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The one way AI can rescue humanity.

submitted by Crackinjokes to anything 3 monthsMar 2, 2024 20:54:22 ago (+6/-0)     (anything)

The one way AI can rescue humanity.

I follow AI very closely and I followed the Jewish question very closely.

Jews are the most destructive force on the globe. The reason is is they active as a collective and they spend an inordinate amount of their time constantly scheming constantly talking constantly putting out media to push their points and slowly take over every industry and destroy self-preservation in all other people's.

It seems Jews are genetically sociopathic and genetically have brains that are programmed to repetitively say the same things over and over that serve their interests which is one reason why they can host a radio show saying the same things over and over for 20 years.

Gentiles just can't do that. Our brains are programmed to advance to make successes and move on to the next thing. This is why we build engineering marvels and we build civilizations.

This is where AI can save us. If we can program AI's to put out media and do the repetitious endless nonstop verbalization of the messages to counter Jews and to promote gentiles then finally we will have an automated mechanism that can equal Jews in the ability to push out propaganda in extreme volumesnand repitition so they can no longer dominate the conversation.

This is the one thing that could possibly change the game in the world. Gentiles will never be able to equal Jews in the non-stop verbalization of nonsense that pushes our own survival.

But we can create and program mechanical and computer and other things that Jews cannot do. They can only absorb our work. They cannot make it themselves.

If we can make AI that can out Jew the Jew then gentiles can win.

And we can have a world with no usury no slavery and no endless wars whose purpose is to constantly try to exert Jewish domination over everybody else.

4 comments block

[ - ] Moravian 0 points 3 monthsMar 3, 2024 02:37:05 ago (+0/-0)

That's a great idea and break down.

[ - ] iThinkiShitYourself 0 points 3 monthsMar 2, 2024 23:55:55 ago (+0/-0)

this is what an AI would do normally, but better because it would answer any arbitrary misunderstandings fast. similar to how AI teaches people math and other school subjects.

we just need to wait for the AIs to be shrunk down to run on reasonable home computers.

[ - ] Eligrey 0 points 3 monthsMar 2, 2024 21:30:19 ago (+0/-0)

We're gonna have to make our own AI machines first because right now it seems any AI engine leans anti white

[ - ] autotic 0 points 3 monthsMar 2, 2024 23:07:50 ago (+0/-0)

It'll happen. There's a git of an open source community developing for running and training your own LLMs. I suppose it'll always run behind the absolute bloody edge of the tech since someone has to pay those scientists but, as usual, the hacker community will have scale advantages and maybe that's enough to overcome not having direct access to the latest GPUs etc.