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score: 9243


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AnarchoCapitalism, libertarian, x0x7projects, Essays,
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All republics are banana republics. Some of them just hide it better.

/v/all viewpost?postid=6658f02705c6d

Paid for with his personal finances, which is somehow an election crime. But if he had paid for it with his campaign finances it would have also been an election crime.

Yet somehow there is a long history of NDAs by politicians.

/v/all viewpost?postid=6658f02705c6d

Remember when the mobs in the US were "Italian"?

/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=6658fde6747fe

x0x7 0 points 2 days ago

Basketball's dribbling was always inelegant and practically impossible to enforce. Even when followed, three steps is a lot when you are an athlete on a very small court. Basketball practically lets you walk most of the distance of the court just carrying it.

I think sports should be more outcome oriented and what you can and can't do should be consistent. Not having to bounce a ball every fourth step because the prior three were fine. I think that's lame. I think differentiating between a tucked ball and an untucked ball in football is lame. I think only being able to pass forwards once in football is lame. I think tackling being fine unless they just happen to step their foot over a line at the last second while you are already in the air is lame.

So here is what you do for basket ball. Either you can carry the ball all you want and it's rugby with a hoop, or you can never take a step with the ball in your hands. In fact maybe you can never put two hands on a ball ever.

/v/Sports viewpost?postid=6658cca9532fd

x0x7 0 points 2 days ago

Making money from producing media should be banned. Wait, you just have to not have the government rough people up for downloading a file, and that basically accomplishes the same thing.

Then you can run drug ads on TV that doesn't exist.

Copyright is jewish. It is the root evil as far as media, information, and culture go.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66588e6ac12b6

x0x7 3 points 2 days ago

And we are immediately back to using catbox. We're like an abused wife.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6658658864424

x0x7 5 points 2 days ago

If she's middle aged she can do both in one move.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=66582ad736c64

x0x7 3 points 2 days ago

What makes reddit reddit is the degree of downvoting. They have thought police patrolling /new of every forum looking for anything that offends them or that they don't understand to downvote so only one narrative comes through per sub.

That's why I wonder what this guy was downvoting.

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=665821ad25498

x0x7 3 points 2 days ago

So he was downvote spamming? Is there any notable variance in what he was downvoting vs ignoring? What was his target?

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=665821ad25498

x0x7 4 points 2 days ago

The problem is insurance. And every politician on both sides says the solution is more insurance. I'm not insured. It's not as bad as people think if you bother to save a little.

For example I had a minor surgery on my foot that I paid out of pocket for, after researching several places I could do it. $600 for the whole thing. Everyone acts like $600 coming out of pocket makes you a victim or something. I'd put $600 dollars into a car to get it working. Why is it that someone using their labor to get your body working right is a rip off but you are happy to blow tens of thousands of dollars on cars?

But of course sometimes things in medicine cost more than $600. But why do they? Because insurance exists. If no body had insurance and everybody just paid for things it wouldn't be that bad.

But instead we have a system where every doctor tries to charge the maximum amount to play chicken with an insurance company, and patients (aka customers) who just sign up for anything without looking into what actually is a positive for their heath and provides the most value for cost. Then insurance companies spend all their dollars on lawyers to try to reduce the utility they offer to their customers. The system encourages all three parties to be as retarded as possible, so of course it's not an economically sustainable system.

/v/SouthPark viewpost?postid=665802f38991f

x0x7 1 point 2 days ago

But they also killed the gyro-copter which is the closest thing to a flying car that humanity ever had, and they are trying to suppress drones. What difference does it make to them? People being in the air poses no more safety hazard for other flight than adding one additional car to the roads.

What is the marginal safety cost of your one unregistered drone? Zero. But that needs to be registered while your ATV or dirt bike doesn't.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=6657cb79c8cd9

x0x7 3 points 2 days ago*

I agree with the first guy that they really don't want us to have free flight. Paramotoring is a great way to exist on a plane they don't want you on. I think if enough people did it they would shut it down. They really want you living in 2d space.

I would say that even planes aren't entering 3D space from an experience perspective. You can't interact with things. You can't view the world from every angle. Planes are just jumper wire from one point in 2D space to another with a time component. You aren't allowed in the air unless you get high enough to lose any sense of what's below. They don't want you to see the world you interact with every day through any lens but they game they put you in which is this 2D world. It's not even fully 2D, because with everything only being accessible by streets everything is reduced to linear paths that branch off of each other. So it's 1.5D at best.

See once you enter 3D space you are given the tools to understand the 2D space around you beyond the morphed and controlled experience you have in it. Then you can see just how controlled even the 2D space is. They don't really want you contemplating the world around you or viewing it with any kind of context. They just want you grinding away at the problem in front of you. Having external context of your life and all of society's isn't in the plan.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=6657cb79c8cd9

x0x7 1 point 3 days ago

But who says I have to be normal. This is how they control you. "You have to be normal. And this is what you have to do to be normal." Then what follows is some absolute BS.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=665702df2653d

Fuck catbox. It's been unusable for a long time.

https://img.gvid.tv <- Images
https://gvid.tv <-- Video

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=665702df2653d

x0x7 1 point 4 days ago

I have a solution that is better than jail. People have certain enumerated rights. But they can forfit that specific right by not respecting the same sort of right for others. Here property rights is the issue.

The whole town should have license to ransack their place in perpetuity. They are not allowed to posses locks or guns they could use to defend themselves. If they attempt to physically resist someone practicing their license to take from them, they can be shot in response to assault.

Now maybe perpetuity is too long. Maybe the term depends on the scale attempted to be stolen. But in any case they'd get a week minimum and everything is going to be gone. The victim gets first dibs.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6656007403f03

x0x7 1 point 4 days ago

What is that soy-fuck avatar at the end?

/v/FeminismIsCancer viewpost?postid=665533031d9a1

x0x7 1 point 5 days ago

Cracker what? I've never heard of it. It sounds like a lame place no one should go to or talk about.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6654b4a9ed7b5

x0x7 1 point 5 days ago

People tried to tell you. Those who claim they sacrificed for this country or for freedom are a lot like Cain. The price of liberty is paid in the blood of tyrants. No other payment is a payment for freedom. Cain wanted his sacrifice to be honored when he invented his own sacrifice. You don't get to select your own sacrifice and assume it's good or a significant sacrifice just because it's shit. The shit you go through doesn't make your sacrifice significant. Your carefulness in selecting the right thing does. You were careless and no one owes you anything for that. You can't just ask for a world of needless hurt and then ask people to give you applause.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6654694a76b01

x0x7 9 points 5 days ago

If that is 100% vfx then I'm really impressed. It has to be mechanical.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=665469d729445

x0x7 1 point 5 days ago

Written by Ebbe Roe Smith https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebbe_Roe_Smith

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6653e8664e82d

x0x7 2 points 5 days ago

That's not what she said. If people on the other side of the planet over through every government you had and replaced them with jew sympathetic leaders you would have a right to be mad no?

So there is nothing wrong with what she said.

/v/JewishCrimesMatter viewpost?postid=6653b6ec0866c

x0x7 2 points 5 days ago

They should try all of them for murder and accessory to murder. It was foreseeable that their actions had a high likelihood of resulting in his death. That would be the standard applied to any citizen in a murder trial.

If it weren't for qualified immunity you could get 100 cumulative years of sentencing for the whole team.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6653b79bd95b8

x0x7 0 points 6 days ago

He must be one of the good Democrats. Remember when they made up a bunch of shit about Matt Gaitz.

If CNN is attacking you you are the good guy. Even if he is guilty he has to be comparatively good because most of the time someone is clearly guilty of bribery, Biden, CNN will not cover it. For your slip ups to be covered by CNN you have to be doing something right.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6653b80a329ec

x0x7 0 points 6 days ago

People probably get sick of him working at 1/5th speed because he keep adjusting cameras every 30 seconds.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=66534cee8a5c5