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4 comments block

[ - ] ImplicationOverReason -1 points 1 monthMar 23, 2024 06:32:47 ago (+0/-1)

Is New Testament Theology Trinitarian?

a) IS implies versus ISN'T...a dualism. Those who fight each other over what is vs isn't are ignoring the third (trinity) party suggesting the -ism.

b) Theology implies suggested the-ism (theo) and reasoning (logic/logy) about suggested.

c) TEST (teks; to weave) implies holding onto suggested, while ignoring the flowing line of perceivable. Where does one hold onto suggested? Within ones ment/mind/memory.

[ - ] The_Reunto 1 point 1 monthMar 23, 2024 08:04:49 ago (+1/-0)

IS implies versus ISN'T...a dualism. Those who fight each other over what is vs isn't are ignoring the third (trinity) party suggesting the -ism.

To try to make sense of what you are saying, a q-bit actually has four states. "Is", "Isn't", "Is&Isn't simultaneously", "Neither is nor isn't"


The Greek is diathéké.

[ - ] doginventer [op] 0 points 1 monthMar 23, 2024 08:42:57 ago (+0/-0)

I’ve tried communicating with it, but communication doesn’t seem to be it’s mission.

[ - ] ImplicationOverReason 0 points 1 monthMar 24, 2024 12:57:18 ago (+0/-0)

a q-bit actually has four states

a) Motion implies active; matter implies reactive...matter (life) can only perceive momentum (inception towards death) of motion.

b) The only state of existence implies as partial (one) within whole (oneness)...counting others distracts one from self.

c) Consider ones perspective in-between front/back + left/right + up/down...that positions one both within a cube, and at the center of circumference aka within souROUNDing. Discerning this for self implies Quadratur des Kreises (squaring the circle).

The trick...suggesting sides to tempt being off-center, like for example N(orth) E(east) W(est) S(outh)...watching the NEWS lures one into suggested circumference, which destabilizes ones position as center (perception) within surrounding (perceivable).

d) Instead of speculating about four sides...stand still and mark your left and right side, then step in either direction and mark again. Notice that what you just marked left or right now became the opposite.

The deception...being implies in-between (life) sides (inception/death), while being moved from/to within the same motion as different matter.

Number (designation of unit) implies UNIT (Latin unitas; unus; one)...

"Is", "Isn't", "Is&Isn't simultaneously",

a) IS (wanting suggested) vs ISN'T (not wanting suggested) tempts one to ignore WAS (perceivable need).

b) Perceivable (reality) and suggested (fiction) exist simultaneously if different partials willingly ignore same whole for each other.

"Neither is nor isn't"

a) Few suggest nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing) to tempt many to de-nial perceivable for it...ones consent establishes the division (de) of nothing (nial) aka a conflict of reason (is vs isn't) within ones mind/memory.

Try this...hold your breath and reason (is vs isn't) about breathing until that which WAS forces you to breathe.

b) With nothing out of the way...let's look at either/or aka either ONE (partial) or the other ONE (partial) within everything (whole).

The Greek is diathéké

a) Take it apart..DIA (through) THEKE (a receptacle), then discern oneself as receptacle center (life) within through-going circumference (inception towards death).

b) Suggested THE-ism implies ones submission by consent to a suggested authority of another.

c) GREEK/GREY/GRAY implies mixture of white and black, being implies set apart from one another within visible spectrum of light aka in-between white (pure light) and black (absence of light).

Few suggest white vs black labels (masonic checkerboard) to mix many together (e pluribus unum; out of many; one), while corrupting the visible spectrum of light.