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Member for: 2.8 years

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score: 13


Holy shit. Looked into this. 384 pages at least on fbi site. They must get foiaed a lot. Almost everything is redacted. It's incredible.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615e21df21fab

It strongly suggests the election was rigged due to suspicious digital activity, maricopa not providing records, maricopa lying, and insanely bad cybersecurity practices that inhibit accountability.

Yet, the report does not contain a smoking gun to the fraud itself in my estimation.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=614f45a40c399

We are better off than Europe taking in muzzies.

South Americans are at least mostly Christian and have a history of liberation wars (Simon Bolivar). I am not so sure spics will go the way of the commies ultimately.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61470580c0e47

Free speech was always about political ideas. The retarded idea that it was meant to protect obscenities is a 20th century jewish invention.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6146b686b96ba

Check out the White Rose stickers and put them everywhere

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61430eea2f6a2

You just make shit up huh? Looking into it, i see very little to suggest his parents are crypto jews. Yes his family is mired in kikery. That doesnt make his parents jews.

/v/Shitneoconssay viewpost?postid=6142973258b49

His mom is a Scot who grew up speaking Gaelic. I highly doubt she is a jew.
She also doesnt look jewish. And her name is Mary... not a jewish name.

/v/Shitneoconssay viewpost?postid=6142973258b49

0rthodoxy is the true church founded on pentacost

/v/Truth viewpost?postid=61415aad151e3

Check childrens healtb defense. Articles are most precise and rfk has a good rep.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=612af945f3548

Nah, Davis and the southern slaveholders were all masons, satanic devil worshippers. So was Boothe. Slavery was a masonic and jewish institution. I doubt Lincoln was in on it cause they put a bullet in his head.

/v/History viewpost?postid=611c6a6564cfd