A Question for the "Muh Christ Cuck" Crowd     (Christcucks)
submitted by CHIRO to Christcucks 4 minutes ago (+1/-0)
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The claim I'm seeing a lot is that Christianity is a jewish cult (religion, project, enterprise, emanation, etc. etc.) Simply, to be a Christian means to be beholden to jews in some important sense.

Some have even claimed that Christianity was a jewish invention, a literal conspiracy by a 1st-century jewish intelligentsia (with the help of Roman pawns) to create a "religious golem" that would help Judaism to spread its virus into the gentile "mainframe", infecting our cultures unto the present day.

I have a challenge for you.

(1) Are Christians today being better Christians than they were in the past? (Does Christianity have a more sprawling influence on the white European culture today than it did. . .a hundred years ago, two hundred years ago, or a millennium ago?)

(2) Are all of the pro-jewish things undermining the West escalating in their intensity and reach?

(3) All else being equal, for the most recent decade or two, has Christianity strengthened in the west at the same time as the pro-jewish trends have strengthened?

If jews created Christianity to promote values in a target (host) society, why does it appear as if Christianity requires being undermined at the same time as the pro-jewish values are being inoculated?

If Christianity is a jewish virus for destroying a target society from within, wouldn't we expect jews to be promoting Christianity in the west?

If we were approaching a theoretical maximum in the west for the pro-jewish degeneracy trends, wouldn't we expect Christianity to also be at a theoretical maximum?

At what point does the golem become an enemy to those who created it, and at that point, how does it continue to be a boon for the jews? Either it is opposed to jews or it isn't. You don't get it both ways.
Bidet's were invented by queers so they can spray the cum and shit off their assholes. That is all     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 32 minutes ago (+0/-0)
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Christianity is LITERALLY a Slave Morality: "But the second you acknowledge a god that transcends race, then it is no longer up to you to decide what is heroic or what the rules are more generally." ~ @CHIRO     (Christcucks)
submitted by Master_Foo to Christcucks 3 minutes ago (+1/-0)
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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 5 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Earlier I had posted that I was set up for a night of sniping coons, another mission on the front line of the "coon war", and as stated in the heading I smoked one at 150ft.

Here's the details.

I'm in position at my post and I'm breathing in the silence. I'm directly underneath a large White pine that's shedding large pine cones even without the help of a mild wind...and the skitters are vicious.

I pull up on my bolt-action .22 Marlin outfitted with 3x9x40 Leupold optics and understock orb light and scan my perimeter, 70 - 120ft, nothing, so I shut down and wait for a bit....within seconds the most hideous screeching and gnarling breaks the silence and the 1st I thought was that 2 lynx were fighting. I up the Marlin with the orb on max candle and point in the direction of the chatter...they were beyond my 120ft perimeter and in a different area...they were on a slope just inside the bush line, but their eyes lit right up with the light.

The coons split but the one that intersected my cross hairs was now head first scrambling down slope, I had the full length of it's body from head to ass. Knowing that my bullet is going to drop 6" I put the hairs on it's tailbone with the expectation of it hitting mid body into it's spine and taking out a lung...it's dark, I'm under skitter attack, the coon is outside of my comfortable kill zone with a lot of bush around it and it's running down hill....that fucking coon rolled, gasped, choked and then clawed viciously at the ground with it's front legs and got about 10ft, all while coughing up liquefied lungs...that rnd went exactly where I had intended it to go and with a lethal outcome.

When I saw the other coons they were heading for a mound of deadfall and I was locked into position at where I anticipated they would exit...they went into the mound and stayed there.

They'll get it tomorrow.

Even my old lady said tonight that I'm a good shot...

White women killed Christianity      (www.youtube.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to Christianity 2 hours ago (+10/-1)
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Controlled-opposition Rogan jew-pills his subscribers     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to whatever 3 hours ago (+24/-0)
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22 Attorneys General across the US signed a multi-state letter to Biden stating that the WHO would not be making policies in their State.     (x.com)
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to whatever 2 hours ago (+14/-0)
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In how many loos would a streetshitter poo, if a streetshitter would use loo?     (Askconspirologist)
submitted by Anus_Expander to Askconspirologist 58 minutes ago (+4/-0)
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Boeing Starliner launch scrubbed due to faulty diversity hiring practices. Whistleblowers on suicide watch!     (Space)
submitted by Master_Foo to Space 23 hours ago (+16/-0)
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Rare footage of reddit mods out pampering themselves     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to whatever 20 minutes ago (+1/-0)
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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 10 hours ago (+15/-0)
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Here's the latest, on the spot, precise and detailed reporting right from the front line in what has been a long drawn out war. If there is such a thing as a justified war, with it's vicious screams, the gnashing of teeth and projectile mucous, then here it is.

The war on coons is real and the casualties are impressive. With a kill to rnd ratio of 1:1, one shot one kill, the body count can sometimes be as high as 3 per night and tonight there's a mob wondering around and just now I lit up my radius and I've got eyes looking right at me so I'm going to sign off for now and whack him, maybe #2 tonight


Helmet cam of a Ukrainian soldier who takes a headshot. Doesn't matter cause the kikes got paid.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to WatchPeopleDie 47 minutes ago (+7/-0)
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The next war needs to be a good ole fashion pogrom of all jews.
Cry harder Alex     (youtube.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to funny 21 minutes ago (+0/-1)
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See ya, dudes     (whatever)
submitted by chrimony to whatever 1 hour ago (+7/-1)
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Tired of the AOU-lite bullshit, and I have better things to use my time for. Flattards and Christcucks rejoice, there will be one less thorn in your side. Russtards keep Russtarding, tell me where you think the war will be in one year. dirtykikeboy, you can come back, I won't be there to call you out anymore.

@system (also known as TheVenerable), I do appreciate your efforts. Like putt was, you are "the man in the arena". Good luck.

To all the rest: Sorry if you didn't get a shout out. May the spirit of Voat live on.
Ampersand     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by UncleDoug to Mildlyinteresting 2 hours ago (+10/-0)
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The term ampersand is derived from “and per se and.”
The Faggots are Coming     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 15 hours ago (+29/-2)
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This diverse female chin and nose is who Boeing is sending into SPAAAAAAAAAACE! I sure hope the door doesn't fall off!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Master_Foo to Space 1 day ago (+31/-1)
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Wakanda in real life.      (Niggers)
submitted by NuckFiggers to Niggers 9 hours ago (+26/-0)
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I always watch the youtube videos of people filming shitty neighborhoods. Some of them are pretty well researched and well made with a history of the area, old photos, etc. It's not just some bozo sticking a gopro on his roof while he drives around the ghetto.

There are TONS of these places in the US, not just small towns, but cities and some completely empty ghost towns and do you know what, every single fucking time, is the reason these areas fell on hard times?

Bet you can guess.


Niggers moved in and the area turned to shit. Either the property values dropped so low and the tax base dwindled or it just turned into murder center.

My favorites are when the Whites move out and then it's only niggers and we can see what a real life wakanda would be like.

This is currently happening to all the blue cities. Another fun fact about nigger areas is the massively rampants corruption and pedophiles in those places. Check out Cairo Illinos or the dozens of smaller towns around St. Louis, Chicago and Gary Indiana, that whole part of the country has been absolutely destroyed by niggers.
Muslim stabber update: the cop's name, the one that shot the stabber, his name is SILVA, not muhammad     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to whatever 4 hours ago (+16/-0)
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A journalist is responsible for the 60m dead in the USSR     (en.wikipedia.org)
submitted by drhitler to whatever 5 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Walter Duranty was the main salesman of the lie of the USSR sold to west.

He and others could of said something but the shekels were worth more than 60m lives, yagoda wishes he was this evil
How many nukes does isreal have?     (Askconspirologist)
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Askconspirologist 20 hours ago (+14/-0)
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When All Of Society is Lost, Create Your Own | FRIDAY FIELD NOTES     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by carnold03 to MGTOW 1 day ago (+4/-0)
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In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler delves into the heart of reclaiming masculinity and fortifying communities. Unpack personal growth strategies, from fitness to meditation, and learn how to enhance family bonds and societal ties. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.


1. Threats to Cultural Traditions
2. Improving Health Through Daily Exercise
3. Building Skills for Personal Growth
4. Building Strong Community Connections
5. Impactful Men Serving Those Closest

Primary Video source and transcript continues here: https://www.orderofman.com/fix-yourself-first-friday-field-notes/
They fear nothing     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Spaceman84 to Memes 15 hours ago (+44/-0)
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The Cranberries - Zombie     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by beece to music 13 hours ago (+5/-1)
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Anyone who's been in Northern Ireland recently realize's that they're getting the band back together. Singer Deloras O'Rioden here (RIP) wrote this after 2 small children, three-year-old Jonathan Ball and 12-year-old Tim Parry, were killed by an IRA bomb in England. We need peace now more than ever. Here, there, Ukaine. BTW, the IRA won (or lets say "Are winning") this one.

But it's not quite over, but it should be.
Ever need more proof that u/mikenigger is a jew     (www.upgoat.net)
submitted by Bidenguy666 to jewsShowThemselves 2 hours ago (+5/-0)
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