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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 709 (+776/-67)
ccp: 338 (+375/-37)
votes given: 6679 (+6586/-93)
score: 1047


I spent a few minutes listening to old stuff and think I want to try messing around again...


I think maybe this has potential, and have some thoughts on transitions. I know I played a part with a capo and need to re-learn how to play it. I have an idea in my mind about how my loneliness has taken over. Something about beauty in myself, but shame on being alone. It's a super melancholy song and sound. Super depressing, and something gen y-z or whatever has no clue about. Something like "Pictures of You" by The Cure.


Playing it I can hear some arpeggios and single note riffs that could take place. The bass line needs to be major prominent, something like Jeff Ament from PJ. The dissonant cord notes need to be heard hard... then the total shift to major chord "uplifting" chorus sound right at the end.

See when I'm drinking like I am tonight I can hear it all in my head. I can't play it and the drum parts KILL me. I NEED to hear the subtle cymbals and low tom hits, but I have to have the 100% song organization mapped out before I can even try and tap out the beat on a drum machine.

When I was 19 and didn't have responsibilities, and lived with my parents, and had health issues that stopped me from being accountable for things I could spend all night, and days working on things like this.

I HATE to say this, but honestly being buzzed like now, and back then I have a much better track, and ear for what I want. I had an "instant on" recording on a 4-track cassette available, and just did things.

Now it's like I want to record... OK re-arrange the entire room, connect all the cables, and an hour later I lost the vibe. Now UNDO all you did before bed, or tomorrow you can't work from home until you do. So now I have to PLAN "get semi-drunk" then "get all the mixer board and music stuff setup" then listen to old tracks for inspiration, then have a feeling that particular night about a sound and feel, then get the recording equipment working correctly, then test eh levels, then tune the guitar to the old track, OR then start with a NEW track, then use a metronome to figure the time, then open the software, create a track and create a click track on the timing I'm guessing at, Then test an intro or other part.

Go on from there. Seriously. My only chance in a full song is a machine drum witch needs a set timing. I can't just play, then go off time and "sync it up". By this point I'm 90% in the bag and can't be bothered to record. I don't have the luxury or a dedicated PC for recording always available.

I can hear in my head the sounds of that song above, and want to play around. I will try, Ijust can't offer a suggestion on the future

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=6610908af2b34

I LOVE your dedication to this format, and your friends being involved. I hope this isn't disrespectful but whenever I hear your recordings I think of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swwjTfdOjo4

And I think of Werle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BodzqAyPtI

I LOVE you doing all this, and you play shit I can't all the time.

I don't know how to explain how I appreciate it and love it and can't do it and can't replicate it and wish I had people like that in my life.

I'm a fucking hermit in my diabetes and other disease riddled world with nothing and no one and nothing, you are out there having amazing times and fun.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=6610908af2b34

I am always in awe and frustrated by your professional ability. That is NOT a dig, or bad or whatever. You are a professional musician, and it sometimes just makes me want to give up lol.

Anyway, great job as always. You seem to be able to play most anything, and get the sound right.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=6610908af2b34

Milwaukee proper has been completely overrun with niggers.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e96951ae121

I'm just glad someone remembers bloodninja.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65cae96c5e407

Please source so I can post elsewhere.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=65581ffb3b682

I hate 4chan, but the deep fakes, and all the bastardization of her is just food for my soul. I only encourage things like this, it is wonderful.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=655826e91a05d

I have and am baptized and confirmed Lutheran. This is past that, especially the entire adult life multiple issue with this disease.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6520e16f0bde8

Another one. Eat my shit. Seriously?

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6520e16f0bde8

Seriously? Some fuycker went all bullshit on me and my reply was

Let's see. Did you look up Still's disease, and related auto-immune diseases? My own immune system is attacking my own muscles and connective tissues. I've had this since 1989. It's NOT something you can just "work through" with exercise. Exercise, and strenuous workout makes it WORSE. Every stress on your bodies connective tissue makes the immune system attack it harder.

The entire definition of this situation is to NOT stress your muscles or tendons. Off meds I can slowly try and work back, but too much stress or disease makes the body ATTACK the muscles and tendons. Let's go walk for a a mile. Hmm, disease hurts, then diabetes foot and other pain hurts. You say "push through" then I get a foot ulcer, and at the same time full relapse of Still's. Now I'm on higher prednisone damaging my kidneys and liver more.

You don't know a fucking thing you are talking about, and need to eat a black cock.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6520e16f0bde8

Let's see. Did you look up Still's disease, and related auto-immune diseases? My own immune system is attacking my own muscles and connective tissues. I've had this since 1989. It's NOT something you can just "work through" with exercise. Exercise, and strenuous workout makes it WORSE. Every stress on your bodies connective tissue makes the immune system attack it harder.

The entire definition of this situation is to NOT stress your muscles or tendons. Off meds I can slowly try and work back, but too much stress or disease makes the body ATTACK the muscles and tendons. Let's go walk for a a mile. Hmm, disease hurts, then diabetes foot and other pain hurts. You say "push through" then I get a foot ulcer, and at the same time full relapse of Still's. Now I'm on higher prednisone damaging my kidneys and liver more.

You don't know a fucking thing you are talking about, and need to eat a black cock.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6520e16f0bde8

God I love that song... but love this more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88T131rQCUc

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=65209e5607d56

What I'd give to do that for a night

/v/videos viewpost?postid=651997022ccd8

It's not a contest, and internet points don't mean a thing. You do you.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65188a4e26f35

nigger teachin' nigger. didn't know animals had evolved that far.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=650c9925b03f4

The guy that says that starts about 1:25. Many other spicy fun comments too.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6502946d6d155

"room temperature IQ's"

love that, I'm niggering it.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6501d36772cba

And I'll add one I don't believe I shared before https://soundcloud.com/thewilake/acoustic-with-drum-machine?si=28fbbbb152444f2280b87e797e6874ca&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=64e9409a41ab4

Hiya, been a while. I came across me playing a bass trying to write a riff. Don't believe I've shared this before. https://soundcloud.com/thewilake/recording055?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=64e9409a41ab4

It still kills me there is actual drone footage of this.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64e9274313f19