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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 86 (+88/-2)
ccp: 85 (+89/-4)
votes given: 22 (+21/-1)
score: 171


Eugenics is a tough pill, but it's the right choice in theory.
The problem is who gets to do the choosing. Voluntary eugenics would be great. Maybe the gene therapy jab was an attempt at that.
If I were gubmint, I'd try $1000 for voluntary sterilization program, but I guess starting with donuts and weed is cheaper.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=61e83b9f85410

I, a real person, assumed you meant 4 plates per side is minimum. Maybe it's generational.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61d34f9a5b560

They want 55 years to release the data so that we who know they are wrong are too old to fight when it's time to fight. But it will be classified before then, if the standing gov is allowed to keep standing.

/v/Controlavirus viewpost?postid=61d22376439c7

I also experienced a 6/10 headache, diarrhea, and I threw up in the middle of the night after waking up twice with a burning stomach. My body was pretty sore too. I added essential minerals to my water, ate chicken and rice, and took a long mid-day nap. I chalked it up to too much snacking, staying up late, and skipping the gym. Back to 100% within 2 days.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=61cf88603898c

Faith in Yeshua is the belief that we are souls in a body and that our mission is to overcome the concerns of the physical to focus on the spiritual. The example Yeshua set was to consider the spiritual more important than the physical to the point of death. It is a great challenge in my life as a descendant of Europa to set aside the physical concerns about my heritage and skin color (as it relates to the world) and focus instead on my humble status as a soul in prison on earth, deserving of death for crimes in the spiritual world.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=61c464223801a

Is (((Fox News))) aligning with God-fearing Christians or is Christmas a pagan holiday used to mislead God's people?

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=61b05baa99e84

Do you keep the Sabbath on Saturday as Christ and the first Christians did before the weeds were sown?

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=61b13514b2a45

I don't like giving any info to anyone but sometimes the benefit outweighs the risk. When the terror famine begins, it would be nice to have a stockpile of goods for the fire team. That costs money.
On the other hand, I may make more working for myself. I have been employed since school so it would be different but exciting.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=61ae9a1bd433e

I would tend to agree but there should be a restriction of jews and foreign people that meet this criteria. It's a high bar for most people today but foreclosing on White-owned land is an enemy tactic.

Maybe adding a term of citizenship and a civics test would weed out the weeds?

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=61ac893b2bcb0

They had the numbers. Time to get dirty hands.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=61a759c6bc738

Agree with rule #1 of crime: don't create video evidence.
Maybe he decided to video in case it went the other way. Okay, but delete incriminating video.

If you must confront a criminal and things get out of hand, don't call the Zogbots. They were obviously no help before. Some people must learn the hard way.

I bet they regret they didn't "shoot, shovel, shut up".

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=619eee1e98330

I wonder how many would play if GPA restrictions were enforced.

Do US schools still issue grades?

/v/Sports viewpost?postid=619b978a7d4f8

OP must have capitalized the dubya

/v/JewMedia viewpost?postid=619a4f75b06ec

Seems that he wasn't the first... as cool as that would be.

/v/ThankHitlerEveryday viewpost?postid=6175a3d607e28

Running a CNC isn't manual labor. It takes skill and expensive equipment. In my book, manual labor is shoveling, swinging hammer, flipping burgers; it requires no training. It is minimum skill for minimum wage, which is what I was trying to establish.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=61605d6ae7a9a

Use your brain a little. Value is value. If you provide $10K in value in an hour, do you think that's the same as flipping burgers?? I'm speaking of MINIMUM SKILL LEVEL. Shovel manure for an hour for a steak and potatoes. Did you come from ELI5?

/v/politics viewpost?postid=61605d6ae7a9a

That's why I said one man-hour of manual labor. That's the minimum skill level.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=61605d6ae7a9a

Sunday worship is not Christian anyway. Sunday worship is sun worship.
&& equating Christianity to Judaism is like equating National Socialism to Communism. There are similarities in doctrine, in theory, but great differences in practice. The oldest texts also show that Yeshua/Jesus cursed the jews time after time for the same wickedness we see in them today. It used to surprise me that even folks on this site see through all the jew BS in the world but don't see that modern "Christianity" has also been jewed. Back when Jesus was working, Judaism was dying. They hated him for exposing them as liars, so they poisoned the well he dug over centuries. The world has turned away from the LORD and our punishment is a world conquered by jews.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=616007eb9a86d

The mark or seal of the beast is a counterfeit of the seal of Elohim (God). It is a symbol on your hand and a mark on your forehead. God says we should keep His laws like a symbol on your hand... The mark of the beast is other laws by which we cannot live: worship of other gods and idolatry (sunday worship, Christmas, Easter, cross reverence etc.). The jab is a fake mark of the beast, but I'm not taking it anyway.

/v/newz viewpost?postid=6142ae9a51c11

1 John 2:3-4 and Matthew 7:21-23
We must be obedient to God or perish.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=60db2e1148cb2

Where did you read that He BECAME our Sabbath and our Passover?
I read that He is the reality of the Passover lamb and the Lord of the Sabbath.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=60db2e1148cb2

This is my main sticking point with the kill-jab theory. Maybe they'll release a nasty one that will actually kill the non-GMO people.

/v/news viewpost?postid=60c5d5e01ee30

I'm an Elohist. The word Elohim was translated to God, but is actually Gods.
I believe the children of promise have a spritual Father and Mother, the Spirit and the bride in Rev 22.
I believe Christianity has been corrupted since 4th century and Catholic/Protestant churches follow teachings of men, exalting pope over God.

/v/religion viewpost?postid=60be8b609cc3f

A good buddy was telling me about some realizations he had on hallucinogens and one was that everything about who you are is meant to be; you are exactly as you are supposed to be right now. That moved me and tears welled up.
Sometimes while pondering this life I begin to realize the love that exists for me, the love God has shown me in this life: the absolute blessings of a wife that really loves me, healthy and happy children, and the opportunity to show them how much I love and care for them. That also moves me.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60be782a23341