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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 1960 (+2427/-467)
ccp: 11804 (+13237/-1433)
votes given: 16349 (+15056/-1293)
score: 13764


Mod of:

Fuck, I just searched for it too...internet has been SCRUBBED. There used to be numerous articles about it.

/v/news viewpost?postid=666c5f97498e6

I have many niggerish ways, but gave up drunk driving years ago.

/v/LiquidJew viewpost?postid=666c9d0d84ace

Putin should have done that on day one...also radio/tv/internet

/v/news viewpost?postid=666c6a9fa78dd

She failed the bar exam THREE FUCKIN TIMES = appointed to the SC

/v/news viewpost?postid=666c5f97498e6

If Blump gets re-selected, he will reinstate it, then give $500B to niggers

/v/news viewpost?postid=666c5f97498e6

smart, they only take and destroy

/v/Recipes viewpost?postid=666b24c4456ba

That's a lotta work. I make Hamburger Helper 2-3 times a week, much easier. Gonna eat some right now, in fact.

/v/Recipes viewpost?postid=666b24c4456ba

Electro-acupuncture healed my sciatica about 12 years ago. I was a total skeptic, but it never bothered me again.

/v/askanon viewpost?postid=666bc783bde32

FunFact: in Baltimore they call it 'her-on'

/v/askanon viewpost?postid=666bc783bde32

They had one hit 60 years ago, nobody gives a fuck

/v/TodayInNiggerNews viewpost?postid=666b7d7a6e49d

I never stopped liking the buzz, just the shitstorm afterwards. Nowadays I can drink 1-2 beers at a gig, and go home, but I rarely even bother.

/v/LiquidJew viewpost?postid=666baa5682098

They will be hated as outsiders, and robbed by their neighbors

/v/videos viewpost?postid=666bef0dc3a99

I was a heavy boozer and user for most of my adult life. Quit (99%) about 9 years ago, still can't believe I didn't quit earlier. Life without hangovers is amazing.

/v/LiquidJew viewpost?postid=666baa5682098

I drink a glass every 2-3 days, that cannot possibly be a problem

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=666b2232b2d4f