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Member for: 2.5 years

scp: -4 (+56/-60)
ccp: 88 (+300/-212)
votes given: 621 (+434/-187)
score: 84


Well, congratulations on being a nigger.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=647e5e91dbfbd

I mean, the fact that you're this big of a nigger says something.

/v/History viewpost?postid=647ed17773ed6

Holy fuck! What if it's total BS, and Russia is propagating distractions because of their fuckups in Ukraine? Jesus, learn to spot propaganda, even if it supports your ideal.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=64765e66d147c

Russia refuses peace, ching chong. Go make flied lice.

/v/War viewpost?postid=647644598760c

Schrodinger's Laptop at this point. Oh, the Russians have it now?

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=64765e66d147c

Damn, I'm just imagining if you were a democrat who would go out and write "Hilary Won." I'd probably think you were a giant loser with little to no life.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=646fdccc8f464

It's so weird that people on this site support Russia when they are such pieces of shit rapists. How many German women were raped and murdered by Russians I wonder.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=646fc0035eecf

"We totally have maintained our nukes, and the military funds absolutely weren't corrupted away." Damn, thought they would've had Kiev in three days, right? Bend over Russia, China is feeling randy.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=646d4e74a2117

Thank god they added moody piano music.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=646aadd01ffb5

Ukrainians > Russians by a long shot. Putin needs to toss some jew salads.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=646a3025c8c46

Then get to the middle, you nigger.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=646a15a2b33f1

Orthodox "Christians" are ignorant jew impersonators.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=64643c9b93025

Hahaha, probably more than you most likely. That woman is amazing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64610eac6f7ad

1234lkjh 0 points 1.1 years ago

Didn't Twain call you Nigger Jim?

/v/aII viewpost?postid=644dc5d93b165

Musk is desperate for attention 24/7. He'll jump on any trend and then tweet like a fag all day.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=644d72152db30

Looks like a bunch of Santa Claus fags who won't show their faces and will only protest drag shows. How brave.

/v/aII viewpost?postid=644dc5d93b165

1234lkjh 0 points 1.2 years ago

Oh, look who's starting to fund mRNA companies. Shekel man stands proud.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=643b933bd0dce

1234lkjh 0 points 1.2 years ago

Never forget! Thoughts and prayers!

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6434b1bbd15c0

1234lkjh 1 point 1.2 years ago

She's just prepping for a job at Fox news.

/v/LGBTQNPZ viewpost?postid=64307a28b9e0d

1234lkjh 1 point 1.2 years ago

Voat rallying behind a 17yr old Trump spawn...


/v/FightingBackAgainstTheNWO viewpost?postid=642c9ac3b10a4

1234lkjh 1 point 1.2 years ago

Voting is pointless. Buy land (if you can) and get set up. Leave the cities.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642ccbfc18fee