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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 4035 (+5581/-1546)
ccp: 5590 (+7810/-2220)
votes given: 1873 (+1563/-310)
score: 9625


Is someone at bullfight actively trying to destroy the brand?

I was way beyond ever buying that shit for any reason. But now what the fuck no one with a brain would buy this shit after these commercials

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=665496194ea08

If you ever wonder how stupid and clueless people with fame are this retarded bitch just explained it to you

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=66549881f196a

Fake and gay they put a doll on the tail

/v/ChinalDestination viewpost?postid=6653d3a734bc5

What is more harmful to your civilization?

An experimental vaccine that you could refuse the entire time it was voluntary

Or jews which seem to be trust upon every good civilization with out the consent of the people?

Japan needs to be talking about the jews the root cause of the vaccine. Moderna is 100% jew opened company

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6653b067931a9

Honestly we need to speed things up here.

1. Antisemitism in any form should be punishable by death!
2. Old post on social media, unless you say jews our the choosen people and rule all other raced and religions by God's authority, are their slaves. Punishable by death
3. Jews have the right to rape any woman as the chooses people
4. Questioning the use liberty incidence is Punishable by death
5. Questioning the holocaust is torture then death publicly. This is their greatest strength their victim status from this horrific even where 6 million jews died from jerking off machines, bears eagles and German Shepard, and gas chambers hanging and roller coasters

We need to ramp things up to get awaken the Anglo saxxon

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6653eaa37aba3

The crazy thing is this type of speech might be outlawed in the near future but we have communist running rampant all over the fucking place.

/v/WorldPolitics viewpost?postid=6652c8437a5bd

He is a bot and troll

1. Obviously white women are not bad<<< before they have been absolutely corrupted by jews influence.

How many times have I said the most important thing is to have more white kids what is the key aspect of that? Saving white women but fuck have they been turned to shit by jews.

Doesn't mean I hate white women just point out the jew corruption of them using feminism communism liberalism all the jew shit we know about

2. Not ok to marry Asian women unless your past the point of making kids then it's about as good an option as you have but it's not ideal

3. Don't love sports ball under its current jew agent dominated system the fundamental aspect of learning to be part of a team getting in prime physical condition and the other good aspects of non pro sport is good but again the jew corrupted shit we are seeing now is terrible

4.ive not been to a taylor swift concert I bought tickets to make a profit and already have an offer will make about 2k

5. Went to the beartaria festival it was awesome 95% white good food good people good families no jews that I talked to. Owen is a little to fond of the jews but is one of the only public figures who has debunked the holahoax and tells the truth about circumcision. Basically no one mainstream is allowed to do either. The room whack thing I don't know the entire story but what I heard it was some weird shit done as a kid or when very young. He 100% is against jerking off and calls it out all the time. Calling something out done 20 years ago and who condems it now reeks of jew commie tactics the playbook for commies you stupid fuck.

Uses an alt to say unblock me. Guy is obvious here for the wrong reasons it's sad more people don't call that blatant liar out.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6650bf03eef89

Kill it with fire magma lava most powerfull layers made by man... kill it with a nuke... wait nukes are jew fake and gay fantasy shit

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=665031538bf28

It's so much worse then this game proves. It has blind luck the jews control the multil trillion dollar propaganda brainwashing machine I call MEEPAC


with that under their control the game is beyond rigged for kikes to win

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=665082141f1e1

You can use my term if you want.

It's the MEEPAC


that is the jews brainwashing system in a nutshell

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=664f4c0ae63c6

People have no clue how powerfull the MEEPAC IS



/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=664f7601efcda

How about get an oft grid farm going. A white woman and lots of kids and animals and guns

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=664d3679c7188

Seriously not one person in the media mentions this? There is not one rebel media member who points out the obvious?

/v/ZOG viewpost?postid=664d21c761bf5

Lol you sound like a Owen benjamin listener.

He did a deep dive on this song and pointed out how it's total Jewish commie bullshit it's all liberal progressive horse shit the entire fucking song.

Fuck the beatles

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=664c93ce3661a

Wtf is this insanity. If that thing went full kill mode unless his hand has a high powered revolver in it. He is fucking dead. And why risk it.

Are these set up with tame bears because this makes no fucking sense if these are wild encounters

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664cf0cb65bca

China should drone strike that satanic fuck know as NetNyahoo

/v/news viewpost?postid=664cb8494314a

And water is wet.

Except which culture do the parasite virus hybrid jews thrive in greater? Sadly highly trusting empathetic white culture seems to harbor the most evil satanic parasites in human form known as the jews.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=664ce87e3e5fe

Can we start paying the Aryan brotherhood off the books to kill any niggers that rape white women. It should be in the bylaws or somwthing.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=664a4aa594270

It seemed freemasonry didn't have jews for a long time. And seemed to be very white and had at its core good intentions.

But any seceret society is open to corruption and most likely freemasonry was infiltrated and ruined by jews like every thing else

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=6649cc4856c05

If that's real I want to go add a a placard next to it.

You were a narricist cunt so ya I did cheat to keep my sanity

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66498e874bb50

His birth day was 69 69

Dude was destined to be a sexual fiend

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66498e874bb50

Any one notice the cross fire? I mean how did the nigs not hit each other?

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6649f029956df


That stupid faggot bot jew fuck is still around and people actually name the piece of shit. This site was ok once I blocked that kike shill fuck.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=66498dadd648f

Just tell a fucking retard normal this...

So Isreal is our greatest ally? Ask them to look up how many wars Isreal has allied with the united states then ask them to look up the uss liberty

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6645e006339f8

It's funny I literally thought this as I was posting this. I do a shake an hour after working out with cretine. Baking soda. Muchroom chocolate mix and protein powder. But I think you are right I should just eat a pound and a half of ground beef an hour after and mix in the creatine

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6648dd0c0b88c