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“God Bless America“ was written by a jew

submitted by NationalSocialism to Jews 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 05:28:32 ago (+6/-0)     (wikipedia.org)


It was intended to make the goyim feel patriotic about fighting for jewish bankers in WWI.

And revised for WWII…

In 1938, with the rise of Adolf Hitler, Berlin, who was Jewish and had arrived in the U.S. from Russia at the age of five, felt it was time to revive it as a "peace song", and it was introduced on an Armistice Day broadcast in 1938, sung by Kate Smith on her radio show.[7] This song has become the performer's calling card. Berlin had made some minor changes; by this time, "to the right" might have been considered a call to the political right, so he substituted "through the night" instead. He also provided an introduction that is now rarely heard but which Smith always used: "While the storm clouds gather far across the sea / Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free / Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, / As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer." (In her first broadcast of the song, Kate Smith sang "that we're far from there" rather than "for a land so fair".)[4] This was changed when Berlin published the sheet music in March 1939.[4]

4 comments block

[ - ] NoSalvation 2 points 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 05:51:48 ago (+2/-0)

Every single time XD

[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior 2 points 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 07:01:52 ago (+2/-0)

Pretty sickening when you start finding out just how jewish 20th century USA actually was.

[ - ] boekanier 1 point 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 08:33:54 ago (+1/-0)*

jews are in every country, but in america they have reached the pinnacle of their presence and power

[ - ] Panic 1 point 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 09:40:17 ago (+1/-0)

Music critic Jody Rosen says that a 1906 Jewish dialect novelty song, "When Mose with His Nose Leads the Band," contains a six-note fragment that is "instantly recognizable as the opening strains of 'God Bless America'".