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Correcting children

submitted by Razzoriel to Family 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 06:55:01 ago (+2/-0)     (Family)

You heard it a lot from the Stephen Molyneux types that spanking is awful, barbaric and scars your children for life, and should never happen. Well, that is only half the story.

Children like to test their boundaries. EVERY TIME. You know how women like to shit test you? Women are like children in that sense. Having a child and bringing them up is a cornucopia of tests they will give you. Test your patience, knowledge, lungs, physical fitness, and even your social skills. You need to stay sharp around your kids, because their survival also depends on that.

So when they behave wrongly, parents accordingly need to correct that. The easiest way is to incentivize correct behaviour, but that alone does not cut it. The infamous finger on the power outlet image needs correction. And a stern "no" will sometimes not suffice.

Grounding is a good way to punish bad behaviour. The "discipline corner" has limitations, and kids will wander away if you are not aware. When it does, its a good punishment, but it can be misused when parents let kids stay there for more than ten minutes. Kids have awful notions of time. Grounding them for ten minutes or an hour for them is the same for discipline, but they grow irritated and annoyed in the latter, escalating further issues down the day.

Finally, spanking is a tool that is your last resort, and can NEVER be liberally used. Kids need to understand that if they insist on their errors, physical punishment is a possibility. Obviously, a slap on the leg/arm with enough strength to cause mild pain is the same as swinging a belt multiple times. Again, they only understand the concept, not the gravity. And the more you use physical punishment, the less they will believe its something awful; after all, they have experienced it. And going from a slap to belt swings is not a good escalation.

Remember that almost all modern laws are to disencourage you from forming a solid family unit and to lure you into the devil's contract of doing what you want when you do want, but having to sell your soul to the system in exchange. Your children will need your protection from this awful world, so pick your battles. No-spanking as a rule is an ideal, but should never be fully implemented unless your kid is very well behaved by nature. And if you have a son, and this is his case, you may want to reevaluate his upbringing; male children cause all sorts of chaos in their perfect natural state.

14 comments block

[ - ] goatfugee12 2 points 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 09:09:20 ago (+2/-0)

It's my experience that females learn best through positive reinforcement and males learn best from negative reinforcement.

It is why women are so gullible to social media, they say the "politically correct" thing and they get likes, hearts, shares, thumbs-up, etc. It's also why calling them sluts and whores used to work to keep them pure while "slut" as an insult never worked on males. So for girls spanking isn't really a great tool.

It is also why boys are growing up to be faggots, it used to be that if you talked shit to another boy you got hit, immediate consequence. If you disobeyed your parents you got hit, immediate consequence. Hell some of my best friends as a kid were kids I started off not liking and getting into fights with.

Males understand a pecking order, it's why there is a "captain" in every battle, every boat, every team sport, every business or anything where we must work together. The more capable one makes the calls and is responsible. Dad makes the call, the quarterback makes the call, the boss makes the call and if you don't respect the call you get disciplined.

Which explains why women like "HR" the rules are laid out and you follow them and you get good employment reviews and raises, and men hate HR but do better with written warnings or getting their OT cut.

[ - ] Oldguynewname 1 point 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 09:58:10 ago (+1/-0)

Have a 14yo son.

Trying that testing shit and working to influence his friends what he can.

I have found that my acceptance or rejection can make or break him.

Yesterday some of his friends were saying some hurtful shit to a teacher.

She called, and bitch was on the edge of a breakdown.

On his way home kid calls me and I explained that she called and what she said...immediately he says was other kids.

I said then you should have stopped it, I would rather we not talk about this tonight. I am more concerned with my parenting than your actions since you know better than this.

3 of the kids parents called me telling me that my kid asked there's to stop. So teacher singled him out.

I have apologized this morning and explained how I wasn't mad, but just disappointed. I can be wrong as well.

However this teacher singled him out and now we need to figure out why.

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 10:59:16 ago (+0/-0)

Got confused right here

3 of the kids parents called me telling me that my kid asked there's to stop. So teacher singled him out.

I have apologized this morning and explained how I wasn't mad, but just disappointed. I can be wrong as well.

However this teacher singled him out and now we need to figure out why

Watch out for a teacher calling you in hysterics. unprofessional and you might want to have a meeting with her the principal and a counselor present to tell them that. Along with what were her intentions with that type of a phone call? She should have called you in for a meeting to discuss any whatever behaviour issues she had with your kid.

[ - ] Oldguynewname 0 points 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 11:02:48 ago (+0/-0)

Watch out for a teacher calling you in hysterics.

It wasn't that way, but you could tell what was said stung her. Kids are just mean as fuck.

unprofessional and you might want to have a meeting with her the principal and a counselor present to tell them that.

Empathy goes a long way. You can call me whatever name you want, but all those kids all day long and 90% of the parents won't even answer the phone. Shit has to be frustrating.

Along with what were your intentions with that type of a phone call?

Well we have made it known that we give a fuck, and made sure that an open line of communication is maintained.

She should have called you in for a meeting to discuss any whatever behaviour issues she had with your kid.

Well it was a phone conference call.

[ - ] Gowithit 1 point 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 11:10:25 ago (+1/-0)

Karen would have a word with the principal about what type of environment are the students in that they would have felt comfortable enough to even think they could say anything "stinging" to one of her employees. also something something about how the teacher seems to be lacking support yada yada

But Karens not around anymore.

[ - ] Oldguynewname 0 points 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 11:22:05 ago (+0/-0)

As I have gotten older I have learned that you allow some shit to slide, you mention it so that it is addresses, but you make sure they know you noticed it.

You maintain that amount of professionalism with your position and more so theirs.

Now teachers if you haven't noticed are not really falling off trees and in abundance.

Added that you can say so fucking what, but the vast majority of kids that will be adults and you WILL be forced to deal with, your kids will work with and for...they are what matters.

So you use constructive criticism, you help people become better, and you will know when diplomacy is out the window.

I have gotten principles terminated, teachers terminated, made sure they fucking know gator don't play, but I also realize that my kid isn't perfect, he is gonna fuck up.

I listen to his side first in most cases, I also know my son, I know how his mind works, how he talks too.

He goes for the throat and he doesn't care sometimes because he has adhd and often times he is just as surprised by what he says as they are.

Lately he has attempted to lash at me with my not graduating HS, or this and that. So what that teacher said...I belived as he has NEVER done this shit and when you son tells you that you are a shitty parent and stupid.

Don't give a fuck it stings ya. It does me as he is a reflection of me.

Plus he has been doing this within the past year with me and it isn't so hard to fathom he would do it to others.

However I did apologize to him for not hearing his side first and I acknowledged that to him, and said that will NOT happen again.

It won't either and he knows it, but he also knows the kids he has been around are not the best form of influence.

I told him the reason they are likely singling him out is their own relevance, which I will determine and it is not for him to as it is the parents job and not the child.

He accepted that and said he was going to see if his friends will change and if they won't he will ditch them.

It is a learning experience that we are both working with.

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 11:54:54 ago (+0/-0)

Lately he has attempted to lash at me with my not graduating HS

My oldest just got her ged. Somehow she knows math better than I do with a high school diploma 😆.

Friend of mine also said recently that her daughter cut her throat out recently about "never being there" when she was younger. (Working to support kids while daddys out partying)

My oldest has never said anything like that. She'll test her father. I'll jump in on those and then it goes away. I cant imagine the day a kid full on talks back or says something to unnerve me.

Razzoriel said >spanking is a tool that is your last resort

the threat of it is my first resort. Works so far.

90% of the parents won't even answer the phone.

A woman the other day well.. yesterday was going on about her daughters like (3 and 2 ) and then saying not being ready for when they are teenagers(cliche) and shes not going to know how to deal with them acting up That got my attention so I told her you have to be a bitch from day 1. The giggling at whatever has to stop , they have to see it. When she said she meant getting into trouble she looked at me as if I was the weirdest thing when I asked why would she allow that? You're the parent. You control everything. Then again this woman is completly on the government tit so it would make sense she didnt remember she was the parent.

Out of sight out of mind parenting. It seems to be the in thing right now.

[ - ] Oldguynewname 0 points 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 13:50:33 ago (+0/-0)

the threat of it is my first resort. Works so far.

Smack the soles of their feet, old testimate style. Plus don't leave marks and they remember shit like that.

My oldest just got her ged. Somehow she knows math better than I do with a high school diploma

I detested my step mother, had to get the fuck away from her and Navy was the quickest way.

Fuckers made me go and finish HS before I went to my first command anyways lol.

Kiddo just hates school and thinks it can be different if he fights it enough. Typical kid shit.

Out of sight out of mind parenting. It seems to be the in thing right now.

That shit is what terrifies me. I know I am gonna get old, and these fucking kids will be in control.

I have a kid myself and I worry for him.

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 20:33:53 ago (+0/-0)

Smack the soles of their feet, old testimate style. Plus don't leave marks and they remember shit like that.
So you are also a child abuser.

[ - ] Oldguynewname 0 points 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 21:12:59 ago (+0/-0)

You are just digging and digging to try and find anything.

This you grayman? Because only a bitch would be as persistent as you.

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 4 monthsJan 31, 2024 21:17:57 ago (+0/-0)

This you grayman?
I'm no one. You said that yourself.

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 4 monthsFeb 1, 2024 09:54:09 ago (+0/-0)

My grandma would tell me to only use my hand. No marks. Funnily she nor my grandfather ever hit anyone. If I could go back in time I would tell them to beat the shit out of their son.