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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 1788 (+2243/-455)
ccp: 11302 (+12710/-1408)
votes given: 15759 (+14504/-1255)
score: 13090


Mod of:

There should be an option to choose more than one

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66377325c19b9

It's not even a mexican holiday..

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6637f7d49057e

Yeah, right after he gasses all the kikes

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66381b633e784

Weapons type, magazine capacity, ammo type, etc etc

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6637e8d842435

lol, our Constitution has been routinely ignored since it was signed

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6637e8d842435

It's my personal items. I lyk FB better than CL cuz I can see who the buyer is. Nigs: BLOCKED. But I think FB is onto me..

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6637e20131999

Akshually I restarted both fone and laptop, made no difference

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6637e20131999

In my area, nobody uses Craigslist, which was my go-to for years.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6637e20131999

ANNOYING! It only started yesterday. I wonder if FB is doin it bcuz I have blocked so many 'undesirables'...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6637e20131999

Lock your garage, and bring in all patio furniture and potted plants

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66368cbb0269f

'suspicious download blocked', kek

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6636b5e1105ad

The big guy, that kid will be a beast

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=6636462f8fd4e

There are plenty of huge mooslim cities in the world, they aint goin nowhere.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=6636415e0774b


WHY WHY WHY???????? You ruined everything.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=6636462f8fd4e

He aint jewish, he's talked about it several times. His dad was Hungarian.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66345a1462aa6

No. It passed the House, but is not believed to pass the Senate. Stop posting nonsense.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66338cdba1817

WhiteKnights all get the rope, right after the kikes and niggers

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66322a53eb519

I can save @Gowithit, but first I must fix her.

/v/NutziHiveKickers viewpost?postid=663234820ef84