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Member for: 2.6 years

scp: 131 (+135/-4)
ccp: 138 (+143/-5)
votes given: 29 (+26/-3)
score: 269


I just finished the anti-tech revolution.

It's good I guess, but the most interesting parts were the history lessons used as reference. I didn't know some of the stuff about Hitler's rule, and the terror during Stalin.

Very interesting stuff... Could be used on the leftist if people could be inclined.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62710c88b5401

She's not that hot. And those big titties aren't going to age well.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=626f1a814e755

I've seen the clip at the end a million times...

What or where is it from? Is it supposed to be anti-trans or is it being ironic?

/v/funny viewpost?postid=626947da19de1

We should dox the parents. Along with Taylor Lorenz. "Liberals" need to start being afraid.

This is repugnant.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6262917e848a2

I check this place out every day, I don't pay attention to a single one of the names on here or the criticism.

I think it's strange that people would let this stuff get to them but that's just me.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=625f09f5b27de

That's my spot. Reddit is for faggots.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=625e5aecdd602

Like my AR 10, LOVE my 300 blackout pistol.

/v/TheGunClub viewpost?postid=625cccca95642

There's a time for every thing under the sun.

/v/religion viewpost?postid=6259639d4ad0d

Easier to see on the thumbnail.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=625989771b25c




Godlike productions (total waste of fucking time) I check the headlines for a few seconds

Reddit conspiracy, check the first 15 topics.

I'm spending A LOT less time on this stuff than I used to, I seem to be aware of what's about to happen and it usually does... Figuring out what's next is pretty easy these days.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=62535ff2ca2da

Well, I'm not gonna lie... Shit looks good to me.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6250db3d18951

Funny, I come here every day and I literally have no idea who these people are and what all the fuss is about.

I see Jew hate, I up vote. Simple as that.

/v/MeanwhileOnPoal viewpost?postid=624c78df3f246

Depending on the state it would have been a good idea to let him try and then cut his fucking throat.

I can't wait until people start gutting these fucking faggots routinely.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=624be442af2f3

Gay liberals, love the Oscars... They pretty much said it was niggerish without saying it. They were angry, I think they just saw the hypocrisy the fact that nothing was done, and then the standing ovation... "You know how much I hate trump and even he wouldn't have acted like that."

They're getting it. Black culture is incompatible, becomes more obvious every day.

Edit: at the heart of it, I think the Oscars represent what's good about America to certain people, as misguided as that seems. A nog just got a standing ovation for shitting all over it, like they shit on everything.

/v/BasedDepartment viewpost?postid=62452a4504291

This guy gets it more than most of the white people I know. I think we're seeing the start of black people in general becoming aware of how tired of their shit we all are.

Blacks have such an unambiguously terrible culture that it can't be hidden any longer, and it's getting worse, so much so that you're getting blacks defecting against their own people.

On that same note the Oscars were a huge red pill for alot of people, I know alot of liberal whites who were pretty pissed.

/v/BasedDepartment viewpost?postid=62452a4504291

I see your point. I think the best thing we can do is love well educate others. When things reach the boiling point it's better to have others that you can somewhat depend on.

Friends, skills, wealth.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62390d430407f

There was nobody like me here, so I'm creating people like me.

Still a lonely existence at time. I finally have a friend who names the "J" but he's still far behind... I don't think many of us realize how long of a process this really is.

Think about how long your road is... You can't just throw people in the deep end and expect them to swim on their own. It's a process.

I'll probably take a little shit for saying this but it's a little demoralizing I've spent years educating people and even with the stuff going on and as bad as it is they are still barely willing to name the J.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62390d430407f

Yup. Unbelievable, fucking animals. Blacks are seriously the worst species of anything on this planet. They are so consistently awful and destructive... Reading this story pisses me off. They actually tried to blame the victim.

She shouldn't be out of jail

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=623677ea7617c

I don't think trump was controlled opposition.

He might be now, but he wasn't... Did anyone hear the interview where (can't remember who it was...) But they were basically there talking to trump at the end with all of the election fraud and he explained how all of his lawyers and people were basically steering him in the wrong direction on everything. It was eye opening, god I wish I could remember who the interview was with. I think whoever it was talked about it on bannons show, it was the craziest shit ever because there we specific instances of them trying to sabotage trump.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=622e04575022d

A little off topic but...

Has anyone seen Malone? Holy shit, the pedophile scene at the end of that movie was fucking wild, I knew they were building it up but lord Christ I didn't think it was going to be that bad.

Another burt Reynolds flick, also has "right wing extremist".

/v/movies viewpost?postid=6225429eaafd7

Eh. He probably is an idiot, but I've done the same things, I had Nikes like 5 years ago l, kapernick shit drove me over the edge I burned them.

I bought an "music of the Israeli people" cd just to destroy it.

You know, that type of thing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=621f89242194a

My wife's from Ukraine she has always hated Russians even before this.

I'm American, I dunno. Can't tell what's what anymore. I'm not allowed to say it here but I feel like Putin is probably the good guy here.

I'm in a very difficult situation here.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=621c459890e2a

So, seriously... What are the best ways to disable armor as a civilian? Seriously asking, I was thinking about this last night...

/v/politics viewpost?postid=621aa1ad5759e