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When you realize nogs can't understand the concept of the future you understand their behavior. Now realize Jews have genetic brain defects. They can't grasp proportionality or actual logic. They have genetic "Victimhood Tourettes". They also can't grasp future consequences. So stop arguing w them

submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 monthMay 3, 2024 18:01:34 ago (+26/-0)     (TellUpgoat)

They are idiots disguised by verbal circular reasoning.

I'll tell you what else I've realized is they all have mild schizophrenia. That's explains why they see things and imagine things that aren't there that have happened to them. We know that they suffer from full-blown schizophrenia far more than most people but I think what's grossly under counted is the fact that they all have mild schizophrenia and they see s*** that doesn't actually happen. This is why they can go off on rants about things that do not happen but they actually believe it that's why they sound so convincing when they're talking. And that's what fools the rest of us is they sound convincing when they're telling something that's untrue and I believe it's because they actually believe it most of the time.

Lots of very
insane people sound intelligent for a brief period of time until you their whole picture.

They're all brain damaged. And we can't have crazy people running our country or in positions of authority.

The strange thing is is they're particular afflictions actually serve them very well for the short term. After all anybody who has a brain defect that always thinks they're not getting enough and always pushes for more is going to end up with more until people get tired of them and put them out of their reach somehow. And that perfectly explains the Jewish experience throughout history.

22 comments block

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 0 points 1 monthMay 3, 2024 21:39:00 ago (+0/-0)

"Stop arguing with them". Best advice ever. Don't engage. Don't acknowledge. Just ignore. You can say nothing that will make any difference, and it will show your superiority by being able to stay above it all while they're having a nigger meltdown.

If anyone ever calls to you "Sir! Sir! I need to talk to you!" or "Come over here, come here, I want to show you something" or anything like that, just move on, don't acknowledge them, and show that you have no interest in talking to them, or even acknowledging their being there.

Ignore niggers. Avoid the groid.

[ - ] Prairie 1 point 1 monthMay 3, 2024 22:20:30 ago (+1/-0)

Only rational participants will be influenced, thus you will be manipulated but they won't change, so you'll come away worse off. Being rational is a form of trust, where you give people the benefit of the doubt. It fails when there is no basis for that trust.

[ - ] Crackinjokes [op] 0 points 1 monthMay 4, 2024 04:36:59 ago (+0/-0)


"Only rational participants will be influenced, thus you will be manipulated but they won't change, so you'll come away worse off. Being rational is a form of trust, where you give people the benefit of the doubt. It fails when there is no basis for that trust."

[ - ] DeusExMachina 1 point 1 monthMay 3, 2024 21:51:22 ago (+1/-0)

Culture is merely an operating system for people. It's why nigs are the way they are. It's why kikes have repeated the same things throughout history and will continue to do so. You either have to break the operating system and install a new one or break the people replicating it. It seems quite clear that expulsion has a limited shelf life.

[ - ] Moravian 3 points 1 monthMay 3, 2024 22:34:56 ago (+3/-0)

I would say the culture comes from the people. The people have genetic traits that make them act the way they do and that creates the culture and that operating system is downloaded at birth. You can tweak it with the right motivation I'd say as well. Some cultures need more motivation than others if you know what I mean.

[ - ] DeusExMachina 1 point 1 monthMay 3, 2024 22:49:33 ago (+1/-0)

I do think that there is some hard-wired genetic component involved. To what extent I do not know. They tend to throw scientist in prison or, failing that, simply destroy their careers for trying to study that though.

Some cultures need more motivation than others if you know what I mean.


[ - ] Crackinjokes [op] 1 point 1 monthMay 4, 2024 04:34:17 ago (+1/-0)

No amount of cultural operating system changes will change the behavior of people like nogs and Jews that are missing critical parts of the brain needed for successful long time empathic civilizations.

[ - ] DeusExMachina 0 points 1 monthMay 5, 2024 21:43:18 ago (+0/-0)

Meh, a gorilla learned sign language. Before Martin Luther Kang and the civil rights act came along blacks were doing pretty good and they knew what was acceptable and unacceptable in regards to interacting with civilized peoples. After MLKang and decades of LBJ's policies though...I don't know that any easy solution remains.

[ - ] allAheadFull 7 points 1 monthMay 3, 2024 22:14:12 ago (+7/-0)

Hitler figured out there was no point arguing with them. They lie and use pilpul to "win" arguments. If you do win the argument, they'll deny that it happened the next day.

[ - ] Crackinjokes [op] 1 point 1 monthMay 4, 2024 04:32:38 ago (+1/-0)


The difference is I have figured out they are all mentally deficient.

It's not that they are thinking they are lying

They actually believe their own bullshit.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 1 monthMay 4, 2024 16:29:29 ago (+1/-0)

Even arguing with their shills/shabbos goys/indoctrinated children is generally a lost cause. It takes incredible effort to break someone from the matrix. Both from the breaker and the breakee.

[ - ] Prairie 1 point 1 monthMay 3, 2024 22:17:38 ago (+1/-0)

A distinct lack of empathy would explain it.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 1 monthMay 4, 2024 15:44:46 ago (+0/-0)

Lol I said jews are narricist specifically covert narrisit.. number one trait of a narrisist? Lack of or no empathy

[ - ] ModernGuilt 0 points 1 monthMay 4, 2024 00:03:15 ago (+0/-0)

Its why they're good with drama and surrealism in movies

[ - ] Crackinjokes [op] 0 points 1 monthMay 4, 2024 04:35:52 ago (+0/-0)

Yes! They are actors and pretenders because they see stuff that isn't there

[ - ] 3Whuurs 1 point 1 monthMay 4, 2024 02:56:09 ago (+1/-0)

It’s very counter intuitive for whites to be predatorial in every day social exchanges.
We may struggle to progress because we refuse to advocate for our race, but Jews don’t really succeed by advocating for their race, as much as they do advocating against ours.
Crying out in pain and being nepotistic as they claim they’re chosen by god doesn’t advance them. It just hinders us.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 0 points 1 monthMay 4, 2024 05:35:21 ago (+1/-1)

I don't quite subscribe to the genetic theory. Well I do, just not to totality. Obviously Semitic genes are linked with duplicity etc. The bible is a story of these genes coming into contact with aryans, of struggling to grasp this new superior concept of aryan warrior morality while celebrating immoral stories, weaving a web of lies, victimhood and plots.

A German Jew has much different genetics to a semitic arab or jew. If someone identifies as a jew, they are submitting themselves to a cult that was developed by semites, religious or otherwise. A normal person who discovers they are 1/4 jew would not identify as jewish, they'd just keep calling themselves American etc. The ones who decide to identify as jewish have done so because they've explored the features of the cult and submitted to it. Just as some whites are now submitting to the cult identifications of aboriginal etc. and as soon as they do they play the role, the role of retarded victim etc., when they never did it before. Liberals and Christians are likewise insane and intolerable in arguments that conflict with their brainwashing. That's not necessarily genetic. It's a dangerous cult that needs to be identified and obliterated.

The germans decided on the genetic route and it bit them in the ass. Mischlings, 1/4 jews, were allowed to stay till pretty much the end, even though many of them were openly jewish, and some of them betrayed the reich. Yet some of them were stalwart nazis who would never want anything to do with the cult of jewry. How far do you take it? Some 1/32ers are crypto jews, most 1/32ers have no idea of any jewishness in them. The deciding factor of whether or not they're an enemy is whether they've attached themselves to the cult or not.

Blacks are different, too much genetic distance so that genes can be distinctly linked to their behaviours, the blurred lines only start occurring once they start becoming capable of light-coloured eyes.

[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 1 monthMay 4, 2024 07:12:37 ago (+1/-0)

American niggers have kike blood. They have the chutzpah of kikes but none of the brains to be remotely successful at it.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 1 monthMay 4, 2024 16:34:07 ago (+0/-0)

That's what I think. Since most slave owners were jews, and jews are well-known for their rapey degeneracy, it makes sense that the "half" part of the half-black NAPA is from jewish DNA.

[ - ] out_of_many_one -1 points 1 monthMay 4, 2024 07:42:33 ago (+0/-1)

Jews are what happen when satanists get together to deceive the populace - indentured servants to a sermon that was written by satanists, the jews think they are doing the right thing because their religious text fools them into thinking they are some sort of chosen race. Its fucked. Theyve been lied to since moses, they literally run off of lies now. Its been ingrained into them the last 3000 years.

Mussies and Christians are offshoots of that same manipulation. "God" or aliens haven't visited us since the religious books were invented. Its a dead book that attempts to describe an unknowable energy that we all belong to. Jews need to stop hijacking this energy for a themselves its really retarded

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 1 monthMay 4, 2024 15:43:28 ago (+0/-0)

Jews are basically narrcist... think of a jew and what they are characteristically then look into covert narricist.

They go hand in hand.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 1 monthMay 4, 2024 16:31:40 ago (+0/-0)

The strange thing is is they're particular afflictions actually serve them very well for the short term

Sociopathy works well for the individual at the cost of the group. If the sociopath can move from group to group as he wears out his welcome, no problems for the sociopath.

Unfortunately for the jew, his very success ensures that he can't do that anymore. Well, that and the internet. They really fucked up letting that one out of the box.