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Member for: 3 years

scp: 356 (+391/-35)
ccp: 170 (+203/-33)
votes given: 681 (+674/-7)
score: 526

what an idiot     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rayden to Controlavirus 2.9 years ago


how would you design an exotic compression algorithm?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


for example, zip compression works by writing down repeat information once and using an index in its place to save space.

but that will only take you so far.

there is a legend of a type of compression so advanced entire gigabytes could be transferred on a sheet of paper. not in the sense that you were giving them a hyperlink to the file but the information itself could be extracted from a string so short it could be written down on a sheet of paper.

my question to you is, how did your compression algorithm work?
The birds that live next to where bird feed grows but aren't allowed to eat it are the bird version of people who live in colonized nations.      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


Voat when I accidentally type in askpoal     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rayden to funny 2.9 years ago


The purpose of gum is to clean your teeth.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


This, EXACTLY (18:55)     (www.bitchute.com)

submitted by Rayden to Controlavirus 2.9 years ago


people who think watching civilization collapse would be fun should try not eating or taking a shower for a single day     (ShowerThoughts)

submitted by Rayden to ShowerThoughts 2.9 years ago


I think a lot of people who think it would be fun have no idea how quickly it will get miserable.
Our God is a good God     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rayden to Controlavirus 2.9 years ago


When are they going to make a vaccine for being a moron?
Fascinating read: Lobbyist training material for child support machine. This is how they keep their thumb on men.     (www.ncsl.org)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


- these groups have massive financial incentive to break up families and extort the money.
- structure of legislature
- how much money they make
- their demographics
- how bills get passed
- best time to influence legislatures
- which people in legislature are new and which are deep state
- subtle bribery tips
- how to become the legislatures source of information on an issue
- how to reframe the devastating effects of child support on children and society as a good thing!

Powerman 5000 - Miss America     (youtu.be)

submitted by Rayden to music 2.9 years ago


The vax is harmless. It's like injecting air directly into your veins.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


what better way to fight a respiratory virus then to inject air directly into your veins. it's called science.
Surprise, tangent line 🙀     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rayden to whatever 2.9 years ago


funny how nature do dat, etc.
Surgeon general lost ten family members to covid-19? Get the fuck out of here. (video proof he's full of shit)     (Controlavirus)

submitted by Rayden to Controlavirus 2.9 years ago


watch this white house press briefing of this cunt from a month ago. does he look like ten of his family members just dropped dead to you? uh, no. he looks like a guy who just hit the fucking lottery to me. he can't hide the joy on his face.

video proof he's full of shit:

a random article where he makes the 10 family members died claim:
Styxhexenhammer is right, secession is dumb     (www.bitchute.com)

submitted by Rayden to politics 2.9 years ago


Apparently a lot of people think secession is a good idea. It ain't. It will lead to one nation dominating another. Secession will make things worse.
Since we learned how dumb people are in 2020 do you still think capitalism will work?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


I mean who needs government regulation when you can just lie and have 95% of people believe you. I'm having doubts about true modern capitalism since people would be dissuaded from buying competing products because of network effects and blatant lies.

Definitely not a commie. But I don't hear a lot of libertarians revisiting economics to account for how astoundingly stupid and homogeneous modern people are.
Do you really think the vaccine is going to kill people on a massive scale?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


Don't get me wrong. No one thinks rona is more bullshit than me. The shot is dangerous if it's killed like coming up on 10,000 and 150,000,000 have been vaxed and without any doubt some of the deaths are not being recorded. That's just as dangerous as rona for me and I'll bet I've already had covid.

Plus they're obviously bad actors pushing that vax cause the need to vax some of the demographics they're pushing just isn't there at all.

So to me that vax can be shoved into their asses.

But I don't see the vax genociding people. Maybe some fertility issues here and there. Maybe more deaths than normal cause they skipped tests. But I don't see vax genocide coming.

What do you think?
Hope stupid republicans understand helping south africa is a win win.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


Republicans. Tired of being called fucking racist? Want to actually make the world a better place? Want to prevent a tragedy? Want to beat the democrats at their own fucking game? Then make it your mission to avert the humanitarian crisis in South Africa. You realize those aren't the democrats kind of black people?

This is the crisis you can't let go to waste. Help them and GTFO. This will also counter Chinas growing influence in the country. Just don't make it a military thing. Just help, no harm. This is a no brainer. Act now!
My argument for proof of free will     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


im pretty sure this makes sense. i guess no one else is as smart as me cause ive never heard anyone else say this before.

ready? here we go:

simply put nature has no reason to evolve consciousness that can't act. you are conscious so that you can act. therefore you have free will.
The real reason conservatives don't like abortion is an unwanted baby places a burden on the parents who might not want to be with each other.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


oh of course they will say different but that's a lie they tell themselves. dig down deep enough and i promise you 9 times out of 10 the reason is either:

1. it keeps other people down thereby increasing ones own status
2. it is the prevailing view of their political party. this makes their "opinion" no more valid than a lefties opinion that infants should be masked and vaccinated for rona.

Finally, no, a cluster of cells is not a fucking baby. Having a heartbeat seems like a reasonable cut off point to me.

oh, and if religious beliefs get brought up their opinion is especially void since christianity is as much bullshit as scientology or worshipping the black hole at the center of our galaxy that definitely was made billions of year ago. plus, give me a fucking break, abortion is not mentioned in the god damn bible are you fucking kidding me.
Virgin Galactic will launch billionaire Richard Branson into space today. Here's how to watch it live. By Elizabeth Howell about 3 hours ago     (www.space.com)

submitted by Rayden to news 2.9 years ago


jeff bezos can eat a bag of dicks after he rides into space with his butt facing into a dick shaped rocket as the SECOND billionaire in space.

if bezos dies and then pathogenic priming starts killing the vaxed and then election audits start coming out proving biden is illigitimate this year would really take a turn for the better.

Is libertarianism pragmatic?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


in a vacuum we could be free but we are in a pressure cooker.

for one, people prefer having a state to the burdens of freedom

for two, people are sooo fucking dumb lol. they couldn't adapt if we all if a sudden became a libertarian society. too many new concepts and ways of interacting with the world for comfortable statists to not fight being ripped out of the statrix with all their might.

I want to live in a libertarian society but I fear it's too late to shed the state. So is it more pragmatic to focus on shrinking the state, at least at first?
Oh by the way, the U.S. military is advertising on lefty podcasts but not conservative podcasts      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


Using epoxy at the bottom of a coolant reservoir after 12 hours dry time. will definitely come off or absolutely come off?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


so i go down to the old junk yard today and get a replacement coolant reservoir. but like an idiot i didn't check to make sure it had the low coolant sensor in it. well wadya know it didn't. so i pop out the one i got but i damaged it. i epoxied it back together and after 12 hours id like to fill it up and drive.

usually in these situations i can convince myself that im not dealing with a worst case scenario but not this time. hot ass coolant getting repeatedly dumped in there is a pretty extreme edge case. kind of humorously so.

its just the cheap harbor freight generic epoxy. will it hold?
Did anyone else used to believe in climate change but are now having doubts because of covid-19?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


Don't get me wrong. In a reasonable reality we would be taking steps to go green and funding ways to clean up carbon or otherwise mitigate the effects of pollution on the environment to a reasonable extent.

But after covid-19 I see they are all idiots and I don't trust a damn thing they say. For example Joe's how many trillion dollar green new deal and infrastructure bullshit. All of that we could do without and I'm just gonna guess those contracts are going to go to fully vaccinated black people so there's an obvious hidden agenda at least.

I'm at the point where these people have gone insane that regular climate change is actually favorable to what they will do.

Several Women on US Soccer Team Turn Away From US Flag as 98-Year-Old Veteran Plays National Anthem on Harmonica (VIDEO)      (www.thegatewaypundit.com)

submitted by Rayden to news 2.9 years ago


Not exactly helpful when you have people at the top levels of government telling them this is okay.