How did Catholic Mexico end up electing Claudia Sheinbaum, a Feminist, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT globalist as president? — Headlines — June 14, 2024     (WorldNews)
submitted by carnold03 to WorldNews 20 minutes ago (+0/-0)
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#How did Catholic Mexico end up electing Claudia Sheinbaum, a Feminist, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT globalist as president? — Headlines — June 14, 2024

How did Catholic Mexico end up electing a pro-abortion, pro-LGBT globalist as president?

While long considered a bastion of Catholicism, Mexico's recent electing of a pro-abortion, pro-LGBT globalist as president is not that surprising when you consider the direction the country has been headed these last two decades. FULL STORY

Biden to Sign Agreement to Fund Ukraine’s War with Russia for Next 10 Years

The agreement does not specify an exact dollar amount the U.S. must send to Ukraine and doesn’t require American troops to be deployed to defend the country, according to the Post. FULL STORY

New York Rolls Out Digital ID as Online Age-Verification Laws Passed

The launch of New York’s new digital ID was unveiled at a media event at LaGuardia Airport. FULL STORY

Sweet Baby Inc Attempted to Extort Black Myth: Wukong Developers for DEI Consultancy

A Chinese media press release alleges that Game Science, the developers of Black Myth: Wukong, refused Sweet Baby Inc’s consultancy services after they demanded an exorbitant $7 million fee. FULL STORY

Book Discussion: The Last Closet by Moira Greyland

This book is hard to read but even harder to write about. FULL STORY

5 Japanese women petition Tokyo court for the ‘right’ to be surgically sterilized

The 5 women are in court contesting Japan’s current Maternal Health Law, which prohibits surgical sterilization for contraceptive purposes and only allows it if pregnancy and childbirth would 'endanger' a woman's life. FULL STORY

CRISIS At DC Comics As Mark Waid's Summer Event Absolute Power FAILS To Sell Spur Rumors DC Will Be Cutting Their Publishing Line

Retail reports show that Mark Waid's Absolute Power's initial sales are underwhelming. FULL STORY


- Sinfest: Down The Rabbi Hole 4

- Stonetoss: Law Fair

- Foxford Comics: Woke

- Hypergamouse: The New Look

- Gone With the Blastwave: Rest of the herd.

- Lackadaisy: Quantentheorie

- FreedomToons: Trump Gets Convicted - Soars

- Dungeon Soup - WIZARD KING'S COURT

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I don't know how but i accidentally redpilled a bunch of liberal christ cucks     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 8 hours ago (+9/-3)
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The topic of Christianity came up, and then the topic of jews came up. Not surprisingly, kikes have done an amazing job of suppressing and lying about every single fascet of their religion. So the topic came up of judaism vs christianity, so i mentioned the pentateuch, the torah and the talmud. In a way, i inadvertently cemented i hate jews and then redpilled a bunch of family members on the subject. what's more surprising is that they were more receptive than i thought.
when (((she))) says so...     (sputnikglobe.com)
submitted by boekanier to news 5 hours ago (+3/-0)
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Lukashenko wondered why most of the corrupt officials are Jews.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Kozel to TheEternalJew 9 hours ago (+25/-1)
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At a meeting with the leadership of the Council of Ministers, Lukashenko spoke about the corruption scandal in which former Minister of Agriculture Igor Brylo was involved.

“Thirty people are listed. Excuse me, I am not an anti-Semite, but more than half are Jews. Is it that we have a special, privileged position, that they steal and don’t think about their future? Everyone is the same before the law. And Jews, and Belarusians, and Ukrainians, Russians and Poles,” Lukashenko said.
LMFAO!!! I was dropping red pills and this kike nigger lover antifa faggot got so triggered that he sent me this!     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by Kozel to TellUpgoat 2 hours ago (+4/-0)
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Magnesium Changed My Life     (NaturalRemedies)
submitted by Trope to NaturalRemedies 1 day ago (+26/-2)
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Despite a zero carb carnivore diet, my blood pressure was still high. Resting heart rate was high and pounded at night. Began developing a heart palpitation after eating which can best be described as a hiccup of the chest. Could find no reasonable advice online. Even Dr Berg had fuckall for useful advice. Plebbit was insistent in Potassium (idiots)

After reading The Magnesium Miracle, I began supplementing with Magnesium Citrate (400 - 800mg per day). The palpitation went away immediately and never returned, The next day, my mind was the calmest it had ever been in my life. I used to get nervous or worked up prior to a lecture but now I can give my presentations without any jitters or anxiety.

My thoughts used to be squirrely and I’d often feel the need to start new projects. This sense of being wound up is gone. Concentration is easy now and I’ve since gone back to school to work toward a proper degree (anything but fucking computers this time) My fast heart rate went away within a week and my blood pressure was normal after a few weeks.

A few months later, I quit caffeine. Didn't feel like I needed it anymore. The withdrawal was very mild when on previous attempts, it was always awful. I feel like no one knows this about caffeine withdrawal and should like to write a publication some day.

I’m sharing this with you because I believe it can help change your lives for the better. Some of you will chime in saying it makes you tired but that anecdotal information is also useful for us all to take into consideration. One of you took the obscure magnesium theonine and fell into a deep depression. Mg citrate is safe. Mg oxide is hardly absorbed and should not be used.
Department of State designates Nordic Resistance Movement as global terrorists.      (www.state.gov)
submitted by dulcima to OccidentalEnclave 1 day ago (+28/-0)
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Reminder to sharpen your lawnmower blade. original content     (DIY)
submitted by PotatoWhisperer2 to DIY 1 day ago (+28/-0)
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Shit's probably worse off than you think. Doing it is easy, no need to pay a place $80-$120 for the job. Most of you already know how it's done. For those who don't:

Pop it off(1), use a Dremel or flapper disk on your grinder. Dremel has a $10 plastic guide if you're not sure of angle. For the grinder, the quickest/easiest method, just follow the angle. Use a vice if you have one, or use a clamp or two on a bench or table.

You only need to get it sharper than a dull rock, so it makes good practice sharpening things if you don't already know how.

(1)If you're having issues with it spinning, use a breaker bar, crowbar, or stick to shove between the blade and the cutting deck near the spindle. It should be long enough to hit the ground when you have the mower propped up. To prop it up use something heavy on the handles or shove the handle under something nearer to the ground like a bumper or the edge of a trailer.

And while you're at it, check the spark plug and air filter.
Pentagon to Feed Troops ‘Experimental’ Lab-Grown Meat     (archive.is)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 1 hour ago (+0/-0)
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Gaza is only the beginning. The kikes are coming for the entire Middle East... and?     (x.com)
submitted by ProudRebel to kikes 1 hour ago (+3/-0)
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It's hot out there, so don't forget to water your bear!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Kozel to bears 9 hours ago (+19/-0)
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University to teach that White hetero are the problem     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 2 hours ago (+0/-0)
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The Plan, seems obvious.     (WorldNews)
submitted by John_doe to WorldNews 2 weeks ago (+17/-0)
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They are bringing in millions from the 3rd world and will then draft the citizens to be butchered in Ukraine or Russia.
China's 2024 Mega Projects Have Left American Engineers Shocked     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by Empire_of_the_Mind to videos 10 hours ago (+4/-1)
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Kike Mexican president wants to vaxx every Mexican     (www.bitchute.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to videos 1 hour ago (+2/-0)
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US Navy warships are stuck in a Red Sea battle they can't fight forever     (archive.is)
submitted by Spaceman84 to news 9 hours ago (+9/-0)
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((( Disney ))) Exposed On 6-20-2024 - James O'Keefe announces his undercover network infiltrated the Pedo-Kike Paradise and videos will drop in 4 days.     (x.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 14 hours ago (+18/-0)
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So I went to a local Lutheran church today…. The pastor said “oy vey”     (whatever)
submitted by Gigglestick to whatever 13 hours ago (+22/-0)
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I shit you not.

I was singing hymns and shit, I was being a proper raised boy from a redneck couple.

When he started this message he started talking about Jesus and then when the The formalities came about. He started to explain how you know the bullshit and then he said I bet Jesus was just like oy vey. Why am I dealing with this and I I swear to God I got up and left.

I grabbed all my shit and just left.

You don’t go from the synagogue of satan to the son of the soul so…
More people turning away from news, report says     (www.bbc.com)
submitted by paul_neri to whatever 1 hour ago (+1/-0)
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TIL NFL player James Brooks was illiterate because didn't have to go to class     (www.wikipedia.org)
submitted by Conspirologist to whatever 3 hours ago (+0/-1)
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What looks like horrendously inbred niggers     (x.com)
submitted by TheNoticing to whatever 9 hours ago (+17/-0)
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I added the NSFW tag because they're sinfully fucking ugly.
The Most Effective Way To Silence a Negress     (youtube.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Niggers 2 days ago (+4/-0)
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russian hobos busted for drunk driving     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by mikenigger to ShitpostLitterBox 1 hour ago (+0/-1)
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their hobo tank got impounded 😆
Hitler was stunningly smart. Here in 1922 he talks about how Jews use two separate controlled political parties to provide the illusion of choice for people. (start at 7 minute mark)     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 14 hours ago (+44/-1)
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jews are evil demons from hell. Meanwhile in Ukraine, President zelensky has introduced a law to allow for the harvesting of body organs without consent. You will know them by the fruits they bear     (x.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to PureFuckingKikery 9 hours ago (+35/-2)
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