

All this guys self-defense moves on his channel seem very good compared to most other channels     (youtube.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to videos 5 days ago


The absolute craziest motorcycle racing footage I have ever seen in my life by far!     (youtube.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to videos 5 days ago


Lord Rothschild himself bragging about his family stealing Palestine and the origin of the Balfour Declaration. Please save this.     (x.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to History 5 days ago


Better link version on YouTube.
disgusting demon Rothschild.

The true story about the Jewish takeover of Palestine 75 years ago. Please save this..     (x.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to History 5 days ago


Video of assassination attempt against the Slavic prime Minister. Stupid idiot was working the crowd. When you go against the Jews and the WEF you can't walk around in the open.     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to news 5 days ago


no doubt the shooter will be labeled a lone gunman and no mention of the fact be made that he is probably Jewish and was actually working for Jewish interests to try to get this country to go into NATO and support the Ukraine takeover by Jews

Dean Martin as Matt Helm. Lol. These were great movies that would often come on late at night on broadcast TV in the 1979's     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to History 5 days ago


When I think of the widespread misery Jews have caused so many people from their debt slavery usury, intentional misdirection of people away from happy male female child bearing lifestyles and their starting of wars that killed millions I get angry.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 5 days ago


When I think of the widespread misery Jews have caused so many people from their debt slavery usury, intentional misdirection of people away from happy male female child bearing lifestyles and their starting of wars that killed millions I get angry.

One thing I have noticed in life is a tremendous number of homosexual men are sociopaths. If you think about it it fits because to use another man in such a way as to only get your own rocks off while doing physical harm to that person is exactly what a sociopath would be into.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 5 days ago


I've just noticed that so many absolutely cruel and unthinking and insensitive actions are led by homosexual men. It's been something I've noticed in life. They have a flippant disregard for the harm they do or the harm they do to others and they often seem to take great glee in attempting to harm others.

Some of the worst murderers are homosexuals. Some of the most Financial criminals are homosexuals. Some of the worst media critics of other people are homosexual.

And of course the fact that so many homosexuals are Jews goes along with the sociopathy because so many Jews are sociopaths and seem to completely lack any empathy or capacity for real love.

Just something I've noticed.
Cramer on CNBC busy trying to tamp down price of GameStop because shorts still haven't been able clear and they will lose many billions to clear taking down many Jewish stock manipulators when they are finally marked to market.     (news)

submitted by Crackinjokes to news 6 days ago


Cramer on CNBC busy trying to tamp down price of GameStop because shorts still haven't been able clear and they will lose many billions to clear taking down many Jewish stock manipulators when they are finally marked to market.

All those shorts keep getting shuffled.

But can't forever.

They are over sold %212 percent.

Literally impossible to buy shares to cover those and goyim have teamed together to keep price high so Jews will be devastated.

Most popular re-elected President Nixon who ended the Vietnam War passed environmental regulations and helped the middle class taped his discussion with Billy Graham about how Jews will destroy the country because they don't believe in the same things we believe in     (twitter.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to History 1 week ago


If you don't know Nixon was framed and brought down by Jews including Mark felt who was secretly deepthroat and feeding information to the Jewish reporters at the Washington Post which was Jewish controlled to create a bad image of Nixon over a long period of time to change people's opinion about him and get him to resign..

Who was Mark felt? Who's the assistant director of the fbi.

So once again we had the intelligence agencies working against the population of the United States that had just reelected Nixon in one of the biggest landslides in the country's history.

He was so popular. He was for the middle class he had ended the Vietnam War and the horrible draft that had thousands of young men killed. He passed environmental regulations that did many other wonderful things.

And he was framed and still is framed as a crook and a bad person when actual fact he was one of the best presidents..

But the Jews brought him down because they knew he opposed them as he discusses here.

It's important to remember that at this time divorce was almost unheard of. pornography was not prevalent. television and movies had codes of ethics which could not be broken. the country was primarily white Christian European. Crime rate was very low.

And after they got him out the Jews did indeed destroy our country through the media primarily by controlling the media and framing nonsense as truth.

Now marriage is the thing that is unusual. They're very few children born. They're pushing not just pornography but all kinds of gay shit and transgender bullshit and abortion is everywhere.

The white European race is being genocided right in front of our eyes and Nixon predicted at all just back in the '70s.

It's been almost no time at all.

We must reverse this somehow. And Trump will do it and Biden is certainly under their spell. And RFK won't acknowledge the problems with Israel although maybe he's just trying to keep it on the down low until he could possibly get elected but I doubt it he married a jew.

We're really fucked unless we figure something out.
1920 Nazi party platform. Abolish debt slavery, promote work with good pay, promote families, stop non citizen influences      (archive.md)

submitted by Crackinjokes to History 1 week ago


Pretty good!
Stop calling people who aren't actually NAZIs Nazis. The national socialist party was for eliminating debt, promoting families and fair pay for labor. If that isn't what they are doing that then they arent NAZI's.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 week ago


Stop calling people who aren't actually NAZIs Nazis.

The national socialist party was for eliminating debt, promoting families and fair pay for labor.

If that isn't what they are doing that then they arent NAZI's.

(Actual party platform 1920 and the country thrived.
Jewish downvoter squads out in force today!     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 week ago


It was at this moment that I realized Jews weren't much more advanced than tribal Africans. Suddenly things made a lot more sense.     (whatever)

submitted by Crackinjokes to whatever 1 week ago


Jewish tribal dancing.

African tribal dancing

Suddenly I realized they both have very little frontal cortex. Little understanding of future consequences.

Jews must have been closely associated with African genes. No wonder Jewish men often marry black women.

What fools us is the myth of Einstein and high Jewish IQ but that's all fake.

Einstein plagiarized his stuff and was promoted to support the cause of Jews.
Jews actually score poorly on IQ tests especially in logic.

Also both groups have a propensity to deal in and believe in hallucinations and see things that aren't there. Black people love voodoo and all other kind of things and Jews literally believe fantasies that they make up about their own torture and death like the mastery trains and shitting out diamonds for years and eating them to preserve them. Take me a long time to realize that they're messed up in the brain and they actually believe this stuff. It's not that they're aligned they actually are hallucinating this stuff because they all have mental problems. Most Jews are basically experiencing mild forms of schizophrenia which explains so much of their behavior and full blown schizophrenia is very common in jews.
Isreal booked off stage at Eurovision     (youtu.be)

submitted by Crackinjokes to news 1 week ago


It was overwhelming. These are fans from all over Europe. This is a big contest.
When Tesla died the government seized his papers. The scientist they went to to look at those papers to see if there was anything they could use was none other than Donald Trump's uncle who was a professor of high voltage technologies at mit. Here is his interview about that     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by Crackinjokes to technology 1 week ago


The man interviewing him is also an interesting person. His name is Stan deyo d e y o. He later got very involved with the papers of Thomas Townsend Brown who invented high voltage anti-gravity devices which were flying around in the 40s and 50s and were the basis for many of the flying saucers scene then.

Stan Deyo later claim to know how to create some flying devices using it just electricity.

Here are some other john trump interviews




Saturn v rocket documentary. Lots of detail about how the rocket itself was built and how it worked which should shut up a lot of people who don't think we went to the moon.     (youtu.be)

submitted by Crackinjokes to technology 1 week ago


The Mercury space program in 4k     (youtu.be)

submitted by Crackinjokes to technology 1 week ago


A slingshot more powerful than .45 cal pistol     (youtu.be)

submitted by Crackinjokes to technology 1 week ago


At this point I have realized that the NATO organization has become simply a Jewish alliance to take over the world.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 week ago


When you click on upvoat on the homepage are you seeing the top submissions from all subs or is it only from default subs and how do you see all subs?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Crackinjokes to AskUpgoat 1 week ago