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Member for: 2.2 years

scp: 7204 (+7941/-737)
ccp: 3300 (+4485/-1185)
votes given: 8302 (+5721/-2581)
score: 10504


He says everything under the sun. Not surprised there's retards on here who fall for his grift. Pretty sure the world was supposed to end several years ago according to his earlier videos.

/v/science viewpost?postid=663ef6b0f12e1

That guy's been talking shit for years, this is his wet dream... annnddd it's over and not that big of a deal.

/v/science viewpost?postid=663ef6b0f12e1

he's the one who agreed with joe rogan about whites becoming a minority being good right?

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=663ee24b03e94

I can see the taint entering their blood already.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=663eb97331ca0

i like how protestants think they're anything different from catholics when you're all judeo satanists

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=663e37b4cfaa1

this russian jew is solely posting this to promote civil war in america, every post he makes on here has some subversive intent

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=663ead03d9dac

lol he loves to use these things to grift for more money, fuck him.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=663da5039b456

comment from a redditor where i stole this from: "I agree. Where I live in Tennessee, pretty much all of the elected officials are freemasons. That fact, by itself, isn't much. But when you take into consideration our Election Committee/ Voting Center is directly next door to a Masonic Lodge, and both properties are owned by the same guy, (A 'fellow' mason)

It becomes more evident"

/v/VotingIsForRetards viewpost?postid=663b24da25eea

your false jew god is weaker than me, he can't even keep control over this forum anymore. i said to him, 'do u support the white race?' and he said 'race doesn't matter!' and thereafter all whites abandoned him and started to follow me. are you not white? you mustn't be. this is a whites only forum. leave, subhuman.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=663ad20fd531e

It very clearly is, you're just an idiot. You can't even fathom the logic of the necessity of body swapping, which is basically impossible to get right, when they've already controlled the system and hand-picked these puppets for ages now. Oh and what a fucking surprise it's always some of those very controlled idiots like Marjorie Green or whatever the fuck the retarded cunts name is who push this retarded theory onto people like you. Wake the fuck up retard.

/v/WeirdNews viewpost?postid=66385c1a9937e

I read some of the sample, seems pretty good

/v/books viewpost?postid=663843ffd4ace

the 'not the same' bodyswap qtard shit is just designed to make us look ridiculous. fuck off with that low iq shit.

/v/WeirdNews viewpost?postid=66385c1a9937e

LOL they out themselves in the second line. All of the China hysteria is utter distraction nonsense, if you think otherwise then look at a map and you'll see how impotent and surrounded they are.

The second line: 'Its first aircraft carrier capable of going toe-to-toe with the US embarked on its first sea trials this week.'

In previous world wars the navies were close to even, not 'maybe one ship that might last against the foe'.

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=6638055ff17df

a lot of prostitutes are attracted to christianity because they see it as a way to con a brainwashed forgiving man

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=6637486126ce8

So all we need to do is hammer home to all young white normies that they've rigged democracy through immigration and thus the system is invalidated and there's only one solution to reclaim our future. Shouldn't be too hard. Far right political parties should still form. But they need to start militarising their young white male voter base, and when ready claim victory by majority white male vote which is what our founders intended and then fight for it.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=6636415e0774b

I don't quite subscribe to the genetic theory. Well I do, just not to totality. Obviously Semitic genes are linked with duplicity etc. The bible is a story of these genes coming into contact with aryans, of struggling to grasp this new superior concept of aryan warrior morality while celebrating immoral stories, weaving a web of lies, victimhood and plots.

A German Jew has much different genetics to a semitic arab or jew. If someone identifies as a jew, they are submitting themselves to a cult that was developed by semites, religious or otherwise. A normal person who discovers they are 1/4 jew would not identify as jewish, they'd just keep calling themselves American etc. The ones who decide to identify as jewish have done so because they've explored the features of the cult and submitted to it. Just as some whites are now submitting to the cult identifications of aboriginal etc. and as soon as they do they play the role, the role of retarded victim etc., when they never did it before. Liberals and Christians are likewise insane and intolerable in arguments that conflict with their brainwashing. That's not necessarily genetic. It's a dangerous cult that needs to be identified and obliterated.

The germans decided on the genetic route and it bit them in the ass. Mischlings, 1/4 jews, were allowed to stay till pretty much the end, even though many of them were openly jewish, and some of them betrayed the reich. Yet some of them were stalwart nazis who would never want anything to do with the cult of jewry. How far do you take it? Some 1/32ers are crypto jews, most 1/32ers have no idea of any jewishness in them. The deciding factor of whether or not they're an enemy is whether they've attached themselves to the cult or not.

Blacks are different, too much genetic distance so that genes can be distinctly linked to their behaviours, the blurred lines only start occurring once they start becoming capable of light-coloured eyes.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66355ebed3516

Fuck me you have some low iq takes sometimes. You got owned in the other thread you made about this, so all you do is repeat it.. ironically a boomer trait.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6635701a3465c

two groups of repulsive liars desperately battling to be the victim. before christ we would've marched in and subdued both, now we're 'tolerant'.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=66353f22f378f

I thought it was Mossad who was caught spying on the White House during Trump's term. Howcome O'Keefe doesn't do any investigations into Mossad spying? Oh yeah right...

/v/NWO viewpost?postid=663403c7c10c2

who gives a fuck, they're all the same root aryan languages, it's time for all whites to unite and we're doing it speaking english, that debate is settled and over with so get the fuck over it.

/v/Irish viewpost?postid=66325ae7169f3

the far leftist golems thrown under the bus ahah. they're easy pickings without state backing. not so daring are the jews against far rightists though, they always send in the far left golems for those battles. last time they got involved in the slightest because they thought they had the whole apparatus backing them and they still got slaughtered by a lone 17 yr old boy.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66327d0c0da48

they'd be there in under a sec if far rightists became involved

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66327d0c0da48