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Community for : 1.5 years

Here we point out weaknesses of western culture; very much the "weak men create hard times" meme.

Gems to post here include
- things that westerners arrogantly tout as a strength or superior but is actually weakness
- begging stronger men to weaken themselves to their level
- advocating anything that contributes to one's own genocide

*Will expand list as generalized examples become available

No stupidity or "trolling". You will be banned immediately for expressing low quality thoughts.

Whites only.

Owner: HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers


PC-CCP Plod     (
submitted by UncleDoug to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 3 months ago (+3/-0)
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A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent, personified in this case by a 'orrible cunt.

Clearly, women shouldn't be in law enforcement.
7-Day SIMP Bootcamp Inside Look | Matt Artisan & The Attractive Man     (
submitted by iSnark to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 3 months ago (+3/-2)
Cringe Hori theatrics     (
submitted by UncleDoug to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 3 months ago (+7/-0)
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Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke
Cluster B Society     (
submitted by Hand_Of_Node to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 7 months ago (+3/-0)
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Live Police Surveillance camera of homeless drug addicts on Kensington, Philadelphia.      (
submitted by oppressed to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 7 months ago (+1/-0)
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Police Surveillance camera Kensington, Philadelphia.

Here is you see Whites and homo erectus mingling. Whites are mostly Irish and Polish.

Kensington has a population of approximately 42,000 people according to data from ASC 2020 survey. The majority of its population is Hispanic or Latino (59.9%), consisting primarily of Puerto Rican and Dominican Americans. Of the non-Hispanic or Latino population, 19% is White, 15.1% is Black or African American, 3.6% is Asian, and 2.2% identify as two or more races. The median yearly income of the neighborhood is $28,368, ranging from $18,516 to $77,979. Additionally, 65.8%, almost two thirds, of Kensington residents can be described financially as "poor or struggling" (defined by a Ratio of Income in 2020 to Poverty Level of under 2.00).
DELUSION CHECK!! Do you believe that if you "lay low" you're going to one day Rambo the entire United States with your GUNS and take over as dictaror in about 1 business day?     (WeaknessOfWesternCulture)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1 year ago (+1/-6)
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Think better.
Are you a pussy cuck? Or even a nigger lover? Click here to find out and what you can do about it     (WeaknessOfWesternCulture)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.2 years ago (+1/-0)
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Fill out this short quiz, and we'll post the score card next week so you can score yourself. and find out if you're a pussy cuck or a nigger lover.

Question 1: Do you listen to rap music while making angry comments about niggers online?

Question 2: Do you realize that if ethnic Americans and Europeans rose up they could crush the other ethnicities of the world and use this as an excuse to do nothing until the day you die?

Question 3: Do make angry posts about the establishment and international Jew online, and never do anything to change reality?

long time pussy bitch subverter @nationalsocialism forgets all about January 6th and tells you to back ZOG bots     (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.2 years ago (+2/-4)

Typical American forgetfulness. It's how the public cucks itself in America all the time
Talk's user base stands up to 1 libtard     (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.4 years ago (+1/-2)
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Actual footage
does anyone doubt that @blumen4alles is not one of us, posting shit like this? putting colored people in an image for the sake of putting it in there.     (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.4 years ago (+4/-2)
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This is the "slick" shit MSM does to get you looking at and accepting these people into invading your lands.

It doesn't matter if this was an innocent mistake. It proves this cunts mind is too far subverted. These are the first people that need to be eliminated before any movement can begin.
A haul of the weakness of voat's userbase's thought process for the day     (WeaknessOfWesternCulture)
submitted by osomperne to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.5 years ago (+0/-8)
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The demand to make kunte kinte west our leader this has to be a glow nigger


Whites waiting for the approval of the African black. Weak and pathetic; less than worthless lives causing a false sense of security

Voat just can't stop watching niggers in every way shape and form. "Durr hurr guys look! It's not a negative thing about niggers!!! You have to watch it now"

You're cancer, faggots.
Yet again, a white boomer tries winning the approval of the African black and showing you racist whites the error of your ways. isn't that right @zr855? you're virtuous      (
submitted by osomperne to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.5 years ago (+0/-5)
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@zr855 is virtuous for "secretly" out in the open professing his good will towards the African black.

Notice the boomer only website, Jew York times.

As long as the African black stays in its own lands, separated by an ocean, no one gives a fuck. You don't care about the jiggabooing that has been going on since the beginning of mankind in Africa, you don't care about this (unless you're trying to prove you're not racist, in which case Minecraft yourself)

Talk/Voat falls for known social engineering propaganda techniques, exhibit number 301,677.     (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.5 years ago (+0/-8)
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You're all stupid beyond belief and I hope you and your whole family die any way and how.

The executives are 100% being paid 100$ M on their way out and the only reason it's "in the 'news' " is because dumbasses like you are talking about it, and ?some fucking how? This lip service completely disarms you. Weak af. You guys are mentally pussies.

Social engineering should not be as effective as it is here. You dumb sheep here fall for every little trick.


This is like France during ww2 getting their ass kicked by their own side and not even the french see what's happening.

Die horrifically in a fire.
Seeing the level of African worship on this site, MSM consumption, whites trying to prove they're not wayciss, I have venture to guess you people are the weakness of western culture      (WeaknessOfWesternCulture)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.5 years ago (+0/-10)
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You maintain the guise of sticking up for your own but with few results (I cannot think of a single example). You all bow the fuck down to any nigger that says anything you agree with; this kunte kinte West shit is not some sort of exceptional case for you to waive the flag of surrender for, but you'll gaslight until your dying breath.

You put up a veil as if you are the roots of our culture but you knowingly and u knowingly poison it multiple times daily.

This is fucked. You people don't even stand up for your own shit like you are doing for this nigger, a wanna be Jew like the Zion Don and any Jew that starts talking like theyre on our side (you'll fucking INSTANTLY nominatedl them as your goddamn leader).

I've said it before and I'll say it again you people are pathetic and I would not trust you to have my back.

That south African farmer posted today getting the shit beat out of him by niggers, and probably killed, almost certainly deserved it. He's probably a cuck like you guys and tried making friends with the local niggers and got what he deserved.

I hope you all die at the hands of niggers and they kill your whole weak ass bloodline.

@Cuntspirologist proves once again he has no idea how to lead nor inform a movement. he took a break from worshipping the African black to prasing the FRENCH for someone saying something positive about unvaxxed     (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.5 years ago (+1/-5)

This is the UTMOST proof of the stupidity of Talk/Voats userbase as @Conspirologist posts some dumb shit the french said and no one here spoke up, which proves the utter lack of historical knowledge by this cringey ass userbase.

Talk's userbase is a bunch of false-security providing cuckservatives looking for a dopamine hit.

For anyone (meaning the vast majority of you) who doesn't understand how incredibly stupid Cuntspirologist's post is look up the french enlightenment, which you definitely learned about in school and the mutiny in the french ranks in ww2 and look up modern french culture. Also have a look at their cringey competition with America about muh liberties starting in 1776.

Fuck you all, I hate you so much.
@breh2 Has a nigger username, and thinks letting women parade around public as prostitutes is a strength of western culture. #Weakness     (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.5 years ago (+0/-6)

Weak men create hard times, indeed. And for the ladies, you are not off the hook, you seek men's positions of power but cannot handle a man's adversaries and wish for the system to be handicapped for you. This is, at best, beta male status, which creates hard times.

Watch video all the way until the end.

This cuckservative thinks theseen being killed for the rape isn't good enough. This is exactly the mentality we