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jews are the special ed class of spiritualities.

submitted by we_kill_creativity to Jews 2 monthsMar 10, 2024 12:45:34 ago (+1/-0)     (Jews)

The word "occult" does not mean "evil". Occult, traditionally, means "hidden". I don't like that definition though, because it implies that someone, or some force, is proactively doing the hiding. That's not the case whatsoever. I prefer to say that occult means "hard to see". This explains the phrase "hidden in plain sight", because if it's in plain sight, then it literally is NOT hidden. It's just hard to see.

In fact, Jesus was an occultist. It's written in the New Testament that his parents, in order to escape persecution, lived in Egypt during his childhood. It also says that he amazed the priests while he was there as a child. Those priests weren't Christian, obviously...they were the Egyptian priests...the ones who, today, we would say "practiced the occult". They were impressed by his advanced mystical knowledge at such a young age.

The reason I have said all of that is because I consider myself to be a Christian mystic, and part of that is obtaining occult knowledge. Now I'll explain to you why you may have thought occult = evil. It's because (((they))) want you to think that. It's for the exact same reason (((they))) want the average Joe to think "GuNs ArE eViL!!!11", because guns aren't evil, guns are powerful.

Occult knowledge isn't evil, occult knowledge is powerful. That's why, like guns, (((they))) don't want you to have it. Just like guns, occult knowledge is, in a sense, an inanimate object. Inanimate objects aren't good or evil, people are. People can use guns for good, or for evil. Evil people use guns for evil. The same goes for occult knowledge. Evil people want you think occult knowledge is evil because they don't want you to be able to use occult knowledge to defend yourself from them.

Which brings us to da jews...

I've read many occult books. Some of them aren't even books I agree with. Some are written by groups/people I actually consider my enemy. I read them precisely because they were written by my enemy and I want to understand how they think. The weird thing is, whether they are occult books I agree with or not, they tend to agree on one thing, the jews.

Who are the jews? They are not who the Bible references when it uses that term, which itself is just a rather poor translation in the first place. According to the occult works I've read (extensively), they are a left over group of humanity from a previous age. That's why they are so out of place in the "modern" world, and by modern I mean the past handful of thousands of years.

The purpose of humanity's existence in this physical realm is to spiritually evolve. This physical existence is but a very small part of the overall picture, but it's still important. To achieve this evolution, on a regular basis (again, a handful of thousands of years), there is a sort of "reset" that happens to humanity. The jews, as a people, are left over from the last "reset". That's why they're so out of place among the rest of us. They are, literally, less evolved than us.

If the average spiritual IQ is 100, jews are a clear 70. That's clinically retarded. For instance, they think they can get out of moral laws because they laid a rope around where they live. That's fucking retarded...isn't it...?

So here's the problem. The jews aren't smarter than us. So how are they so successful? Because, not only do they not play by the same spiritual rules as us, they aren't even playing the same spiritual game as us. And once you understand that, then you can actually start to successfully combat them.

We make them play our game. We make them play it by our rules. We hold them accountable every time they break the rules of our game. The moment they complain about it, you explain to them complaining about our rules is against our rules and then you hold them accountable for that. And what you definitely, for sure, 100% do NOT do is play their fucking game.

Playing (((their))) retarded games is 90% of the rest of humanities problem in the first place. They are, or should be, irrelevant to us. They are parasitic to the point that you don't even need to actively remove them...just don't feed them. Don't play (((their))) game.

Now, let me introduce you to the talmud

8 comments block

[ - ] purityspiral 1 point 2 monthsMar 10, 2024 13:05:44 ago (+1/-0)

they think they can get out of moral laws because they laid a rope around where they live. That's fucking retarded...isn't it...?

That is indeed retarded.
I read the rest, you cant hear it but I'm applauding loudly.

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 2 monthsMar 10, 2024 13:09:33 ago (+1/-0)

Define a difference between spiritual and moral first.'

The jews do not share our morals in any way. Altruism is NOT universal, that's why their bots and social science trained idiot reporters pumped it into everyone's head.

THey stay hidden because we would have kicked them out from the beginning if they were honest. Even at that "restricted" clubs meant NO JEWS. THey operated opium dealers and politicians from behind the curtain.

"Our game" was our nations, with laws based on Christian New Testament morals, not the evil Old Testament shit Jesus hated.

WE should not be hidden, we should be aggressive.

[ - ] ImplicationOverReason 0 points 2 monthsMar 10, 2024 15:22:03 ago (+0/-0)

Define a difference between spiritual and moral first.

a) To define (affix) contradicts to differ (move apart).

b) Spirit (Latin spiro; to breathe) implies partial (perception) adapting to whole (perceivable)...suggested spiritualism tempts one to defy adaptation for submission to another.

c) Suggested moralism tempts one into a conflict of reason (good vs bad; right vs wrong; just vs unjust etc.)...perceivable manners are shaped by ones free will of choice. Choosing a side within a conflict tempts choice off-center.

d) Fluid first (inception towards death); solid later (life).

jews do not share our morals

a) jews suggest moral-ism; gentiles choose a side to fight each other within endless conflicts of reason.

b) Example: to steal; rape; kill isn't a conflict of reason (good vs bad); but an implication (if/then) shaped by ones free will of choice within a moving system.

In other words...moralism implies reasoning over artificial (imbalance); manner implies adapting to natural (balance). Manner implies as choice; moralism implies against choices.

we should be aggressive

AGGRESS', verb - "to offend first"...only natural order (inception towards death) offends/offers first.

[ - ] taoV 0 points 2 monthsMar 10, 2024 12:53:45 ago (+0/-0)

Good points. I made a post on here once arguing that Christians need to start forming their own secret societies, and got nothing but shit becuase people have this idea that anything hidden must be hidden for some malevolent reason.

And yet, your enemy is the institution, they are persecuting you. Why would you not hide some things? Why only let them have the tools of secrecy?

The jews win becuase they actually use the keys to effective action.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 2 monthsMar 10, 2024 13:16:05 ago (+0/-0)

left over group of humanity from a previous age.

Yes, the Phoenicians. Baby rapists and sacrificing them, just the same. If you wanted your daughter to become a woman, you would allow a foreigner to rape her.

[ - ] zongongo 0 points 2 monthsMar 10, 2024 13:33:12 ago (+0/-0)

"they are a left over group of humanity from a previous age"

Jews are Neandertal, mixed at this point. They have been our mortal enemy for tens of thousands of years.
Well before ANY book was ever written.

[ - ] ImplicationOverReason 0 points 2 monthsMar 10, 2024 15:09:11 ago (+0/-0)

it implies that someone, or some force, is proactively doing the hiding. That's not the case whatsoever. I prefer to say that occult means "hard to see". This explains the phrase "hidden in plain sight", because if it's in plain sight, then it literally is NOT hidden. It's just hard to see.

Perceivable is in plain sight of ones perception...choosing to ignore it for the suggestions by others "hides" ones sight from it, while permitting others to conceal/occult/make hidden.

Try translating "hidden in plain sight" into "hidden (underneath suggested) in plain (perceivable) sight (perception)...

One cannot hide nature; only deny natural (perceivable inspiration) for artificial (suggested information).

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2 monthsMar 11, 2024 19:57:06 ago (+0/-0)

I agree Judaism a philosophy for stunted slaves, and Jesus was highly respected among the rabbis for his retardedness.
Luke 2:46