Eleder Abusers Should Be Skinned Alive     (nypost.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to whatever 1 day ago (+10/-0)
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If you make it to retirement age, you should be afforded dignity---even if you're from another species.
Which tool or IDE do you use to program?     (programming)
submitted by byte to programming 59 minutes ago (+1/-0)
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why the WEF is meddling in to acheology?     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to conspiracy 19 hours ago (+22/-0)
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Goats, the new Twitter scene is badass. Look at this. First thread that popped up today - some liberal trying to own the right. Look what happens in the comments - normal people are being subjected to truth and that is an entirely new thing.      (x.com)
submitted by Dindu to twitter 3 hours ago (+10/-0)
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Too Hard to Watch: Biden Has Serious Trouble Immediately Upon Landing in Italy (Videos)     (www.rightjournalism.com)
submitted by ProudAmerican to news 2 hours ago (+6/-2)
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Look at him! He doesn't know where he is. What an embarrassment.

He needs to go for everyone's sake, it's tough to watch a POTUS who acts this way!
Owen Benjamin says children are too naive and gullible to be able to give consent. @HonkyMcNiggerSpic disagrees.      (whatever)
submitted by McNasty to whatever 17 hours ago (+2/-4)
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Israel is actually receiving 15 billion dollars annually.      (gab.com)
submitted by canbot to whatever 6 hours ago (+20/-0)
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The Acolyte: Star Wars is Dead and It's NEVER Coming Back.     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by carnold03 to StarWars 3 hours ago (+4/-0)
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The Acolyte Episode 3 tells The Last Jedi to hold its beer, er, blue milk. Yes, this episode fundamentally changes the way the Force works and makes the Jedi out to be a bunch of weirdo monks who kidnap children. Look, Star Wars is deader than dead and it's probably time to just move on...

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Making 3 Loafs of Bread - First Time Sifting Wheat original content     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Love240 to Baking 12 hours ago (+27/-0)
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I started with 2 Cups of Red Fife and 1 Cup of White Sonora wheat.
This produced about 4 3/4 Cups of freshly milled flour.
Sifting produced roughly 4 Cups.

5 3/4 Cups of Water in the mixer with
3 1/4 Tablespoons of Yeast and
~3 Cups of freshly milled flour
and mix until flour is entirely wetted, should be very liquidy.
Now is the autolyze - Verification that the yeast is working.
I basically didn't have to wait because it started making bubbles almost immediately.

While on the lowest mixing setting add
The rest of the freshly milled flour, 1/4 Cup at a time, allowing time for it to incorporate and
3/4 Cup of Honey
3/4 Cup Coconut Oil
4 3/4 teaspoons Salt
1 1/2 Tablespoons of Stabilized Rice Bran (Not Necessary)(I forgot to add this until I added maybe 3 more cups of flour)
For the remainder of the flour, I used Vitrea Artisan Bread flour from Hayden Mills, 1/4 Cup at a time, allowing time for it to incorporate, until the dough begins to separate from the bowl.
Turn the oven on to pre-heat @350F.
Oil the bread pans (using 9x5 bread pans)

It is at this point, I should have added about 9 cups of Vitrea flour, Instead I was probably at about 7 1/2.
I decided to knead for 7 minutes in the machine on the lowest setting before realizing my mistake because of the tackiness of the dough still at that point, I then added an extra cup of flour, bringing the total to 12 1/2 Cups of flour. Next I let the machine knead for another 5 minutes, with a total knead time of about 12 minutes.
The dough was smooth enough for my satisfaction at this point. I also didn't want to over knead it.

I floured down the silicone mat and dumped the dough on it, dividing it into 3 even portions, using a scale to verify.
Roll the portions into rectangles approximately 18x12, fold in thirds like a letter. And tightly roll the remainder, tucking the seams in the under-side of the loaf and placing the loaf in the Oiled bread pans.
Mist them with water to keep them from sticking to a tea towel covering over them while they rise, 10-30 minutes (depends on your yeast), until they roughly double in size.
I only had to wait 15 minutes.
Into the oven and bake for 30 minutes.
My New Fetterman Conspiracy Theory     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to conspiracy 1 hour ago (+2/-0)
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He wears a hoodie because it is easier than wearing coverup to mask his 1st generation cybernetic brain port at the base of his neck.

Initially, they implored him to wear makeup, but it would always smudge his collars. Then, a makeup artist provided him with a prosthetic, flesh-colored patch, but because the port is in a highly flexible area and it is raised .5 cm and does not sit flush with the skin, the patch would always come loose with perspiration. Also, Fetterman found the patch to be irritating and cumbersome. Obviously, he values comfort.
A telegram account is trying to build a 100 acre space for White Christians     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to ChristianNationalism 18 hours ago (+23/-0)
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WEF's Endgame - "Eat ze bugs while living like a bug." - Imagine paying $600.00 USD a month to live like this     (trending.ebaumsworld.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 1 hour ago (+1/-0)
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Israel invaded by pajeets     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 9 hours ago (+22/-3)
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In case of deadly pandemic, only neets will survive     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 3 hours ago (+1/-4)
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Neets just stay at home. They don't study or work. Highly likely they will be the survivors in case of deadly pandemic. Anyway, they won't survive for too long, because are retarded and have no skills.
What are they trying to hide now?     (archive.is)
submitted by PotatoWhisperer2 to whatever 16 hours ago (+4/-0)
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Any time they bring up aliens or UFOs they're trying to keep something from making more headlines than it already is. Maybe they're getting ready to release something on Friday and hope it dies over the weekend while people talk about aliens?
Billy Graham was purposely made popular by jews to create an evangelical version of Christianity that was pro-Israel.     (littoria.substack.com)
submitted by allAheadFull to ZOG 8 hours ago (+21/-1)
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It's long but worth reading. Here's a few high points.

...the Jewish controlled (Adolph Zukor and Barney Balaban) film studio Paramount invited Graham for a meeting, offering him a role in the Judeo-centric, Zionist remake of the 1923 Christian silent film, The Ten Commandments. Graham turned down the film role, but it was at this luncheon that he was persuaded by ABC’s Jewish head Leonard Goldenson to pursue a different type of stardom.

Thus, incubated in the mind of Jewish atheist Goldenson, the first ever “Televangelist” program was born: The Hour Of Decision... which combined Judeo-Christian Revivalist theology and pro-Eisenhower propaganda within the structure of a variety show, were beamed into the homes of millions of Americans.

By 1954, ABC was forced to cancel the Hour of Decision due to its abysmal ratings, but neither Graham or his Jewish sponsors gave up on spreading Evangelical Christianity.

By the mid to late 1960s, Billy Graham was a household name, having used his fame and elite backing to take over the Southern Baptist Convention and frequently being promoted as a guest on television programs as far out as The Woody Allen show. He took his patented crusades spreading the Judeo-Christian dogma all over the world, usually with ample financial and media support from the CIA, the Israeli state, and the organized Jewish community in America. Every continent now had Evangelical missionaries that not only sought to convert natives, but also who served the American and Israeli intelligence services as covert spies and subversives, especially throughout Latin America and the Middle East.

This concerned Graham’s Jewish associates, leading to him, in full violation of his own teachings, to issue a decree to an exasperated and dismayed audience that they were now strictly prohibited from trying to Evangelize any Jews.
Which websites no longer exist would you like to see back?     (site)
submitted by byte to site 4 hours ago (+5/-0)
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list the websites that you miss the most and would like to have back
At last, a place for us goats     (www.hngn.com)
submitted by Panic to whatever 52 minutes ago (+0/-0)
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Trump says remaining Bitcoin must be made in US     (thehill.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to Crypto 2 hours ago (+7/-0)
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Hey guys, jews choose not to work and love money and gold because they were "prohibited" from hard working trades like carpentry or masonry lmao     (whatever)
submitted by HeyJames to whatever 3 hours ago (+23/-0)
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The history books just assume we're all fucking imbeciles don't they?

First, we're expected to deny that jews are dominant in the banking and precious metals sectors. Then, if we find overwhelming evidence to the contrary, oy vey it's actually our fault for being racist against kikes and denying them the chance to work hard for their money thus forcing them into financial and jewelry schemes!

You'd have to be a true imbecile to fall for this line of absolute horse shit.
Hunter Biden Was Convicted. His Dad’s Reaction Was Remarkable     (www.bloomberg.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to news 2 hours ago (+6/-2)
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‘Too hot for Danes’: Denmark recalls popular Korean noodles over excessive spiciness     (www.alaturkanews.com)
submitted by dulcima to Food 1 day ago (+8/-0)
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Owning an encyclopedia.     (programming)
submitted by bosunmoon to programming 2 months ago (+11/-0)
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It used to be That you could buy a set of books that could provide a set of facts you could quote and rely on.
Now we have the internet.
Why don't we have a blockchain wealth of real and true facts?
It’s time to put ‘Boomer Catholicism’ out to pasture and embrace the fullness of tradition — Headlines — June 12, 2024     (WorldNews)
submitted by carnold03 to WorldNews 4 hours ago (+3/-1)
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#It’s time to put ‘Boomer Catholicism’ out to pasture and embrace the fullness of tradition — Headlines — June 12, 2024

It’s time to put ‘Boomer Catholicism’ out to pasture and embrace the fullness of tradition

Join speakers including Bishop Joseph Strickland and LifeSite’s John-Henry Westen at the 2024 Rome Life Forum in Kansas City this October to tackle the key Modernist issues the Church faces today. FULL STORY

Pope Francis again uses ‘faggotry’ slur in meeting discussing homosexual men entering seminaries

Pope Francis said in a closed-door meeting with 160 priests at Salesian Pontifical University that ‘there is an air of faggotry in the Vatican,’ according to Italian news outlets. FULL STORY

Lindsey Graham on the Real Reason Behind Ukraine

Now Lindsey Graham has come out and admitted that the “resources” under Crimea are worth $10 to #12 trillion, and this is again to stop Russia from gaining that natural gas. FULL STORY

Recruiter reveals how the Army is trying to make its recruiting goals

While the details cannot be fleshed out based solely on the limited information provided by the video, such an oversight may indicate just have desperate the military is for recruits. FULL STORY

German church tax is funding a ‘Marxist’ religion of heretics and schismatics

Catholic priest Fr. Joachim Heimerl argued that the bishops in Germany 'cling to the church tax like the devil to a poor soul. After all, the tax system has made the Church in Germany incredibly rich but equally faithless and decadent.' FULL STORY

LGBT ‘Pride Month’ is not about celebrating, it’s about asserting dominance over the culture

LGBT 'Pride Month' isn't a celebration, it's an assertion of cultural dominance by radicals. One only needs to look at the reactions of activists when their rainbow sidewalks end with tire marks to see that this is the case. FULL STORY

Suge Knight Warns Diddy Is A 'Long Time FBI Informant' And His 'Life Is In Danger' Because He 'Knows Too Much'

Meanwhile, last month, conservative pundit Candace Owens claimed Diddy's status with the FBI is what's keeping him out of prison following the release of footage showing Diddy assaulting his then-girlfriend in a Los Angeles hotel in 2016. FULL STORY


- Sinfest: Down The Rabbi Hole 2

- Stonetoss: Kill Time

- Foxford Comics: Rebel Ruser

- Hypergamouse: Saving the Pretty Girl

- Gone With the Blastwave: Deux ex machina

- Lackadaisy: Face-plant

- FreedomToons: if Dylan Mulvaney was a woman pretending to be a man

- Dungeon Soup - Hearse of Strahd

Please consider RIP sub for Obituary postings.
Banks, Post Offices & Other Federal Buildings Will Be Closed Wednesday, June 19th     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Scyber to TellUpgoat 15 hours ago (+5/-0)
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It's juneteenf day mahfucka! Bust out your fried chicken, watermelon and grape drank and go get yo swerve on! Aight!

But seriously it's a fuckin bullshit federal holiday and it's basically what "BLM" was rioting and burning down buildings for back in 2020 - So dey can have another day off because there's so many diversity employees working for the government nowadays.