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The role of schools

submitted by Razzoriel to Family 4 monthsJan 29, 2024 07:28:30 ago (+1/-0)     (Family)

The modern idea of schools educating humans has failed. The experiment has ran for more than five generations so far, and the idea has not solified the notion that the minimal society's unit, the family, are the ultimate drivers for education. Emperor Marcus Aurelius thanked his father for not taking him to public school when writing his Meditations, as most of his peers were going. He was educated by mentors personally paid for by his parents; the model that worked best for producing mankind's most developed societies. This was more than two thousand years ago. Mankind knows how to raise men and women for a long time, but we are barbarians living in a forsaken world that neglets successes of the dead and their past so we can pursue our worldly goals.

Private schools are a hybrid from both; varying degrees of state intervention and control in an environment that is ultimately maintained and curated by parents. Its a great investment for your kids, and you can very well determine its success by gauging the level of interaction it has with the children's parents.

Last but not least; more than five hours a week of independence your kids have from their parents, and they will start developing parental absence, the biggest scourge of children development today. Dont take kids to kindergarden. They start to develop away this when they reach 5, and by 7-8 years, they can fully understand the notion of study and coming back home after it. Homeschooling is excellent, and even highschool dropouts on average have as good a development on their kids as a mid-level private school. College-level parents will educate kids on average on par with top-level private schools. The best middle-ground seems to homeschool until the teenage years, but each community, place and family may have their own formulas. The basic for a 99.9% improvement on your kids today, finally is: school starting at 7, learning how to read and write by 6 to an upper degree (no need to be perfect) and no kindergarden.

I dont have to mention how even from an economical perspective women getting full-time jobs are a net negative for your family. You cannot fight communists and subversives by letting them dictate how your family is going to be made. The more your wife is married to her career, the bigger the cross you'll have to carry. Ill pray for you and your bravery if you have to. Luck favors the bold; be bold for your kids and use your will to shape a world for them you never had.

3 comments block

[ - ] bobdole9 1 point 4 monthsJan 29, 2024 10:25:17 ago (+1/-0)

The more your wife is married to her career, the bigger the cross you'll have to carry.

Here's hoping the cross is pine and not mahogany.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 1 point 4 monthsJan 29, 2024 15:04:06 ago (+1/-0)

Jews did and used white women's narricisim through feminism to destroy white nations from the inside out.

Reminds me of the cartoon of the pest control guy pouring feminism onto an ant pile he says don't worry it will be dead soon enough.

[ - ] Razzoriel [op] 0 points 4 monthsJan 29, 2024 15:53:18 ago (+0/-0)

Schools werent that bad when male teachers were also around, no doubt