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China has launched its secretive space plane on another mystery mission

submitted by mxcviel to Military 5 monthsDec 15, 2023 19:51:11 ago (+5/-0)     (www.unexplained-mysteries.com)


China's efforts to develop reusable spaceflight technologies, such as the space plane known as CSSHQ, has long remained something of an enigma. It is likely to perform a similar role to the X-37b - a secretive space plane originally developed by NASA before being handed over to the US Department of Defense which has itself conducted numerous secretive missions into space lasting up to several years at a time.

3 comments block

[ - ] McNasty -2 points 5 monthsDec 16, 2023 00:56:56 ago (+0/-2)

Space is fake and gay. Their program is secret because it's retarded and fake.

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers -2 points 5 monthsDec 16, 2023 14:41:14 ago (+0/-2)

what is this gay ass propaganda cycle of "omg SPACE STUFF!!!!! CHINA SPACE!!!! EVERYONE BUT the europe and THE USA SPACE!!!"

god, fucking kill yourself with this stupid ass propaganda. we're not doing space. we're not following elon musk. the whole thing is being put on hold until elon musk is in the distant past. we've got shit on earth to handle before we can even THINK about space.

fuck the fucking fuck off, fucker