Today is Killdozer's anniversary. RIP Marvin Heemeyer!     (youtu.be)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 1 day ago (+93/-0)
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A grant program for Black women business owners is discriminatory, appeals court rules     (archive.fo)
submitted by ElementalPee to USPolitics 20 hours ago (+50/-0)
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Miss "I was 100% wrong about the Wuhan Biological Weapons Leak" Deborah Birx, is now pushing the same bullshit for millions of U.S. cows and dairy workers for "Asymptomatic" Bird Flu.     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 16 hours ago (+45/-0)
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Spanish father punches comedian in the face on stage for making outrageous 'sexualised' joke about his three-month-old son     (www.dailymail.co.uk)
submitted by Cunt to WorldNews 1 day ago (+82/-1)
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Pugilato had posted a photo of him and his young son on X, with a caption saying 'Pride and joy' - before Caravaca then posted: 'No one will be able to avoid the possibility of [your son] being gay' and that when he is older he will become sick of 'sucking black d*''.

Pugilato then turned up at the comedian's show to confront him - with audience members trying to defuse the situation.

'What were you saying, huh? That my son was going to eat c
*? He's three-months-old. Trash. Now what? Say it to my face...say it to my face now.'
Fascists     (media.gab.com)
submitted by Theo to videos 2 days ago (+71/-0)
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Using labels as a political dog whistle.
Australian nationalist, 20, has his bank account shut down due to his political views     (www.noticer.news)
submitted by dulcima to Australia 1 day ago (+48/-0)
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I HECKIN' LOVE (((((SCIENCE)))))!!!!!!      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by GreatSatan to I_FUCKING_LOVE_SCIENCE 1 day ago (+43/-0)
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"Not worth defending" - Men were stopped on the street to be asked whether they’d go to war     (www.news.com.au)
submitted by dulcima to Australia 17 hours ago (+33/-0)
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This sums up what is going up pretty much     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 1 day ago (+49/-5)
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It is your patriotic duty to pay as little taxes as you possibly can.     (MyTwoCents)
submitted by ProudRebel to MyTwoCents 17 hours ago (+32/-0)
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The current u.s. government is the most corrupt and criminal organization in the history of the world. It is every White man's duty to cheat those kikes out of every dollar possible. Pursue every free government dollar you possibly can. Identify as a nigger or a jew and you'll get paid. Whites are the new slaves and the chains will only get heavier. Jews have convinced the idiots that it is our obligation to put diapers on nigger babies. Until the pogrom happens, lie and cheat better than they do. Please feel free to share any tips that might help a fellow goat.
Just arrived in Paris fucking Africa     (whatever)
submitted by Metanoid to whatever 23 hours ago (+33/-0)
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Meeting a friend to go see a show here. Got out of the train a half hour and already seen 2 chimpouts. One in each station. In the RER it was busy but hardly a white in sight.
This city is fucked.
Trust THE Science, Goys! - "ALL 40 Million cattle in the United States need to be tested weekly for Bird Flu." (which they show no signs, or symptoms of)     (x.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 16 hours ago (+28/-0)
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Sending the goyim to die first.     (i.4pcdn.org)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to Israel 8 hours ago (+23/-0)
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Every... Single... Time... "Jewkraine First" war-pig proposes AUTOMATIC REGISTRATION for U.S. Wartime Draft. - Thanks Democrat Congresswoman ((( Chrissy Houlahan ))) !!!     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 1 day ago (+36/-0)
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Reddit discusses the new jewish female president of Mexico and for a second there while reading the comments I thought I was on Upgoat. Lets see how long before they SHUT IT DOWN! OY TO THE VEY     (www.reddit.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to MeanwhileOnReddit 1 day ago (+42/-0)
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“Secondly, if someone deems it possible to supply such weapons to the war zone, to strike our territory… why shouldn’t we supply similar weapons to those regions of the world, where they will be used against sensitive sites of these countries?”      (www.rt.com)
submitted by Sector2 to Russia 13 hours ago (+23/-0)
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Case hardened wood. You really can learn something new every day.      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by canbot to whatever 2 days ago (+71/-0)
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Paul!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to funny 1 day ago (+33/-1)
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I've been gunmaxxing since I was a kid.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Breeder to whatever 17 hours ago (+25/-0)
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he's right about interdimensional beings and Sandy Hook too     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by con77 to videos 1 day ago (+37/-1)
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The Simpson's home is luxury now     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 1 day ago (+29/-4)
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HR is the bane of my existence     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 1 day ago (+42/-0)
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Its nothing more than a bunch of liberal moronic assfucks pushing their virtue signalling bullshit onto the productive employees.
N     (i.4pcdn.org)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to Memes 9 hours ago (+20/-0)
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Took the boy over to goodwill.      (Fatherhood)
submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 2 days ago (+56/-0)
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We picked up a teal air-fryer, a DeWalt drill, a hair dryer and some Christmas lights shaped like cowboy hats. All less than 30 bucks.
I remember destroying that type of thing as a kid and getting in a lot of trouble for it. Rather than pulling that card, I got a bunch of crap he play with, then we can take apart together and see the guts, then hit it with a hammer and then use the left over wires to make some electrical circuits.
Not bad for a 3 year old.
So, I tried watching "The Acolyte". First 30 seconds was standard Star Wars intro text dump. Thought to myself "OK, they remembered this is Star Wars". Then there was a SheBoon. So I turned it off. Gas the Jawas.     (Niggers)
submitted by Master_Foo to Niggers 5 hours ago (+18/-0)
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