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Member for: 1.7 years

scp: 137 (+150/-13)
ccp: 211 (+321/-110)
votes given: 257 (+171/-86)
score: 348

Niggers fill me with constant daily disgust     (whatever)

submitted by Isaacjan to whatever 3 days ago


At the gym late at night. A few guys doing their shit and one girl in the corner. One fucking nigger in the entire gym. What is it doing? Pacing back and forth behind the girl and going up to talk to her every fifteen minutes. Even more disgustingly the girl is talking back. Its fucking disgusting to watch.

I just want them gone, man. Holy shit I want to go where there are no fucking niggers.
Please help, where the fuck do I go     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Isaacjan to AskUpgoat 3 months ago


I live in South Carolina. I am surrounded by niggers everywhere I go. I work remote and can go anywhere, but I am seriously at the end of my fucking rope. Im young and single, I don't want to go rural yet, but I absolutely cannot be surrounded by fucking niggers anymore.

Please fucking help, where can I go to escape the fucking niggers and still be around my people? I'm willing to drop everything to do this. I'd prefer to be somewhere warm but I'll hear anything at this point.

I was looking at Little Rock Arkansas but that's 41% fucking nigger? What the actual fuck?

You can move to any country. Which?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Isaacjan to AskUpgoat 5 months ago


If you could move anywhere in the world, where? That may be possibility for me. Would prefer a white country.
Place to move in Florida that is near the beach and isn't all old people or niggers     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Isaacjan to AskUpgoat 6 months ago


I am looking to move down to Florida for a while, trying to find a place that isn't entirely geriatrics or a fucking ghetto, because in florida it seems like theres no in between.

I was looking at Fernandina Beach but again, its mostly fucking old people. Want to go somewhere else? All niggers.

Anyone have any suggestions?
What advice would you give to a new freelancer     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Isaacjan to AskUpgoat 1.3 years ago


Starting my own freelance software dev thing. I'm aware of having tight contracts and getting 50% upfront, anyone else have relevant experience with some advice for a brand new freelancer?
Family member getting rashes after vax     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Isaacjan to AskUpgoat 1.5 years ago


A family member I tried to convince not to take the shot did anyway and is now getting rashes around the body. Asshole lying doctors say its "unrelated."

Anyone have a similar situation? I know I should be worried, but what are we looking at here? Can rashes relate to clots? Go ahead and get the "they'll be dead soon" comments out of the way.
Any good meme sites?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Isaacjan to AskUpgoat 1.6 years ago


I used to like Funnyjunk but it's kiked. 4chan's trash I don't want to sift through. Discord can be good but it's like wading through a sea of trannies to find anywhere decent.

Any good meme sources/sites? Not all politics either.
Why is everyone so fucking illiterate     (whatever)

submitted by Isaacjan to whatever 1.6 years ago


Even here I see shit like "voats about quality not quanity" in thread titles. Yeah, great quality you fucking mental nigger. Grown men in tech fields I work in can't fucking spell. Just scrolling through hobby boards and shit and everyone can't spell any words more complicated than 5 letters.

It gives me perspective, like how throughout history the common masses are illiterate NPC's just going along with whatever. That's hard for me to grasp, but the more I see these fucking people misspelling basic fucking words and failing to form coherent thoughts, it just drives home how fucking /easy/ it must be for kikes to subvert them.

Stop shitting up my beautiful English language, you god damn retards. Read a fucking book.
My direct manager is a cheating whore     (whatever)

submitted by Isaacjan to whatever 1.7 years ago


Sup. Goat from 2016 back in the day. Still lurk, sitting up at night so ima bitch like this is my personal blog. Cool? Cool

I work under a female in tech. I know. She is actually capable of her job, and at first glance is a nice woman. Well, that didn't last long.

A young dipshit got hired and was incompetent. He got the job because he acted like a frat boy and my company is one of those disgusting "we're a family!" types so the female co-owner liked him. Guy was worthless. Shuffled around the company trying to find something he wasn't worthless at, failed.

My female manager is married. This guy, first time I talked to him went on about how hot she is. Liked to tell me about all the girls hes fucked. I didn't think much of it, until he changed schedules to start and leave with her. Moved apartments to live directly near her. Every day, flirting, touching, and this whore is into it. Blatantly in the office, they would stare at each other, 'secretly' text back and forth, etc. Not even she could stop him from being a dumbass, so he got fired.

This whore, I've heard some pretty fucked up shit come out of her mouth. 'I dont care about (her young child's) life' in regards to the dangers of the clotshot. She talks about this retard more than I've ever heard her say about her husband or child.

When I noticed, I kind of gave it away that I thought it was fucked up, and she tried to turn the rest of the team against me. Being fucking hypercompetent and smarter than a cheating whore and her orbiters, I'm not in any danger whatsoever, but now I have to work directly with someone I know is evil. Shit fucking sucks.

Infidelity is fucking disgusting. I plan on informing the husband soon, that requires some prep, but god damn is it not just a knot in my chest that I have to act civil with a worthless slut. Its not just being a whore, which is enough, its doing it blatantly around me and assuming I won't notice or do anything about it. Narcissistic, stupid shit. She's in for a rude awakening.
