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scp: 1585 (+2183/-598)
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score: 1974

Willie Picton Dead - Robert William "Willy" Pickton b October 24, 1949 was convicted in a Canadian court of the second degree murder of six women in 2007, he was arrested in 2002 after being the subject of lengthy investigations that yielded evidence of numerous other murders     (www.abc.net.au)

submitted by MartinTimothy to RIP 1 week ago


>The Correctional Service of Canada said Robert Pickton, an inmate of Port-Cartier Institution in the province of Quebec, died in hospital following injuries incurred May 19, 2024, and that a 51-year-old inmate was in custody for an assault on Picton. [ABC.net]().

[Sodom & Gomorrah Revisited, The Pickton Pig Farm Murders, Canada Overtaken by Anarchy](https://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/main-forum/504-sodom-gomorrah-revisited-the-pickton-pig-farm-murders-canada-overtaken-by-anarchy).

Testimony from numerous sources says cannibalism and body dumping is protected at every level in Canadian policing and politics. [StankMouth](https://searchvoat.co/search.php?st=comments&u=StankMouth) says, "the RCMP would take children and women to Robert Picktons pig farm & the political elites / government / celebs would be taking part in cannibal oath ceremonies that involved rape and murder.

Turitelle says, "nobody believed Pickton acted alone, cops and politicians who ignored the reports of missing women for years hung out at their party hall, Hell's Angles whose club house was just across the street frequented the Picktons' illicit nightclub, investigators searching the Pickton farm found 80 unidentified DNA profiles there approximately half of them male."

[JumpinJack](https://searchvoat.co/search.php?st=comments&u=jumpinJack), "Canadian Privy Councilor Maurice Strong hired Crown Agents Sister Lena Trudeau in 1996 to set up Piggy’s Palace Good Times Society as a Federally registered charity, to procure film for use in the extortion of witnesses to or participants in pedophile oath taking ceremonies at a BC pig farm mortgaged by Linda Pickton at Port Coquitlam, in British Columbia..

Piggy Palace routinely attracted more than 2000 party goers including off duty police officers, city officials and was considerable association between Dave Pickton and the Hells Angels, the CIA drug smugglers sect. His brother Robert Picton was suspected of murdering over 100 women & children, and was dubbed Canada's biggest ever serial killer.

The entire city of Port Coquitlam pop. 53,000, it seemed was feeding on pigs that had been fed murder victims by the suspected serial killer Robert Pickton .. the waste pig material went by truck to a rendering plant near the DES called West Coast Reduction Ltd, many are certain that the partial remains of the murdered sex workers went to the same place."

[Bklondike1412](https://searchvoat.co/search.php?st=comments&u=klondike1412), "Robert Pickton took the fall for the Hells Angels .. he just released a book out of prison that was banned everywhere .. it's common knowledge in BC that Piggy Palace Good Times club was a Hell's Angels club, police were tipped off about Pickton for years even taking a stabbed woman from his property IIRC nothing was ever done." [Piggy's Palace @ SearchVoat](https://searchvoat.co/search.php?st=comments&t=Piggy%27s+Palace).

[Justin Trudeau Link to Epstein and the Pickton Pig Farm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6O4Uj2-r8I&feature=youtu.be).

In this video April LaJune provides additional testimony, she says if anything things are just as bad in the US with prominent ppl in show business and politics totally given over to Satanism and mass sacrificial murder.

*Sometime in about the mid 1980's a pulp crime magazine of the kind banned in Australia turned up where I lived, it had a feature story re a farm boy who took a prostitute back to his farm and murdered her while his brother stood by .. that it mirrored the Pickton Farm Killings scenario perfectly, indicates the entire affair was common knowledge even by that time.*
Strangers in the Night by Frank Sinatra - This was "Cranky Franky"s biggest hit and it came late in his career, the song reached number 1 on the Billboard chart & stayed there for 17 weeks, it was simultaneously at top spot on the UK singles chart .. sure it deals with naked faggotry - Guitar Chords     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to Guitar 1 month ago


[Strangers in the Night by Frank Sinatra, Guitar Chords](https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/frank-sinatra/strangers-in-the-night-chords-1035653).

I was never Frank Sinatra's biggest fan he had a foul mouth and an abusive manner, he traveled with a lawyer in tow who was as ill mammered as he .. he appears to have mellowed in later yrs so I actually warmed toward him a bit, he did a good job with this song there is no doubt about that RIP.
False Flags: Template for Terror - An analytical critique of the covert model utilized by Israel's Mossad in orchestrating 9-11, the Oklahoma City bombing and the assassination of John F Kennedy, by Michael Collins Piper     (amfirstbooks.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to books 1 month ago


Oswald, Mcveigh & Osama Were False Flags - Here’s the never-before-explained “template for terror” first used in the JFK asssassination and later in the Oklahoma City bombing and the 9-11 tragedy that followed, Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon affair are the latest
manifestations of this pernicious evil.

In the works for over a decade, this is the one book that points the definitive finger of blame at the singular force behind the major terrorist conspiracies that have rocked America in modern times - Don’t let them confuse you as they did with 9-11, the OKC bombing, and the JFK assassination.

Immediately after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy a few honest investigators began digging into what really happened on Nov. 22, 1963. In the years that followed, there was a deliberate attempt by the controlled Media Monopoly to smear the honest researchers at the same time a flood of misinformation and disinformation about the assassination was deliberately injected into the public domain.

All sorts of misleading “theories” and phony “research” muddied the waters, redirecting attention away from WHO was responsible and into focusing instead into endless competing and distracting arguments about HOW the assassination was carried out. As a consequence, truth seekers got bogged down in complicated discussions about how many shots were fired, where those shots hit JFK and how many assassins were involved.

The same type of thing happened after the Oklahoma City bombing and then with 9-11 and it even took place during the past year in the wake of the tragedies at Sandy Hook and Boston.

There has been a plethora of theories relating largely to inconsequential details about how these conspiracies were orchestrated and the consequence has been that much of the independent research has become bogged down in forensic and scientific debate (much of it actually ill-founded).

The result is that even many Americans who suspect there’s something wrong with the U.S. government’s “official” versions of “what happened” in these cases begin to reject the idea that real conspiracies were behind these events. The truth seekers are dismissed as “nuts.”
Finally: the one full-length book that cuts to the chase and says WHO orchestrated these events and explains the “template for terror” and the insidious propaganda measures used to CONFUSE good Americans from ever seeing the truth.You’ll be astounded at what you learn . . .

This Will Probly Go Over Many Ppl's Heads However NASA Has Totally Restricted Access to the Opportunity & Spirit Mars Rover's Database - Whereas links that opened to places that had the entire photographic portfolios now go to the same site that consists of "entry level" Mars stuff and nought else     (science.nasa.gov)

submitted by MartinTimothy to Space 1 month ago


[Human & Alien Life on Mars & Venus - The Evolution of Man](https://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/348-human-alien-life-on-mars-venus-the-evolution-of-man).

This page has numerous links to the Opportunity & Spirit Rover databases both of which resolve into the same NASA link as above, whereas the [Curiosity Rover](https://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw-images/?order=sol+desc%2Cinstrument_sort+asc%2Csample_type_sort+asc%2C+date_taken+desc&per_page=50&page=0&mission=msl) database can still be accessed as long as you have the right link.
Screenshot: Nazi Swastika Up Front on the Northern Bank of the Brisbane River in the Heart of the Brisbane CBD at 443 Queen St .. sure it is not a perfect representation however if you jigger the shading in the lower right section a perfect swastika emerges, so what do the "banners" say     (i.postimg.cc)

submitted by MartinTimothy to Australia 1 month ago


[Large File](https://i.postimg.cc/6QhJBhg1/IMG20240509102205.jpg).

[443 Queen St](https://i.postimg.cc/FFCvfDRM/IMG20240509103644.jpg).

[Nazi Symbols Banned in Victoria](https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/nazi-hate-symbols-now-banned-victoria).
Peter Gunn - Duane Eddy      (www.youtube.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to Guitar 1 month ago


Mr Eddy passed away April 30, 2024 in Franklin, Tenn. aged 86 yrs, RIP :)
Missing Person: Big Rig Steve aka Trucker Steven Michaels Who Usually Updates His YT Channel on a Daily Basis With Live Video via Starlink Has Not Been Heard From in Weeks .. he has days off now and then however he keeps viewers informed anyway, this gap in transmission is entirely out of character     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to videos 1 month ago


[Big Rig Steve](https://i.postimg.cc/MTdRJG6p/Big-Rig-Steve.jpg).

Take it easy Steve, lets hope everything is ok :)

Veterans Today: World Trade Center Scam Exposed, by Kevin Barrett - It appears the whole WTC project from its creation by New World Order chieftain David Rockefeller, thru its explosive demolition on 9/11 to its resurrection by insurance fraudster Larry Silverstein, has been one gigantic scam     (web.archive.org)

submitted by MartinTimothy to conspiracy 2 months ago


“The idea for a World Trade Center came from David Rockefeller, the brother of New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. The governor asked the Port Authority, with its enormous borrowing power, to take on the project. The private sector wouldn’t touch it because it was expected to lose money. And it did, for years after it was built.”

In fact, the World Trade Center in general, and the Twin Towers in particular, lost spectacular and ever-larger sums of money throughout their lifetimes, just as everyone knew they would. By 2001, the Twin Towers were largely empty due to their antiquated communications infrastructure. They were loathed by New Yorkers as twin eyesores, and condemned for asbestos since the mid-1990s.

The Port Authority had been seeking a way to demolish the Towers for years. Then in July 2001, Port Authority director Lewis Eisenberg sold the World Trade Center to a reputed organized crime figure (and confirmed close friend of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu) named Larry Silverstein for a little over $100 million.

Eisenberg and Silverstein are both Zionist extremists. In 2001, they were two of the biggest money-men for the Republican Party. So why would Larry Silverstein buy the World Trade Center in July, 2001? Why would he want to own worthless buildings that were condemned for asbestos and losing enormous amounts of money?

The answer became obvious after 9/11, when Silverstein confessed on national television to having demolished Building 7 himself – yet later managed to walk out of a mobbed-up courtroom with 4.5 billion dollars in double-indemnity for the “two completely separate terrorist attacks” on the two Towers.

Silverstein was even paid almost three-quarters of a billion dollars in compensation for the loss of Building 7 – the building that he himself admittedly “pulled” on 9/11. [VT]().
Take Another Look at the Uniformed Astronaut in the Image From the NASA Opportunity Mars Rover Sol 4182 Returned 2015 - He is seated straight backed with his legs astride a console of some kind, there is a box to his front with control levers like those on a crane or a backhoe ..      (i.postimg.cc)

submitted by MartinTimothy to Space 2 months ago


[Parent File](https://i.postimg.cc/PqSXYdrv/Astronaut-2-O-4182.jpg).

[Industrial Control Levers](https://i.postimg.cc/wjH8NgLb/Microsoft-Teams-image-1024x768.jpg).

[ASU.edu - Knudsen Ridge 1](http://pancam.sese.asu.edu/4272B_P2389_1.html).

[Knudsen Ridge 2, Four Figures](https://i.postimg.cc/ryD41Tz4/Astronauts-3-4-O-4182.jpg).

[NASA Photo Journal, Knudsen Ridge](https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA20319).

[Uniformed Astronaut on Mars Op Sol 4183, triangular eye sockets](https://i.postimg.cc/NF3fFbGN/Astronaut-1-O-4182.jpg).

There are at least four human figures in the broader "Knudsen Ridge" montage, the same crossed bandolier uniform can be discerned on at least two of the figures.

[Bodies, Bones & Human Remains on Planet Mars - Flash Gordon](https://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/457-bodies-bones-human-remains-on-planet-mars-flash-gordon).

Makes you wonder if the same crossed bandolier uniform favored by comic book hero Flash Gordon had anything to do with it, or with previous manned missions to Mars indeed.

[NASA Op Sol 4182](https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/4182/1P499454481EFFCONIP2368L2M1.HTML).

[NASA Op Sol 4183](https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/4183/1P499543963EFFCONIP2369L2M1.HTML).

[NASA - Knudsen Ridge, Marathon Valley on Mars](https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/steep-knudsen-ridge-along-marathon-valley-mars/).

As inquirers study the shots and become more familiar with the overall Knudsen Ridge situ, it becomes obvious the human figures are in fact [Lilliputian](https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/lilliputian) in stature.

[Image: Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, 1726 - The Lilliputian Band Plays](https://i.postimg.cc/R0nXMbZQ/images.jpg).
V/Jews XPost: MST Says, "Hitler was a Zionist who intended the destruction of the maximum amount of white lives .. it's Moloch, Baal, Ereshkigal, Lilith, the Eight Goddesses and every dark mystery that can be used to distract and ensorcel ppl while the Khazarians are at the top of the food chain     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by MartinTimothy to Jews 2 months ago


>Adolf Hitler Had Jewish DNA - This information adds weight to the view that Hitler was a Sabbatean Frankist Illuminati Jew who the bankers put in power to destroy Germany and provide a rationale for the State of Israel.

Gallery ..






Yeah Well the RF Has Been in the News a Lot Lately, Will It Be Considered Bad Manners to Raise the Subject of HRH Enjoying Feasting at the Hollydale Cannibal Restaurant in Los Angeles - The way he stripped Meghan's title as Dutchess away and bestowed it on someone else was unnecessary and vindictive     (i.postimg.cc)

submitted by MartinTimothy to princeharryhate 2 months ago


[King Charles’ New Titles for Meghan and Prince Harry](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/king-charles-shock-new-titles-for-meghan-markle-and-prince-harry/news-story/30b128f9ac2fff9886899195d7734fd7).

>King Charles then POW says, "my thanks to Karina and The Hollydale the people were delicious the setting was lovely, and a wonderful time was had by all. Rather unfortunate for the Danish fellow we were eating but there you have it, some people were made to be eaten and others it seems were made to eat them." [The Charles Cannibal Missive](https://i.postimg.cc/XYW0ky9p/H-7.jpg).

[Elite Cannibal Restaurant in Los Angeles](https://www.soulask.com/has-an-elite-cannibal-restaurant-been-discovered-in-los-angeles/).

>Established in 2015, The Hollydale is a purveyor of the finest human flesh, harvested fresh from only the most attractive, willing donors, skillfully and reverently prepared by world class master chefs. [Cannibal Cravings at the Hollydale](https://twitter.com/karinabelenoff?lang=en).
>The restaurant and staff are privately owned by Karina Belenoff-Windsor, daughter of [Somerset Belenoff, Countess of Banbury & Arran](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica2/esp_sociopol_blacknobil50.htm) and sister to WGC luminary Natalie Belenoff-Windsor, Karina sits on the Board of Governors at the World Governing Council in Luxembourg, she travels frequently to Los Angeles to ensure The Hollydale is always in tip-top shape. [Link](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/the-prizowhales-file-problems-in-the-house-of-windsor/198-prince-charles-dines-on-human-flesh-at-cannibal-restaurant-in-los-angeles).

[At left Somerset Belenoff, at right Natalie Belenoff-Windsor](https://i.postimg.cc/gJY8jT3n/Natalie-Belenoff-Windsor.jpg).

Update: Natalie Belenoff-Windsor was identifiable in a video that appeared on a now defunct Japanese website that hosted snuff porn, riding on horseback beside a fenced area where a group of naked children were being herded toward a European chateau by a large pig .. the tenor of the times says they were for the table.
39 Yo White Man Set Upon & Bashed by a Carload of Thugs in the Melbourne Suburb of Collingwood - The news report lists his injuries which were substantial but gives no description of the assailants .. so was it black ***** or what ??     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to Australia 2 months ago


I'd say it was blackies however you've got to bring race into it, since any number of the black races not limited to Pacific Islanders and Africans are up to this sort of thing.
Lidar and the Mystery of the "Pimple Mounds" Found in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas & Missouri - Lidar imagery provides a new perspective on these features which appear to defy theories of natural origin     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to videos 3 months ago


It looks like we will have to put the "Pimple Mounds" in with Crop Circles, Nazca Lines and YouTuber [Johnny Norfolk](https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=Johnny+Norfolk+arctic+lines)'s sub arctic lines and patterns, and declare the whole lot as having been completed by extra terrestrials.

[Kiyakta, Crete](https://i.postimg.cc/ZKKCV9w9/Kiyakta-Crete.jpg).

Check Google Earth for an abundance of lines and patterns on the Mediterranean Sea floor, including the undersea "pimple" features and structures that in some ways resemble computer circuitry, just off the southern coast of Crete.

[Med Sea Floor](https://i.postimg.cc/BQ6n2rvH/Med-Sea-Floor-xx.jpg).

The same thing is seen on the ocean floor just to the east of the Newfoundland Grand Banks, whereas undersea lines extend all the way to the Faroe Islands that lie between Norway and the British Isles .. there are similarly inexplicable lines on the semi submerged sea islands in the north east US.

[Ocean Floor East of Newfoundland](https://i.postimg.cc/fb4Wnkff/Newfoundland.jpg).

Recall past astronomers logged sightings of "Martian Canals," here we say they were Nazca type lines whose slight relief was enough to make them visible .. no amateur astros I know of have ever chased up on it however numbers of 19th Century star gazers reported them.

[Percival Lowell, Martian "Canali"](https://i.postimg.cc/GtYNwhL6/percival-lowell-canals.png).

**This post reply was instantly redacted at YT.**
Another Rat Deserting a Sinking Ship, Former PM Scott Morrison Will Quit Politics - It means there will be no "senior statesmen" in the Federal Parliament since John Howard & Tony Abbott got shafted by the 4x2's in 2007 & 2019 while there's plenty of niggers, wogs & chows in place ready to step up     (www.theguardian.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to Australia 3 months ago


>The senior statesmen in a Platonic democracy possesses knowledge accrued from his former high office on how to rule justly and well, and to have the best interests of the citizens at heart. [Plato: The Laws](https://iep.utm.edu/pla-laws/).

**Australian politics has been a plaything of Jews at least since they engineered the removal of the [Gough Whitlam](https://www.nma.gov.au/defining-moments/resources/whitlam-dismissal) Labor Government in 1975, via the machinations of the CIA's [Marshall Green](https://www.ussc.edu.au/marshall-green-americas-mr-asia) then U S Ambassador to Australia.

Who similarly engineered the removal of duly elected [President Sukarno](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Sukarno) in Indonesia in 1965, ushering in [genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesian_mass_killings_of_1965%E2%80%9366#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20most%20widely,the%20Indonesian%20Army%20under%20Suharto.) in Java, Sumatra and Bali to the tune of as many as three million dead, where after in true Aussie fashion Whitlam himself deserted the Parliament and the Australian ppl in one fell swoop.

The 1980's were the days of PM [Bob Hawke](https://www.naa.gov.au/explore-collection/australias-prime-ministers/robert-hawke) who was a "true blue" Jew tool and nothing more, Jews were the ones who fixed him up with a [Rhodes Scholarship](https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=2019051710554037) and guaranteed his political career, while he remained in the thrall of arch Zionist [Sir Peter Abeles](https://universalium.en-academic.com/248747/Abeles%2C_Sir_Peter), who was on the authority of former Brit PM Tony Blair simultaneously the Mr Big in Australian organized crime. [Link](https://dockersunion.net/journals/Page6.htm).**

*As well Hawke was the great champion of abortion genocide .. have a look around you all you will see are chinks, wogs, niggers and cannibals, they didn't come here to be Australians they came here to feather their own nests .. it wasn't always so, first they slaughtered indigenous Australians in Zionist sponsored abortion clinics, then brought immigrants in whose allegiance is not to the host nation but to the foreign culture whence they came to make up the numbers.*

Not withstanding [Jewish terrorists](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/the-911-attacks-upon-the-us/28-911-australia-terrorgr%C3%BCppe-kurzberg-pizza-woodledoodledoo) have the run of Brisbane, the most damning piece of Australiana is the way incumbent PM John Howard & former PM Tony Abbott were ousted from Parliament 2007 & 2019. [Howard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Howard#2007_election) was allegedly outvoted in 2007 by former ABC News Reporter [Maxine McKew](https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian?MPID=BP4) who was herself ousted from Parliament in 2010, by her 44,685 votes to his 42,251 votes. [Abbott](https://www.theguardian.com/global/2019/may/18/australian-election-tony-abbott-loses-his-warringah-seat-to-zali-steggall) whose 61% majority fell to 37% was replaced by Jewish independent Zali Steggall.

**We will say the assertion the electors replaced Howard with a second rate journalist from a Zio friendly news op goes against the political "flow of play," that the whole thing was choreographed by Jews while Abbott's fall from grace had the same Jewish overtones, as did the way elected [PM Gough Whitlam](https://whitlamdismissal.com/what-happened/overview) was replaced by B'nai B'rith member Malcolm Fraser in 1975.**

[Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser - A Beacon of Light for the Jewish Community](https://www.jwire.com.au/malcolm-fraser-a-beacon-of-light-for-the-jewish-community-as-prime-minister/).

Twice PM Kevin Rudd was that far up Jewish arse in the person of Australian soccer supremo Frank Lowy, remaining totally in contempt of evidence he was with fellow Zioterrorist Larry Silverstein, among the [principle conspirators](https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Frank_Lowy) who brought the 911 attacks into being .. Rudd didn't even blink when presented with the [facts](https://www.reddit.com/search?q=TerrorGr%C3%BCppe%20Kurzberg). The ones who have come in since this lot are no better, hang 'em all for granting safe haven to the Jew 911 terrorists, in blatant violation of the capital precepts of [US Law](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381).

Doctor Jordan Wagner Enters the Active Ingredients Cannabis Debate - He asks, "is CBD a life changing miracle compound or an over hyped save yr money type of product" .. well I took 150 CBD gummies in 24 hrs for neg results and will assure the good doctor I believe I should have saved my money      (www.youtube.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to videos 3 months ago


Yeah I purchased 5 bottles of 30 CBD gummies over the i'net, I took five before turning in then ten more in the middle of the night and finished the first bottle off in the morning .. no effect .. after that I scoffed the next 120 gummies in the last four bottles over about an hour .. nothing .. no effect whatsoever.. save yr money and light up a joint of flower weed is my advice.
Elvis is Alive, With Jim Carrey      (www.youtube.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to videos 3 months ago


The Anasazi, the Lost Tribe of Chaco Canyon Cannibals - Asasazi is a generic term used to describe the CC culture, however Navajo historian Wally Brown says in the Navajo language Anasazi means ancient enemy, that the ones who built the great houses a la Pueblo Bonito are called Ancestral Puebloans     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to videos 3 months ago


[Wally Brown, Navajo Traditional Teachings](https://www.youtube.com/@NavajoTraditionalTeachings).

[Image: Pueblo Bonito: A Testament to Chaco Culture in New Mexico’s High Desert](https://i.postimg.cc/d0sxhGYp/images.jpg). [Link](https://archeyes.com/pueblo-bonito/).

It sounds like the AP's were slaves of the Mayan pyramid builders in Mexico, who migrated north sometime around 700 AD to escape the culture of human sacrifice and cannibalism that flourished south of the border, they were farmers and tillers of the soil and settled peacefully in Chaco Canyon where they enjoyed cordial relations with the Hopi, the Zuni and the Navajo, and where they used their building skills to erect the amazing constructions we see today.

Their escape from Mexico had not been forgotten and around 1200 AD or so the cannibal Anasazi came up from Mexico to catch their run away slaves, they raided the Puebloan towns and great houses murdering and eating those who would not survive the journey south, taking the rest back to Mexico as slaves. The Mexican cannibals did not stop at Chaco Canyon and progressed all the way into Utah seeking, searching and cannibalising as they went, a la [Professor Turner](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1998-dec-20-me-55814-story.html) finding evidence of cannibalism right unto the extent of the AP range.

[Image: Puebloan Cliff Dwellings in Colorado](https://i.postimg.cc/6qKh2Xsc/images-1.jpg). [Link](https://www.americansouthwest.net/colorado/mesa_verde/national_park.html).

The surviving Ancestral Puebloans had never lost their building skills and built the very elaborate cliff dwellings we see today as places of refuge, however the Anasazi eventually located them and laid seige, as before they took the skilled workers back to Mexico as slaves and ate everyone else, the survivors still had the building ethic however their skill level had decreased exponentially.

[Image: Ancient Indian Ruins](https://i.postimg.cc/ZKPy9B4z/images-2.jpg). [Video Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKDCXajRL4g&t=04m00s).

Thus the hilltop forts and lookouts they built are the rude dry stone constructions we see today in Arizona and New Mexico. The depredations appear to have continued until the Chaco Canyon culture per se was wiped out, where after the survivors were absorbed by the Hopi and the Navajo.
Leaning Tower on Mars, Curiosity Rover Sol 995 Returned May 25, 2015 .. to me the piece at the top resembles representations of the Buddha one might encounter in Asian countries     (i.postimg.cc)

submitted by MartinTimothy to Space 4 months ago


[NASA Link](https://mars.nasa.gov/raw_images/257914/?site=msl).
In Queensland Infectious Syphilis Has Risen by 600 Per Cent in 15 Years, Deaths From Congenital Syphilis Which is When the Disease is Contracted in the Womb Have Risen During the Same Period .. sounds to me like the increase in syphilis coincides with a similar increase in African immigration     (www.abc.net.au)

submitted by MartinTimothy to Australia 4 months ago


>More than 1,300 cases of syphilis were recorded in Queensland in 2023, compared to just over 300 in 2013. The state's Chief Health Officer says the problem is likely much more widespread, with many cases likely undiagnosed. [ABC.net](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-12/syphilis-queensland-increase-infant-deaths/103447420,).

>Sub-Saharan Africa ranks first in STD yearly incidence compared to other world regions. The World Health Organization has estimated that every year in Africa there are 3.5 million cases of syphilis, 15 million cases of chlamydial disease, 16 million cases of gonorrhea, and 30 million cases of trichomoniasis. [PubMed](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12348788/#:~:text=Sub%2DSaharan%20Africa%20ranks%20first,30%20million%20cases%20of%20trichomoniasis).
Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters” Reaches 1 Billion Stream Milestone on Spotify - "Whether you love it or think it’s a lame ass filler ballad for girls there is no denying the song is a fan favorite..     (www.metalsucks.net)

submitted by MartinTimothy to music 4 months ago



Ok after hearing Elton John wax eloquent about NEM I thought I should give it a listen, I had watched a full Metallica show on YT but could not remember that song ..

[Metallica - Nothing Else Matters, Live at Wembley Stadium 2007](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lli99OmkPwM).

Yeah I am in the "lame ass filler" group .. read what commenters have to say at MS..

>**PBO** "It’s a couple of steps above Home Sweet Home as far as power ballads go. James vocals are excruciatingly bad, the song drags and is basically a watered down rewrite of one of Metallica's first songs..

>**S10** "Such an overrated, boring song, and it became the torchbearer for Edgelord bro rock like Creed, Stained, Nickleback, and the like.

>**PBO** "It’s not even on the technical level of the overplayed Stairway to Heaven. Heaven is a master class in songwriting, while Matters is an obvious cry for mainstream acceptance , complete with rudimentary guitar parts and James clearly struggling with enunciation and phrasing. Frankly embarrassing.

That's what I think as well.
Spanish Artist Francisco De Goya's "The Disasters of War" Documents the Horrors of the Peninsular War of 1808–14 Between Spain & France Under the Tutelage of Napoleon Bonaparte     (fristartmuseum.org)

submitted by MartinTimothy to History 4 months ago


[Francisco de Goya y Lucientes](https://i.postimg.cc/Sx7sbnrB/Francisco-de-Goya-y-Lucientes.jpg

[Library of Congress: The Disasters of War](https://www.loc.gov/resource/gdcwdl.wdl_19462/?st=gallery).


[Garotted Priest](https://i.postimg.cc/g0Zrp02v/Por-Una-Navaja-Garroted-Priest.jpg).

[Women Enter the Fray](https://i.postimg.cc/cHcx1ty8/Las-Mujeres-Dan-valor.jpg).

The Peninsular War, 1808-1813 - Frustrated by Portugal's defiance of his Continental Blockade against trade with Great Britain, Napoleon ordered General Jerot to march French troops over the Pyrenees. On November 30, French troops entered the Portuguese capital of Lisbon and closed the country's ports to English ships. Spain, alarmed at France's aggression, began to question their alliance with Napoleon.

By 1808, Napoleon had installed his brother Joseph as the king of Spain and sent 118,000 soldiers across into Spain to insure his rule. Determined to bend the Spanish people to his will, he had decided to make Spain a part of his empire. He imagined they would be welcomed. "With my banner bearing the words 'Liberty and Emancipation from Superstition,'" he said, "I shall be regarded as the liberator of Spain."

It was a failing compounded by arrogance and pride, that would bring about his downfall. On May 2, the Spanish people rose up against the French army in Madrid. By nightfall, 150 French soldiers were dead. The French retaliated, killing thousands of Spaniards. It was the start of a brutal, no-holds-barred war, marked by savagery on both sides. The French tortured and mutilated their prisoners; the Spanish did the same. [PBS.org](https://www.pbs.org/empires/napoleon/n_war/campaign/page_9.html).



[Los Desastres](https://i.postimg.cc/jS7rdgG7/Los-Desastres-de-la-Guerra.jpg).

[The Sortie From Bayonne by Thomas Sutherland](https://i.postimg.cc/rmXHkpwr/IMG-20240207-182734.jpg).

>[Battle of Bayonne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Bayonne) on 14 April 1814 saw the French garrison of Bayonne led by General of Division Pierre Thouvenot launch a sortie against a besieging force of British, Portuguese, and Spanish troops commanded by Lieutenant General John Hope. The fighting marked the last major battle of the Peninsular War and occurred after unofficial news of Napoleon's 4 April abdication reached the opposing forces.

The Peninsular War (1807–1814) was the military conflict fought in the Iberian Peninsula by Spain, Portugal, and the United Kingdom against the invading and occupying forces of the First French Empire during the Napoleonic Wars. In Spain, it is considered to overlap with the Spanish War of Independence.

The war started when the French and Spanish armies invaded and occupied Portugal in 1807 by transiting through Spain, and it escalated in 1808 after Napoleonic France occupied Spain, which had been its ally. Napoleon Bonaparte forced the abdications of Ferdinand VII and his father Charles IV and then installed his brother [Joseph Bonaparte](https://i.postimg.cc/HWfF0Bg2/IMG-20240207-183409.jpg) on the Spanish throne and promulgated the Bayonne Constitution.

Most Spaniards rejected French rule and fought a bloody war to oust them. The war on the peninsula lasted until the Sixth Coalition defeated Napoleon in 1814, and is regarded as one of the first wars of national liberation. It is also significant for the emergence of large-scale guerrilla warfare. [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peninsular_War).
The Mystery of Amelia Earhart's Fate May Finally Be Over - It has actually been "over" since I identified her plane on the reef at Nikumaroro Island in the Republic of Kiribati, on Google Earth in 2018     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to videos 4 months ago


[Proposed Flight Path](https://i.postimg.cc/6QMz44sM/AE-1.jpg). [Link](http://www.betchartexpeditions.com/aus-nz_amelia_earhart.htm).

July 2, 1937 Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan departed Lae, New Guinea, in her Lockheed Electra 10E Special NR16020 bound for Howland Island in mid Pacific thence Hawaii .. lost and low on fuel they landed on the reef at Nikumaroro Island in the Republic of Kiribati 4°39'30.37" S Latitude, 174°32'40.23" W Longitude.

[Amelia Earhart's Plane on Nikumaroro Island](https://i.ibb.co/MDhb4P2/image.png).

>The aircraft was visible on the 2018 Google Earth listing for Nikumaroro Island above which must have been taken at low tide, the latest GE image seems to have been taken at high tide since the plane can no longer be seen.

[Norwich City](https://i.postimg.cc/15567GtB/AE-4-Norwich-City.png). [Link](http://wikimapia.org/23227897/Wreck-of-SS-Norwich-City).

The plane is located a few hundred meters north of the wreck of SS Norwich City which ran aground in bad weather on the northern part of the island, while on a voyage from Melbourne Australia to Hawaii on the night of Nov. 29, 1929, taking the lives of eleven crew members.

[Emily Sikuli](https://i.postimg.cc/XYLGgds0/nikuevidencebull.jpg).

Emily Sikuli whose father Temou Samuela was the carpenter on Nikumaroro says, the landing was made on the outer portion of the reef flat just north of the wreck of the Norwich City, that the plane was visible at low tide however the shipwreck obscured vision from the settlement. [Tighar](https://tighar.org/Projects/Earhart/Archives/Research/Bulletins/15_Carpentersdaught/15_Evaluation.html).

[Japanese Fishing Boat Picked Up Amelia](https://i.postimg.cc/nc9wFDZZ/AE-Marshall-Islands.jpg).

"She landed on a tiny atoll – one of many in that general area of the Pacific – and was picked up by a Japanese fishing boat that took her to the Marshall Islands then under Japanese control." [Amy Otis Earhart](https://earharttruth.wordpress.com/tag/cover-up/)'s statement to the Los Angeles Times in July 1949.

[Chester Nimitz](https://i.postimg.cc/L86QXrNp/Nimitz-AE.jpg).

"Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz told me without equivocation that Amelia and Fred had gone down in the Marshalls and were taken by the Japanese, that this knowledge was documented in Washington." [Fred Goerner, CBS News](https://earharttruth.wordpress.com/tag/cover-up/).

[Irene Bolam is Amelia Earhart](https://i.postimg.cc/j519pKfc/AE-Bolam.jpg).

In 1981 Catholic clergyman Monsignor James Francis Kelley revealed he was instrumental in Amelia Earhart’s repatriation from Japan, and that he helped her create a new identity as Irene Bolam. A woman by that name who died in New Jersey in 1982 was in fact Amelia Earhart, she was secretly repatriated to the US from Japan after World War Two. [Amelia Earhart / Irene Bolam](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b&ei=_LTfWuONK8j_8gWItY_QDQ&q=Amelia+Earhart+%2F+Irene+Bolam&oq=Amelia+Earhart+%2F+Irene+Bolam&gs_l=psy-ab.12...221110.229948.0.232660. [WeirdNJ.com](http://weirdnj.com/stories/mystery-history/in-search-of-amelia-earhart-in-monroe-nj/).

A big fat [razberry](https://i.ibb.co/cYy44qM/Razberry.jpg) to the ones who say her fate is still a mystery.
Voat XPost re the Obama Manwife Big Mike's Alleged Political Ambitions, TQ PP - "Sometimes I think the pandemic, BLM and the stolen election etc are humiliation rituals to demoralize those of us who know it's all bullshit and lies, a faggot nigger tranny President tracks perfectly through that lens     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by MartinTimothy to politics 4 months ago


Couldn't have put it any better myself .. uv'd.
Black Race Crime in Australia - The Murder of Hoera Te Kooti Waylaid & Beaten to Death by Fifteen Aboriginals on His Way Home From the Pub, Ipswich Qld 11pm April 1, 1999 .. killings in Western Australia, Brisbane, Murgon & Rockhampton      (www.reddit.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to Australia 4 months ago


**62 yo Hoera Te Kooti - Cliff to his friends - of the seafaring Moldi people of New Zealand left the Prince of Wales Hotel in Ipswich west of Brisbane Queensland, at 11:20 pm on the evening of Friday, April 1, 1999. After crossing the street he was set upon by a group of fifteen aboriginals aged from about 8 yrs upwards, and bashed with a fence paling outside a Baptist church in Brisbane Street.**

The one charged was seen in Ipswich a few days after the acquittal wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with Murder 1. The plan is to launch capital prosecutions against the original offenders..

Along with the police, politicians, judges and lawyers who firstly decided that one only of the attackers would be charged, and who prevented the jury from viewing the video tape.

**Anticipating fifteen blacks swinging by their necks dead at the same locale the crime took place, beside as many lawyers and judges found guilty of preventing the course of justice!**

When these ones have been hanged, there is another seven black necks to snap for the killing of a white man was playing sand lot cricket with his kids in Western Australia, Christmas Day 2007.

>The Murgon murder was of a town publican who was killed by an aboriginal who was put on a bond. [Link](https://southburnett.com.au/news2/2014/03/04/man-jailed-for-bashing-de-facto/).

Two more to hang for the 2007 murder of a sleeping white man in Brisbane, security footage shows one of the black ----- hurrying thru evening shoppers clutching the dead man's shoes, he never faced court the other black ---- got two yrs!

However the black I am gonna enjoy hanging most is the one in Rockhampton who called on a white household and asked a teenage brother and sister to accompany him on a bush walking expedition, who went with him in the better interests of race relations whence he bludgeoned both to death.

Like the one who took the shoes from the dead man, and the ones murdered Te Kooti he never faced court. The same political and legal hierarchy who allowed them to walk free quoting his prior schizophrenia should be hanged on the same gallows .. I live to watch 'em kikkin' and jerkin' at the end of a rope!

[Rene Peter Ulz](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2007-03-30/father-of-missing-austrian-not-giving-up-hope/2230724) was last seen outside the Birdie Num Num nightclub in Gipps St Fortitude Valley about 12:45am Friday March 23, 2007, about 3am he told a friend on the phone he was lost and was trying to find his way back to his unit at West End, he has not been seen or heard from since.

[Brisbane, Friday April 13, 2007](https://vanclan.de/2007/04/15/rene-peter-ulz-ist-tot/) - The body of Rene Peter Ulz was found on inaccessible private property at the bottom of high cliffs at New Farm, blacks frequent that place and it is common for them to throw white people from the cliff tops, we say the police "ran dead" on the case.

**Update:** For preventing the course of justice re these crimes and numerous other killings not limited to fifteen dead in the 1973 [Whisky Au Go Go](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/may/11/police-were-warned-brisbanes-whiskey-au-go-go-would-be-burned-down-inquest-told) fire in Brisbane, and the 1970 murder of sisters [Judith & Susan Mackay](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/search?q=Judith+%26+Susan+Mackay&sort=relevance&t=all) aged five & seven yrs in Townsville, and the murders of Dockers [Ron Chapman and Leslie Batkin](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/search?q=Ron+Chapman+and+Leslie+Batkin&sort=relevance&t=all) within days of each other in 1987 ..

Successive Queensland and Australian political dynasties have granted [TerrorGrüppe Kurzberg](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/search?q=TerrorGr%C3%BCppe+Kurzberg&sort=relevance&t=all) the [Celebrating Jews of 911](http://www.todayscatholicworld.com/mossad-agents-911.htm) and the Mossad cell that spawned them safe haven in Brisbane, in violation of the capital precepts of [US Law](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381) since the day of the outrage .. hang the lot.

The The Kooti murder was definitely a race crime since only a purist could differentiate their skin colors, one only of the fifteen attackers faced court who was acquitted.
Sir Les Patterson aka Barry Humphries With Michael Parkinson, the Dog Joke ★★★★     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by MartinTimothy to TellUpgoat 4 months ago


What a bewdy ..