Currently David de Rothschild is the Chairman of the World Jewish Congress, Executive Chairman of the Rothschild Group, chairman of the Foundation for the Memory of Shoah and Commander of the Legion d’Honneur.     (www.worldjewishcongress.org)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to Israel 2 days ago (+2/-0)
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A user has been banned for using a bot to vote.     (UpgoatDev)
submitted by system to UpgoatDev 2 days ago (+70/-3)
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He gave out 18k votes over the course of a few months. Every vote cast from the account has been reversed, so your points might have changed. Also I changed the upvote to downvote allotted ratio from 2:1 to 4:1 3:1. If you can no longer downvote then try upvoting more.
Lockdown documents set to be released      (archive.md)
submitted by dulcima to Australia 5 hours ago (+7/-0)
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I want to post "fuck you" to ADL on Twitter     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to AskUpgoat 26 minutes ago (+0/-0)
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How do I insult ADL on Twitter without being caught?

I was thinking to use an old computer with an alt account, and post via VPN.

Is this enough security, or they can still see my ISP and block me?
Zogbot who tackled the patriot and got stabbed apparently just died (use translator)     (www.mrn-news.de)
submitted by fritz_maurentod to news 59 minutes ago (+7/-0)
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Bill Gates: "I can FIX that!"     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 5 hours ago (+7/-0)
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Out of frame is the jew egging him on     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to whatever 12 hours ago (+37/-0)
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Russian soldier describes farm where Jews in Ukraine raised and slaughtered kids for pedophiles and organ harvesting.     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 8 hours ago (+11/-0)
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I tried watching Godzilla x Kong. First five minutes were pretty good. Kong beating up a pack of Dire Wolves. Then a woman started talking. So I shut it off. Gas the Jews.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Master_Foo to TellUpgoat 7 hours ago (+12/-3)
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Today I Got Instant Diarrhea From Just SMELLING Taco Bell      (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Scyber to TellUpgoat 9 hours ago (+11/-0)
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Was driving home and passed a TB and got a huge whiff of whatever they were cooking. My stomach made a gurgling noise and I had to shit immediately because I wasn't gonna make it home. Luckily there was a gas station a few blocks away and I ran in and basically pissed out of my ass. Nothing solid.
What the fuck. This has never happened to me before.
Has anyone played this?      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by GreatSatan to gaming 3 hours ago (+1/-0)
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Jew York DNC compromised Judge rigged Trump's Hush Money trial - "Guilty on ALL 34 counts"     (rumble.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 1 day ago (+18/-0)
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Sitting at the front of the bus     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Niggers 5 hours ago (+12/-0)
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Been using nicotine pouches. Gotta say, pretty impressed.     (whatever)
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 16 hours ago (+23/-1)
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There's been a big native advertising campaign for the company zyn, and I fell for it. To give a little context, I was smoking about a pack and a half a day. I'm down to a pack every four days.

The feeling of these pouches with nicotine salts are radically different than cigarettes. I've noticed improved focus, less stress, and less overall anxiety. It wouldn't be a stretch to call it an antidepressant. I just feel better, healthier.

Incidentally, I've also been drinking a raw juice every day. I do two apples, about 14 grams of raw beet, maybe six small carrots, ginger if I have it, turmeric, and the juice of a whole lime.

Long story short, I feel like I have super powers. I'm more productive, I'm sleeping better, probably because I'm breathing better, and just overall I have a sense of general well being.

Really thinking about quitting smoking for the first time in 30 years. I don't think I need it anymore. Just thought I'd share with y'all.
Doombox laptop computer comes with built in AI that can answer most questions after a disaster. Needs no internet.      (landstruck.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to technology 10 hours ago (+15/-0)
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White man gets ambushed by Conspirajeet’s family      (x.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to StreetShitters 2 hours ago (+1/-0)
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Judge Merchan is a fag I think. He plucks his eyebrows and all the fags love him. It's the fag Jews who really actually hate Trump. THAT division here among the Jews. Fags vs non fags     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to USPolitics 1 hour ago (+2/-0)
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A lot of us have wondered whether the rift among Jews between Jew supporter Biden and Jew supporter Trump was even real. But I think I have discovered that it is real and what the rift is about. Trump is not a fag and fags have pretty much taken over the Democratic party and most of the Republican party. They taking over the government they've taken over many positions in all kinds of organizations. It wasn't till I saw another picture of judge mershon with his very trimmed eyebrows and just to sort of basic look that I realized he looks like a fag. I think he's probably a fag. And that would explain so much. You know the real hatred for Trump by many of the reporters has been from all the fag reporters. There's nothing to fag hates more than a openly broadly heterosexual man which Trump definitely is regardless of all his other jewiness or whatever. He's definitely a heterosexual. And he therefore is a challenge to the domination of the fags in government. Anyway this clip is just more evidence of the fag love for judge merchan and it just all fits in my theory.

Yes both sides are Jews and if you can't figure out why the Jews don't equally love that you love or Trump and that you love her Biden it's because Trump isn't a fag and fagotry drives so much of American politics today. It really honestly is the driving force in the cohesive actions that move things along today. The fags have taken over in the fags hate Donald Trump.

And yes of course they're all Jews but what we're talking about here is the rift between the fag pushing juice and Trump who is not a fag pushing Jew even though he gives lip service to the LGBT community. He is not one of them and that is the most important thing to them is being another fag.
Your SSD will degrade over time. On a macbook, it is "permanently" soldered to the motherboard and paired with a serial number. WHEN it dies, it is DEAD. that should be enough of a reason to stay away from apple products. original content     (AnonTalk)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 5 hours ago (+13/-0)
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Sleep is racist     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by v0atmage to ClownWorld 6 hours ago (+30/-0)
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not a virus     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 5 hours ago (+7/-0)
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German diversity (video banned on X, here in full length)     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by fritz_maurentod to videos 20 hours ago (+49/-1)
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This old guy wants my help starting a business when he retires. Doesn't know he wants to do. But wants to work with his hands. My mind is a blank what do you got. its florids     (AskGoats)
submitted by Dindu to AskGoats 8 hours ago (+2/-0)
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He does the electronics on my broken antiques as a hobby. We can maybe restore shit here and there but that doesn't sound worth paying for shop space
Guise, Tucker Carlson, while wearing his little red kabalah bracelet, says its totally not the jews. He says evil spiritual entities in this world and our government made a deal      (rumble.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to HebraicHijinksandSheenyShenanigans 6 hours ago (+20/-0)
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InfoWars may be shutdown in 48 hours     (twitter.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to MeanwhileOnTwitter 2 hours ago (+2/-0)
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Zelenskyy's wife ((( Olena Zelensky ))) is running a non-profit organization accused of "abducting-exporting minors from Ukraine and sex-trafficking them to wealthy pedophiles in Western Nations. - "It's NOT the Jews!" @Joe_McCarthy     (x.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 15 hours ago (+53/-1)
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