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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 3153 (+3622/-469)
ccp: 1606 (+1873/-267)
votes given: 2350 (+1739/-611)
score: 4759


Owner of:
FakeandGay, NiggerLoversExposed, YearOfTheBlackSun, QueersoftheSlackBun, Dialaltnamesuggestions, RealProtectVoat, thequietroom, BananaHatersExposed, RealWhatever, Liftwaffen,
Mod of:
NutziHiveKickers, OOO, BANANA,

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b9838447382

Looks Communities.win is the best option, decent userbase and I don't think I would get banned unless the admin is AOU

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b9838447382

Early reddit was decent. I think most of us came from there after Pizzagate and fat people hate ban

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b9838447382

We appreciate you taking on the tard wrangling. Voat was something really wild. Its a shame that the user base was scattered into the wind. On the other hand, its good to have us spread into other communities so that we can do what we do.

Everything I've done has been low effort. I think its time for a change and that I actually take up doing some decent research and compiling them into better pills for distribution.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b9838447382

I've been really having a good time with them. I've met Thomas personally and he is a humble guy. We slept on hardwood floors in a tiny NYC apartment after the march, crammed in like sardines lol. There was some guy in the tub lmao, i pissed like 3 times and never knew he was trying to sleep there.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b9838447382

Word to the wise PF controls the Will 2 Rise and active club movement, we utilize the active clubs as a recruitment tool as a way to have guys involved that can't quite commit to the level of activism we do due to personal risks or health.

That being said. PF has men ages 18 to late 40's and we are across all of America. Even if guys can't quite show up to the two hundred man marches we still need help with logistics, programming, interviewing and lots of other house nigger work.

As the organization grows we will continue to need good men of all ages helping to keep operations going smoothly. So if any one is interested and are over 40 its still worth applying and letting the interviewing team know what skills you have.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b9838447382

I joined patriot front and have been participating in the actions and demonstrations. Its been the best time of my life. Hanging out with the guys, hanging banners over interstates, boxing and camping. We just did the NYC demonstration which was a lot of fun.

So real life activism is taking care of, but there still remains the responsibility to compile information to continue red pilling those who are ready.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b9838447382

Its bothering me that they didn't turn the ice to its side to get through the door so as to give the guy more ice to lay on.

/v/aww viewpost?postid=65a1b9f8f0a88

That voice over is fucking hilarious. Thanks for the pick me up.

/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=65987d28eeb0c

I've ran out of room for joke subs. Can I have some more?

/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=653afcfb83a9e

"I could see on the first page and that was /v/Niggers. Anyways, there was a big red button on the side that said "Claim Subverse" and me being the retarded impulse monkey that I am I clicked it."


/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=653afcfb83a9e

nigger IQ will revert to their Natural level within 2 generations max. Leave them to their own devices and a natural barrier will form. Long term however, yes. We will have to relocate them back to afrika or if we find out they were a biological weapon another solution will have to take place.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6538866321faa

You'll be hearing me shill for active clubs a lot more moving forward. You can find them on telegram. Just stay within the law, hanging out with other like minded guys is restoring to the soul.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6538456ea60a0

You know what, I'm completely in favor of this. Actually I'd be willing to donate to rehouse africans in black neighborhoods.

Hummmm, thanks jews?

the nigger horde zenith will be short lived, they'll eat eachother alive and we wont have to lift a finger

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6538866321faa

Here is how to find it. Use the search engine Yandex.

use this image https://files.catbox.moe/h4xccw.JPG

upload it to tineye and reverse search

It took me a long time but that is how i found it. Cat wont let me upload it for you, guess he's pissed at the epstien client list i keep uploading.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6518a350a0196

I've tried several methods of posting it. I have it. Cat wont let me upload it

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6518a350a0196


/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6518a350a0196