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Depression and health     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by CamelsMiller to TellUpgoat 7 months ago


I don't have many places to go, and fuck it. I have a Rheumatic disease, and had a flair up of it. Bad meds, fucked up life, all that. I'm not going to tell a lifetime. Judge all you want, but know I'm not some worthless POS.

2 days ago I got a potential diagnosis of kidney disease because of diabetes. Multitude of other health issues that are because of something called Still's disease. Look it up if you want, it's rare. I found a picture of me from 1992, and I honestly can't recognize myself. I was off meds, and living great. since then downfall bad, and multiple years on Prednisone. I'm a fucking C.H.U.D. and have been since shortly after that pic. Now prednisone and other meds fucking my body just to survive depression has set in like a fucking dump truck. I can't exercise, or work out, it sends the auto-immune disease into overdrive. I can't do anything except wait to die. Life is Hell, and I hate everything.
niggers gonna nig even in congress     (thepostmillennial.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to Niggers 7 months ago


I'm not surprised at all. They are truly room temperature IQ animals. nothing more
No one is doing anything because that faggot kike mayor...     (twitter.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to whatever 8 months ago


Is anyone surprised? 100% of public transit vehicles in Seattle, Portland test positive for meth, 50% for fentanyl     (thepostmillennial.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to whatever 8 months ago


I can't even imagine living someplace like that.
Govt rules 19 year old must die against her will because of disease     (www.foxnews.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to news 8 months ago


What the ever loving fuck?

A UK court has ruled a 19-year-old critically ill female patient with a rare disorder cannot make her own decisions about continuing her medical care, as her family battles her doctors' desire to stop treatment and pursue end-of-life care.

Doctors want the kill the person, family and person want to live. This is some next level scary bullshit.
WTF is this? VOAT.me browser extension with old VOAT logo     (voat.me)

submitted by CamelsMiller to Voat 9 months ago


Sorry, but found on reddit:

So Faux Newes says thing is some "Controvesy" See the headline below. Sorry for the twitter link     (twitter.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to JewMedia 11 months ago


I actually like the rendition. Call me a softie for "Jewel" she can sing like a motherfucker. I see NOTHING wrong with her adaptation. She didn't NIGGER it up with bullshit, she did all the lyrics right, and sang great.

Faux article: https://www.foxnews.com/sports/jewels-twist-national-anthem-indianapolis-500-fails-resonate-fans-panned-disrespectful

I smelt a nigger yesterday     (Niggers)

submitted by CamelsMiller to Niggers 11 months ago


I still want to puke. It was at a gas station where I buy my cigarettes. This gas station is one of the fleet fill up stations for the local Amazon delivery trucks, and it was one of the drivers. I parked, and before opening the door I was hit with a scent I can only describe as putrid BO, vomit, weed, and a touch of shit combined. I got inside, stood a good 8 feet behind it and couldn't breathe. I've ran across a dead racoon on a golf course in Georgia in July at 98ยบ and that is the only smell in my life that was worse. I know humans can get nose-blind to their own BO sometimes, this was beyond possibility. Just another example they are not the same species.
Marjorie Taylor Greene will introduce articles of impeachment against fbi director Wray     (dailycaller.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to news 12 months ago


Won't make it anywhere, but at least someone is doing something
Reddit Implosion in 3. 2. 1...      (arstechnica.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to MeanwhileOnReddit 1 year ago


How are all the thots and bitches going to post their asshole selfies?
Day 10: Poor Donee, what are you gonna try to be? - The Cardigans - Been It     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to music 1 year ago


Released August 12, 1996 on the album First Band on the Moon. I bought the album because I'm Swedish, and the song Lovefool was catchy, and the lead singer chick was hot.

IMHO this is the best song on the whole album. There's a bunch of great tracks, but back to here. Anyway. Hollow sounding guitar and bass. Almost like mid EQ is 100% and bass and treble 0%. I thought for a while they Swede's don't have quality instruments. There is almost NO sustain on the bass throughout 90% of the song. The guitar is almost a percussion instrument.

What a weird sound for then, the end of "grunge". Once the verse starts I immediately thing of this as like a "punk" version of ABBA. There's serious production, writing, and complexity to such a simple song. I can't get past the fact every instrument is Staccato in many places. Its goes back and forth so much. It is part of the hook of the song. If this isn't a POP version of a Pixies song I don't know what is! Soft verse, heavy chorus.

2:13 clock ringing, Who writes a song, has an old mechanical alarm clock planned in or near the bridge, and it is totally in tune with the song?!?! This was WAY before digital processors, auto-tune, or anything even close to the budget of a small band from Sweden, and especially on a song that was a backing, or second track. BUT is fits perfectly. That alarm clock rings perfectly with the song.

OK fine, Lyrics... Bullet point list:

I've been you mother, I've been your father
Who can ask me for more?
I've been your sister, I've been your mistress
Maybe I was your whore, who can ask me for more?

After their HIT song Lovefool if this came out it would be super controversial back then. Today it would be a (((pride))) anthem. When I listen it's usually a filler song. I love the dichotomy, and feel of the song. It makes me bob my head back and forth and such.
Explosion at Texas Dairy Farm Reportedly Kills One Person and 18,000 Cows     (nationalfile.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to whatever 1 year ago


wtf? This is like insane. How in the world are these gigantic explosions happening?
Day 9: I rock the house and sign the tits and that's it - The Teddybears - Rocket Scientist     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to music 1 year ago


I know I've missed a few days, sorry.

Freaking super heavy bass intro. If you can listen to this on a system with a subwoofer it really pumps. It's super catchy to me. This came out March 24, 2010, but it was in an episode intro for the TV show House February 1, 2010. Obviously industry insiders gave the show the song many months before considering the lead time. Obviously super produced pop. The woman voicing the rap is "Eve". She was a bit famous back then.

For fun, here is the March studio album release (there is no record of this being released as a single; Either version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipjZkMKikeM
Notice it is MUCH different. I cannot find an official statement on the one I linked to starting this post. I can though find THAT overly distorted and less "rap" version was used not only in that house episode, but also again in Breaking Bad in April 18, 2010. That's actually where I found and started looking the song up.

#ROMAN SALUTE 1:46~~~~~~~

The break, "them drum machines ain't got no soul" @2:00 then some cheery keyboard BS. It's weird, but comes back and hits hard again. Nothing amazing to say about the whole song other than it really energizes me, makes me tap my foot or whatever. If you work out try adding it to your playlist. I gave it to a buddy a year ago and he still uses it.
Day 8: The Living - Natalie Merchant     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to music 1 year ago


This one gonna be tough, more deep piano. I tried to play along, and I think it is in C Sharp. I tuned my guitar to standard, and it was like 1/2 step up when I tried to cover the chords.

IMHO this is PEAK Natalie Merchant in voice, and reality beauty. The album cover alone is her in a near "flapper" dress. That era is the sexiest in humanity IMHO. Natalie has a voice that is haunting. It's sensual, comforting, really natural, and calming. Her voice makes feel at peace. I can almost sing along with some of this...


Yeah I drink too much. The bottle has be to me my own closest friend, my worst enemy.

I don't stand a chance among the living. I'll go off and make myself scarce, ooo come tomorrow you won't find me here. Hard hit, I listen to this on long road trips sober. I also listen nights like this all fucked up. I first heard it on a Pandora channel. I love her voice, deep piano, and the just calm sound. It took like 5 years to actually hear the lyrics.

I've been back and forth on this. 80% of the time I can't understand lyrics on songs. This one It was just the most beautiful song I'd heard since "Angel". When I finally listened on repeat about 10 times on the way to Marquette MI the lyrics finally hit me.

Take what you want, but it is extremely emotional to me.
Day 7: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Placebo - Pure Morning     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to music 1.1 years ago


[OK I can't figure out how to edit a post properly] Please read below if you care, but read this first. I literally knew nothing about this band other than remembering the lyric a friend in need...

Looking them up turns out the are a bunch of degenerate faggots and druggies. I thought it was a catchy song that made me upbeat and happy. I'm going to make the post again even knowing that BS, sorry, hate me if you want.


Another late 90's song. This is more of an afterthought. I was reading about the latest Mandolorian episode and read the phrase somewhere "a friend in need is a friend indeed". I IMMEDIATELY thought of this son, but had to google the name and band.

It's catchy, and weird. I have no idea why it has a warning about suicide trying to play the song on jewtube. Anyway, it's a really simple song, and tons of repeating lyrics. I always took the lyric "A friend that bleeds is better" to mean having a woman in need is better than other friends, but I may be totally off. There I go analyzing lyrics again. I normally would listen to something like this in the car, and move on to the next song. Writing these up I'm listening to the song on repeat probably 20 times. You can't not hear the lyrics.

To the music; I'm 90% sure they used software called Acid Pro on a lot of this recording. The drums are for sure. :39 into the first guitar hit happens. It's just long enough and heavy enough. 1:13 same hit with some octave chords like the Pumpkins popularized in the early 90's. Nothing special happens overall in the song, but that's OK. It's just alt-rock that is energetic, and fun to listen to.
Day 6: This is going to be hard and make me cry. Angel - Sarah McLachlan.      (www.youtube.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to music 1.1 years ago


Sorry for the mainstream song. I'm trying to turn all sorts of people on to different music they might have never heard. This holds special memory for me. This one of the most beautiful compositions I've ever heard.

There's going to be a long story about my mother passing eventually. Suffice to say it effected my life immensly. I've listened to a LOT of music over my 50+ years. Every genera, and all the influences gorwing up. I'm not going to give a life story, just break down this song.

After my mother's death I was in a really, really, low place. Our last words hours before her passing were extremely bad. I felt responsible for almost 2 decades. Lyrics a bit are hard here, but it boils down to me begging her to find some peace.

The deep low piano I've allways been a fan of. She made me take piano for a year before getting a guitar. Bass notes, I've always loved.
Day 5: Too late for grunge and too early for emo. Oleander - Why I'm Here     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to music 1.1 years ago


I'm trying to review songs I'm betting you either haven't heard, or forgot about. Released in 1999. Short song. Simple intersting guitar intro. Verse then :38 starts a freaking violin and familiar chord progressions. It isn't a real change to a chorus, it's like a interlude and the verse again. Interesting composition. V2 almost the same as 1. 1:07 the interlude, then 1:16 heavy chorus intro. It's like the Pixies, hushed, restrained verses, and explosive, wailing choruses.

1:30 right back to the psychedelic verse guitar and meandering vocals and guitars. 2:00 again familiar interlude, then heavy chorus at 2:09. This one goes a bit longer and has a medicore guitar solo. Back and forth chorus a but, then finally back to the origonal riff. realle mellow finish. It's a really satisifying listen while driving, or just chilling.

This is a huge memory from a time where music was dominated by shit pop music, and boy bands. Check this list out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billboard_Year-End_Hot_100_singles_of_1999 With the exception of #18 and #23 (I will review them later) it is a complete list of absolute shit.
Day 4: All I want to do is forget... How old I am. Bear Hands - 2AM (released 2016)     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to music 1.1 years ago


Kind of a weird band. This is by FAR the most catchy song of theirs. There's a melancholy sound to it. I don't get all the lyrics, but whatever. Something, something, nothing good happens past 2 AM.

Pretty simple tune with some great chords. A simple piano chord progression that has been in probably 1000 songs, but it sounds familiar, upbeat, happy, and works perfect opposite the again melancholy lyrics and overlayed music.

How old I AM :58 seconds in a great hit. It really amps up the mood. 1:41 back to the chord progression, and blues over it. Verse - chorus - verse. Not a bad thing, it feels the same feel, and real easy to listen to when it IS past 2 AM.

3:19 Bang guitars, great, but wished they kept going. The bridge is definetely great, and the trastion to VCV is great. There are a ton if cool little overdubbed guitar fills. overall 8/10 if I'm in the right mood.
Day 3: This is actually realesed in 2000, and breaking my own rules about lyrics. Only You Know - Veruca Salt     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to music 1.1 years ago


SOB!!! I wrote up like 20 minutes of stuff and hit a key and lost the page. I'm going to commit to this daily thing no matter what anyone thinks about my taste in music.

I WILL get this out. I'll paste the lyrics below and comment later. Upon re-doing this I think the back story should be up-font. Veruca Salt was popular in the mid to late 90's. Two chick guitarists, both cute Louise Post and Nina Gordon. in the late 90's the band broke up, and Louise got dumped by Dave Grohl for Winona Ryder in a short time. Back then it was in all the entertainment magazines, and talk shows, but there was no internet to archive it all. Louise kept the band name, and wrote this album Resolver. This song and another "disconnected" are direct assults on Dave Grohl, and partially Nina.

So all that finally typed up, to the song. I'm going to make analogies I hate to do. This is the exact OPPOSITE of what dubstep is. The whole song builds up, up higher, then drops to quiet beauty. I's not really following the Pixies, but close. In the first 15 seconds we hear Louise clearly say "You're a hopeless liar and a hypocryat". That's harsh and setting the tone for the song. There's a LOT of repeated lyrics punching home the acusations. 1:09 is the first like climax ruined. it's beautiful. Crescendo and BAM 1:57 about 1 minute later another super crash to quiet cute beautiful voices... The rest of the song is another crescendo until IMHO the PEAK of the song at 3:40 when Louise sings "I would rather die than take your BULLIT!!"

Don't thank me for what you've got
I've given you love
I've given you too much thought
Don't blame me for sinking the ship
You're a hopeless liar and a hypocrite
Only you know, only you know
Only you know, only you know
Don't thank me for what you've got
I've given you love
I've given you too much thought
Don't shame me for calling it quits
You're a hopeless cynic I'm an optimist
Only you know, only you know
Only you know, only you know
Don't hate me for what you've got
I've given you drugs
I've given you too much thought
Don't blame me for flunking the test
I would rather think that you were honest
Don't blame me cause you got caught
You've given me up you've taken everything I got
Those lies came straight from your mouth
I never dreamed that you would be a sellout
Only you know, only you know
Only you know, only you know
Don't use me as your last crutch
I've taken you in, I've trusted you way too much
Don't wear me around your wrist
You should have thought it through before you blew it
Same day... same life
Different person
Your ghost.my pride
Perfect union
Same day... same life
Different person
Your ghost.my pride
Perfect union
Don't hate me for what you've got, I've given you love
I've given you too much thought
Don't shame me, for sinking the ship
You're a hopeless liar and a hypocrite
Don't hate me for what you're not
I'm aiming your gun
I'm lining up the perfect shot
Don't waste me on something stupid like this
I would rather die than take your bullet
I would rather die than take your bullet
I would rather die than take your bullet
I would rather die than take your bullet
Than take your bullet
Than take your bullet
Than take your bullet
Only you know, only you know (different person)
Only you know, only you know (different person)

Day 2. "Boomer" music again, even though I'm securely Gen X. Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to music 1.1 years ago


Yeah, I'll do Enya eventually. 2:13 this hit on the intro hits SO HARD! It's 100% billy chords. 2:36 starts the BEST drummer of the last 3 decades doing it on 2 takes in stereo. Jimmy Chamberlin is humbling. I'll never play or do anything in life as well as he drums. There must be 20 guitars layered in the whole song. 3:32 when is the time you have ever heard "Dilly Dally" in a modern song lyric? I normally don't give a fuck about lyrics, it's more about the emotion in the voice and singing. Another lyric, something has given him the power to be afraid. That's deep. 4:02 HARD hit again. Goes into super psychedelic guitar and voices. 4:14 probably my favorite song lyric "In the slipstream of thoughtless thoughts". 5:57 does anyone else wonder how beautiful this woman is with "seashell hips and lullabies" is?

90% of the time I mis-hear lyrics, and can't follow. 95% of the time I don't care, it's all about the emotion in the voice and inflection.

6:21 another dubstep heavy guitar drop. This song is a MAP to what feather and anvil music is. Literally in the mid 90's Smashing Pumpkins defined a genera. Without a care in this whole world. Enjoy the ride listening. 8:01 there is a woman's vocal going whoOOOOO. SO subtle, SO perfect at the time in the song. The entire outrow is controlling feedback, mixing, and genius guitar work. Go ahead and hate it, I love it!
What song to share... I'm thinking I might make this a regular thing if any of you like it. Let's start with Sepultura     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to music 1.1 years ago


Sepultura - Desperate Cry. IMHO the best song from Arise. That fast double bass drum early, time signature changes. 1:47, then 1:59, 2:09, and so on. 3:18 that 10 second interlude hitting hard! 4:18 starts that "Metallica" solo part, 4:56 goes full "Megadeth". 5:35 out-row, HOLY SHIT! You know what voat, fuck it. I'm going to post weird and cool music and make comments until you ban me.
Nigger actually charged with assualt for punching white girl after basketball game     (www.foxnews.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to Niggers 1.1 years ago


According to one of the founding cities of America it now Pays to RIOT     (www.newsmax.com)

submitted by CamelsMiller to USPolitics 1.1 years ago


Sometimes you think the world can't get more degenerate. Then you find this on the front page of reddit     (img.gvid.tv)

submitted by CamelsMiller to WTF 1.2 years ago


Fuck you Wikipedia and your bullshit re-design you faggot motherfuckers     (whatever)

submitted by CamelsMiller to whatever 1.3 years ago


Those motherfuckers changed the whole web UI to be like the mobile UI they had a specific m.* link for. Open that shit on a 4K wide screen monitor and go blind with the massive white empty spaces on the sides.

Their argument https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Reading/Web/Desktop_Improvements/Frequently_asked_questions#Why_is_the_width_of_the_content_limited? says

Quote: >When reading short lines, readers don't move their eyes too much, use the eye's muscles less intensively, thus avoiding eye strain.
Narrow paragraphs allow readers to memorize new information better.
On websites, there should be between 35 and 100 characters per line. Numbers closer to the smaller end are preferred.
The overwhelming number of major websites have similar limitations on content width. For example: academic journals like Nature, news websites like The New York Times, government and intergovernmental websites like the United Nations, academic documents like LaTeX, and word processors like Google Docs and Etherpad.

That is the biggest dick slap in the face saying fuck you to users on a PC and wide monitor. EYES are a HORIZONTAL functioning sense. NOT a VERTICAL sense.

Sorry I had to rant about this shit. The "option" to create an account an log in is shitballs fucked up solution. Yes Wikipedia has some bullshit all over, but sometimes it is needed to look up information on who played drums on the first Nickleback album.