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The reason for the atheist attack against Christians on forums

submitted by Inward to WhitePeopleThings 7 monthsNov 1, 2023 22:47:26 ago (+29/-8)     (WhitePeopleThings)

This is a modified response to have been called a "Christcuck."

You've inspired me. I was able to put into words what eluded me about your tactic. Read and seethe:

You resort to a name you think will hurt me because calling me White, doesn't hurt. You think calling me a cuckold of Christ will hurt because a cuckold is the worst word you think a White name can be called. It's all so desperate. A cuckold is a man who raises another man's child or let's his wife screw other men. So, your name calling makes you sound like a ten-year old trying to sound like an adult. "You atheist-farter." is the return equivalent. It's like a nigger trying to insult a White man, "Honky". At best, you're taking my Lord's name in vain. When you die that will be it for you, that's the satisfaction, knowing that by not believing you get exactly what you believe: nothing.

If you were an atheist, instead of a kike, what would put you on higher ground that would justify your indignation? The great history of the atheist destroying his enemies? Nope. Atheists have never joined together to do anything.

And there it is. The reason why the jews want the destruction of Christianity. Christians gather and bond. Atheists are all "individuals" that cannot gather against the kike. They never have.

So, what you claim is some great strength, not being subservient to anything, is your greatest weakness. It gives your "anti-membership" nothing to gather against. No purpose from which to build strength or consensus. Quite simply, there has never been anything atheists have done, but you claim a moral superiority. It's like a nigger trying to make a claim they contributed to society and they could make it better. Western society was founded upon the idea of White, Christian community and providence. Go ahead, name some ancient civilization based not based on Christianity...but based on some other religion. You still lose, it's still not based on atheism.

Atheism is a jewish weapon to separate Whites, so even on the very unlikely chance you are a White atheist, you are, in fact, doing the work of the jew. So, you might as well be one.

Now do the only thing you can do, downvote.

Edit: And I hereby call the Atheists liars.

97 comments block

[ - ] SumerBreeze 10 points 7 monthsNov 1, 2023 22:55:32 ago (+15/-5)

The #1 priority of jews is to subvert Jesus’ teachings against their disgusting Talmudic doctrines; the jews formed together in response to Christ’s fulfillment of prophecy and His warning to those against Him (kikes).

Anyone who says Christcuck is literally a kikecuck haha

[ - ] SecretHitler 6 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 03:55:12 ago (+6/-0)*

OP, can you comment on the throngs of mainstream Christians shouting about their support of israel and condemnation of Palestine right now?

I'm good with Christians de-jewing your religion if you can but it really does look like it's the mental backdoor that keeps giving jews a way in with Whites.

Even the times Christians had enough and kicked them out, it was often an old testament obsessed Christian that went out of their way to let them back in a years later.

Please fix this.

[ - ] Inward [op] 4 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:24:14 ago (+4/-0)*

People have freewill. They can be subverted. They can lose their faith. Just because a person is Christian, doesn't make them right all the time. Use some common sense. Jews have manufactured the whole entertainment industry to confuse and subvert Whites. The Bible didn't do that.

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:23:45 ago (+0/-1)

OP, can you comment on the throngs of mainstream Christians shouting about their support of israel and condemnation of Palestine right now?

^^^Because those aren't real Christians, the bible literally tells you this

[ - ] goatfugee12 -3 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 07:04:11 ago (+3/-6)

this is why christians are like niggers.

most christians are weak minded simpletons who beleive whatever fox news tells them. some, like the ones on this site, think they are the elite thinking christians who can guide the dumb masses to "christ" and victory... but they are still just christcucks in the end

the higher iq blacks that manage to get a community college degree and dress and speak well think they are the elite blacks and can guide the dumb masses to "allah" and victory... but they are still just niggers in the end

blood and victory... not christ and victory. would you rather live next door to white pagans or "christian" niggers. dont forget 90% of american niggers are christcucks too. imagine beleiving the same story as 85iq niggers.

[ - ] oppressed 3 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:15:59 ago (+5/-2)

sounds like you're going to eternal Hell, since Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven (John 14:6). it's going to be infinitely bad for you and all non-Christians

[ - ] goatfugee12 1 point 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:28:38 ago (+3/-2)

what about val hallah?

or nirvana?

or the other made up fairy tale places?

[ - ] Inward [op] 2 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:30:35 ago (+2/-0)

Jews have spent so much trying to obscure true Christianity. Niggers will believe whatever they want. If niggers believe the world is round, does that make White who believe it retarded, the same for flat-Earth niggers? What they believe has no bearing on me nor should it you.

You made quite the jew argument.

[ - ] goatfugee12 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:38:57 ago (+2/-2)

ignore the actual arguement, focus on the last sentence. reddit tier debater.

[ - ] Inward [op] 0 points 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 06:33:34 ago (+1/-1)

I bet you know reddit well. Jew.

[ - ] TheYiddler 0 points 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 00:31:01 ago (+0/-0)

If a religion misleads ninety percent of the people that subscribe to it and convinces them to support shit skins, it's it a useful religion?

[ - ] Inward [op] 0 points 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 06:30:25 ago (+0/-0)

Religion misleads ninety percent

You're just making stuff up. It is the media that misleads people. Jew owned media. Nobody at this site could think otherwise with all the evidence that gets presented. The entire idea of "every single time" so the only reason you would state otherwise is that you are opposition. It is that simple.

Christianity is a rallying point. Jews know this.

[ - ] TheYiddler 0 points 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 07:02:03 ago (+0/-0)

Why do Christians keep letting jews back in? Why do they give jews the power to commit usury? How did twentieth century go so wrong that Christian Europe and Christian America fought a bloody war to establish Israel?

What I'm getting at is that Christianity is not special in protecting people from jewish tricks.

Jews are the ones fucking everything up, but Christianity is the yoke used to steer people.

[ - ] Inward [op] 1 point 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 20:36:55 ago (+1/-0)

It's not Christians. It's White people. And you know this. Jews take advantage of White empathy. Christianity is at an all time low and abuse of White empathy is at an all-time high. Restore Christianity and restore our voice. But you know this.

[ - ] TheYiddler -1 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 02:52:54 ago (+0/-1)

Christianity smothered France with niggers. The French thought they could save nigger souls and ended up bringing a bunch home and now they're infested. It's been going on for over a century there.

Christianity is losing prominence because the God of the gaps has few places to hide in this era of information.

White empathy is a weakness, but Christianity encourages it rather than tempers it.

[ - ] Inward [op] 0 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:16:50 ago (+0/-0)

Jews did that. I know it. You know it. Now fuck off. I won't help you earn anymore money.

[ - ] TheYiddler 0 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 23:30:01 ago (+0/-0)

Jews orchestrated it, but they used christianity as a tool to convince whites to do the heavy lifting. Have to save those poor nigger souls.

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:25:14 ago (+0/-1)

"if a religion misleads"

the bible is the bible, kikes are the ones misleading you about it

Stop trusting kikes about "religion" in general

[ - ] Not_C 5 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 03:20:21 ago (+5/-0)

A Christian, an atheist, and a Jew are at a bar.
They all start arguing and decide to step outside.

Both the Christian and the Jew are carrying knives. But the atheist never carries a knife.

The atheist cries and whines that no one should use knives, because they don't have one and it needs to be a fair fight.
The Christian agrees. He sets down his knife and steps outside.
When no one is looking, the Jew picks up the Christian's knife.
They all walk outside and the Jew stabs the atheist. And then the Jew stabs the Christian with his own knife.

The fact is that religion is a weapon.

If anyone tells you that you aren't allowed to use your weapon, or worse they tell you to hand your weapon over to the enemy, don't listen to them.

We are at war.
Never give up an advantage.
It will never be a "fair fight". They will cheat and lie every chance they get.
We must use every weapon we have against them, because they'll use every weapon they have against us.

Religion is a weapon, and we must use it.

[ - ] Inward [op] 4 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:34:56 ago (+4/-0)

Sell your cloak to buy a sword.

[ - ] TheYiddler 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:00:09 ago (+1/-1)

What a great story. You're absolutely right. It is a fantastic weapon and it is foolish to disregard it. It is unfortunate that I lack the ability to maintain a lie of such magnitude to guide a flock.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 5 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 03:25:22 ago (+5/-0)

Christians are at the forefront of israel support and immigration aid. Christians subvert white nationalist movements by trying to make them all about Christianity then inviting in christian non-whites to collapse the movement (see: groypers).

If you were just a White group like you're trying to pretend, you wouldn't be getting any criticism.

[ - ] oppressed 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:17:42 ago (+2/-2)

>Christians subvert white nationalist movements by trying to make them all about Christianity then inviting in christian non-whites to collapse the movement (see: groypers).

No Christian has ever done this. Letting other races help pursue your goals is not "subversion." It's smart, and it's how Jews win.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 21:11:59 ago (+0/-0)

no christian has ever done this? then you proceed to say it's smart, justifying why christians have done this. lol. this is why people on here go from criticising christians to absolutely hating your guts, cause none of you argue in good faith.

and the groyper movement went from a skyrocketing success by focusing on white nationalism to a plateau and then downward trajectory as it welcomed in non-whites and lost the whole point of the movement.

whites don't need to resort to jewish tactics, we already have the numbers, we don't need golems.

[ - ] Inward [op] 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:33:32 ago (+1/-1)

Those subverted by jewmedia are at the forefront. I have no doubt there are atheists holding hands with jews as well. You oversimplify.

Tell Christians that jews are corrupting them and how, not that their faith is wrong.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 21:20:43 ago (+0/-0)

They are the vast majority, stop lying. Those athiests get plenty of criticism as you well know. Guess what? They also can't handle it and act like little children about it, just as you guys do.

We do both. You guys take a half measure and never even come close to fixing the issue, then you yourselves corrupt white nationalist movements and make anti-semitism look irrational and stupid.

[ - ] Inward [op] -1 points 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 06:26:41 ago (+0/-1)

Atheist do not get targeted by posts. My post is only after another attack on Christians. And my point isn't even to attack atheists but to demonstrate it is just jews masquerading as athiests to openlu attack jews.

Second, atheists have never taken any measures against anyone. Which is my point. They are individuals amd can't muster to do anything.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 0 points 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 20:58:40 ago (+0/-0)

Athiests get attacked all the time, liar.

Athiest groups like Antifa are dominating cuck christians.

You get no more replies.

[ - ] Inward [op] -1 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:21:45 ago (+0/-1)

You say atheists get atracked all the time and then mention another group that attacks Christians.

You proved my point. You literally proved me correct. Please don't reply.


[ - ] AryanPrime -2 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:27:25 ago (+0/-2)

"atheist groups like antifa"

Ok kike larper stfu time now

Antifa is literally a communist revolutionary group, their fist symbol is the same symbol they used when fomenting communism in Germany prior to ww2, which is why they got rounded up in the first fucking place, for raping and murdering White children in Germany en mass

You get no more credit as a larp...you have been identified as an anti White kike piece of filth

[ - ] Outlaw_Aryan 4 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 00:03:29 ago (+5/-1)

Bravo! Nicely said.

[ - ] Name 4 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 01:51:51 ago (+5/-1)

There’s a good meme where the text something like “They will tell you that Christianity is foolish and that you should abandon it; but they never offer an alternative.“

What’s interesting to me is that they lump all “Christians” into the same category, I guess because they’re all equally as dangerous? Like it’s not one denominations interpretations, practices or organizational structure that they’re afraid of.

They don’t care if you are Baptist or Catholic. They are afraid of both equally.

[ - ] SecretHitler 2 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 04:01:51 ago (+4/-2)

they never offer an alternative

Did you know White people had a whole entire religion of our own before being forcibly converted to worship a foreign people's god?

[ - ] DeusExMachina 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 16:22:14 ago (+0/-0)

Oh? Which religion was that, again? And forced to convert by who exactly? Other white people?
It wasn't some streetshitter who spread Hellenism across the known world.

[ - ] SecretHitler 0 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 02:47:33 ago (+1/-1)

Our ancestors were forced to convert much in the same way in present day we're forced to give israel money each year. The process was nearly identical in fact.

And wtf do you mean what religion was that? If you don't know White history you shouldn't be talking.

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:31:31 ago (+0/-1)

"our ancestors"

Fuck off kike larper, you can't name it, you don't describe it, you just make believe it exists

You are just mad people are waking up to true CHristian messaging, it's anti kike through and through, why wouldn't people want a religion like that?

anti kike religion that also aspouses pro White tendancies and just isn't filled with messages like "hate the non White" it's more like "hate the usurping kike, try to be nice to anyone other then that"

I'm fine with that, kikes are the true evil of this world and need to be purged from creation like Jesus Christ commanded us to.

If you don't know about the continent of Mu, the true age of CHristianity (15000 years old) or that we know you are a kike, well maybe you should stfu and just slit your own throat kike larper

[ - ] TheYiddler 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 02:26:44 ago (+1/-1)

The fuck do you want? A dissertation on secular ethics? Most of it is basic and baked into criminal law and common wisdom.

Long winded explanations are where tons of midwits get confused and turned into puppets for evil. And the practice of apologetics is included in this.

[ - ] Name 2 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 07:21:09 ago (+2/-0)

So you have no input on the diversity of beliefs within different Christian denominations and the possibly varying effects on moral structure and actual behavior?

While generalizations can be a useful tool, if you overuse them you end up making absolutely retarded assumptions like; “all Christians sects produce the same outcome.”

There is a lot of diversity in the world and comparative analysis that can be very informative. You’re not one of those people that thinks “diversity” means “nigger” are you?

[ - ] TheYiddler 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 07:54:39 ago (+1/-1)

I have plenty of input and my answer is lurk more, faggot. I'm not your personal tutor.

[ - ] Inward [op] 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:40:41 ago (+0/-0)

If you don't give it, it is not input.

[ - ] Name -1 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 21:13:22 ago (+0/-1)

You have articulated incredibly well why you may keep your mouth shut on this topic in the future.

You see, nobody here asked you to be their tutor.

Why the fuck did you open your mouth in the first place?

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:35:03 ago (+0/-1)

listen kike, if you don't like it fuck off out of White countries

We run shit here, not you inbred filth

[ - ] Name 0 points 6 monthsNov 5, 2023 07:43:01 ago (+0/-0)

Hey nigger did you reply to the wrong person? I showed up in this thread to point out that the kikes were afraid of ANY Christian denomination, not just a specific one (because I find that datapoint fascinating and I was hoping someone would comment on that.)

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:32:09 ago (+0/-1)

(criminal law and common wisdom)

Derived from a Christian perspective and teaching

[ - ] canbot 4 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 02:56:39 ago (+4/-0)

Christians gather and bond. Atheists are all "individuals" that cannot gather against the kike.

Exactly this.

[ - ] BoraxTheFungarian 3 points 7 monthsNov 1, 2023 23:45:55 ago (+3/-0)

Turn the other cheek and walk the extra mile… wait until younleanr the true meaning of turn the other cheek. Attacked all the time. Metal asf.

They chose and continue to choose Barabas.

[ - ] purityspiral 0 points 7 monthsNov 1, 2023 23:59:37 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] Inward [op] 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:42:31 ago (+0/-0)

Turn the other cheek meant to make your enemy see you as at least an equal. Telling the jews we are not Christcucks is "turning the other cheek."

[ - ] Boyakasha 2 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 10:13:04 ago (+3/-1)

People assign far too much baggage to the term atheist. It’s just simply someone that doesn’t believe gods exist. Zero political mantra, zero tenets, etc.

Imagine having a conversation with a Muslim who assumes that you’re also Muslim. There’s a default trust and assumption regarding your morality. Upon finding out that you’re not Muslim, they immediately assume that you’re everything that disagree with politically and are incapable of having morals It’s really odd.

Morals and ethics existed prior to religion and exist outside of religion. Faith isn’t required to be generous, kind, honest, etc. We’re just not being extorted with threat of eternal damnation to act that way.

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:28:37 ago (+0/-1)

"faith isn't required to be generous"

The concept of Service to self and service to others is though, which is entirely derived from the Christian mindset, the service to others is considered Krytos Consciousness, the Service to Self is considered anti-Kyrstos

Aka Christ and anti Christ

[ - ] Boyakasha 0 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:52:12 ago (+0/-0)*

Again, you’re claiming that these concepts are only 2000 years old. The Old Testament, which predates Christ by several thousand years, discusses what you’re describing. Your own books disprove your claim.

Literally every culture on the planet values generosity and other behaviors that benefit the group as a whole. Behaviors that hurt the group or impact wellbeing are unconsidered immoral. Regardless of any faith or lack of faith, these are common traits amongst every tribe of people on earth.

Even tribal animals have similar group ethics instinctively. It improves their chances of survival.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 1 point 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 01:09:38 ago (+1/-0)


You think it's "atheists", or have considered that it's "pagans".

It's jews.

It's always jews.

[ - ] Inward [op] 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:45:24 ago (+0/-0)

If you were an atheist, instead of a kike...

I know it's always kikes.

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 1 point 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 04:13:25 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 00:35:37 ago (+3/-3)

Okay jew worshiper.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 10:25:24 ago (+2/-2)

I'll call you a christcuck when it fits. Christcucks are intentionally stupid and subject to groupthink hence, the cuck.

Many christians fall into this category because of their words and actions, even you just now by posting it.

This isn't to be confused with Faith, faith is a belief that merely just questioning it can result in a stronger belief. Christcucks lack this ability and instead refer or defend other christcucks.

That's your problem and I'm happy to know that since I've addressed it you can now work on your faith instead.

You're welcome.

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:37:56 ago (+0/-1)


Term specifically created by kikes to promote anti White rhetoric, stop pretending you are one of us "White men" kike filth, it's just sad seeing genetic inferior kikes larping pretending they are "White people" lmfao

By your definition you are a "Christcuck" because you aren't out killing kikes as Jesus commanded you, you are "subverting" the Christian message by being a weak spineless faggot and then pretending like Christianity proper promotes this message

it does not...it calls for the death of all kikes, anyone with an honest objective viewpoint on the subject will tell you that, the fact you refuse to admit that tells me either 1) you are too stupid to figure it out in which case you have no right to talk about it, or 2) you are a subversive kike, in which case I'd slit your throat on sight

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:40:36 ago (+0/-0)

blah blah blah

[ - ] MrPancake 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 10:35:42 ago (+1/-1)

I use it as a slur when I see someone saying "all atheists..." Probably won't like that response are you seem to be pretty upset. But hey.

[ - ] Glowbright 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 10:42:46 ago (+0/-0)

Christians gather and bond. Atheists are all "individuals" that cannot gather against the kike.

You sure about that one? Atheism is a core tenant of communism. It could be argued that atheists definitely gather and bond

[ - ] chrimony -1 points 7 monthsNov 1, 2023 23:06:46 ago (+7/-8)

I gave you an upvote, because it's good for you to reflect on why you are called a Christcuck.

The reason why I call you a Christcuck is because you worship the god of Israel and follow the teachings of Saul the Pharisee.

Now tell me who's the bigger problem: Christian Zionists, or me telling you fundamental truths that you can't refute without going the Aryan nigger route: "w3 wuz H33bz n' sheeit".

[ - ] BoraxTheFungarian 3 points 7 monthsNov 1, 2023 23:47:43 ago (+3/-0)

Lol, for this I truly love you. Aryan niggers is the funniest meme I’ve heard in a while.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 2 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 00:37:21 ago (+2/-0)

The "we wuz heebs" meme is so ridiculous. Usually paired with the "they're not even the real jews, they're from Khazaria". Yeah, okay, jews are from Europe and whites are not.... they don't even realize the mindfuck they have to accept in order to believe that.

[ - ] Love240 1 point 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 02:50:17 ago (+1/-0)

Paul became an apostle of Christ upon his calling, his gospel is the gospel of Christ, there is no issue here to Christians. Kikes hate him on the other hand, so you have that in common with them.

Zionism is a doctrine of devils. By definition it is not Christian as it promotes another gospel. Not that you can't know that, but you seemingly insist on not knowing it.

What fundamental truths do you supposedly tell? Paul's name? Sounds like kike-logic to me.

[ - ] chrimony -1 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 04:15:02 ago (+1/-2)

Trust Saul the Pharisee, goy. Beleeb in Rabbi Jebus.

[ - ] TheYiddler -1 points 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 00:34:06 ago (+0/-1)

Christian Zionism believes that helping the jews will fulfill their own prophecies in revelations. They share the same goal of destroying the world to summon God.

[ - ] Love240 1 point 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 00:49:09 ago (+1/-0)

God doesn't need 'summoning', the end will come as he wills it.

Zionism holds the idea that there will be two brides, one of the gentiles by faith and one of the 'jews' by birthright, denying the need for 'jews' to believe in Christ for salvation.

This contradicts scripture and is another gospel, separate from the gospel of Christ.

[ - ] TheYiddler 0 points 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 07:11:30 ago (+0/-0)

Christian Zionists don't believe in the jewish messiah (that already happened: Jesus), they simply think jews are useful for fulfilling their own prophecies.

Look at Catholics and how tightly knit they are with jews. Church doctrine definitely embraces accelerationism.

What I keep saying over and over is that most Christians get so many things wrong and even goats can see that and rebuke their zionist Christian brethren. What purpose does christianity serve if so many get it wrong and it keeps helping jews and other shit skins?

[ - ] Reawakened 1 point 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:33:03 ago (+1/-0)

Tell me a fundamental truth.

[ - ] chrimony -1 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:39:03 ago (+0/-1)

You worship the god of Israel and follow the teachings of Saul the Pharisee.

[ - ] Reawakened 3 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:49:21 ago (+3/-0)

I worship God and I follow the teachings of God. The pen is not the author.

[ - ] chrimony -2 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 09:04:32 ago (+0/-2)

I worship God

Rabbi Jebus

I follow the teachings of God

As told to you by Saul the Pharisee.

[ - ] Reawakened 4 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 09:09:56 ago (+4/-0)

You jews can't even say his name. It's JESUS. My, how he must scare you.

I bet you think newscasters write the stories they read. LOL

I'm disappointed. I expected so much more. Clearly, I am trying to fish in a tea cup.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 09:20:36 ago (+1/-1)


Rabbi Jesus, goy.

I bet you think newscasters write the stories they read.

Hang on, I'm getting a message from Master Rabbi in the Sky. Ok, got it: "Give tithings to my messenger, so he can send them to Israel."

You beleeb me, don't you, goy?

[ - ] Inward [op] 1 point 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:52:54 ago (+1/-0)

You're a jew. We know this.

Israel is not jews. You are taking the modern corrupted interpretation created by jews and reinforcing it. Judah had halfbreed children that were not given God's blessing: those are the jews. The rest are Israelites, not the name of a land but of people with God's favor. Jesus was a Judean - of the land of Judea. That is what is used in the Bible. Aryans are the scattered remnants of the Israelites. God's promise states they will rule many nations all over the Earth. Has that not been true for all of Whites for hundreds of years?

[ - ] chrimony 1 point 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 09:09:31 ago (+1/-0)

You're a jew.

Get called a jew by someone who worships the god of Israel and follows the teachings of Saul the Pharisee. Never gets old.

Israel is not jews.

The heeb religion was created for heebz, by heebz, of which jews are a part via the tribe of Judah. The only reason Christian Zionists give a fuck about the desert shithole where Israel is located is because they got cucked by Saul the Pharisee with the god of Israel.

Judah had halfbreed children that were not given God's blessing

Well, that's a different argument, Christcuck. Please show where this is said within the heeb scriptures.

Aryans are the scattered remnants of the Israelites.

Like I said, you have to go the Aryan nigger route. Thanks for playing.

[ - ] DeusExMachina 1 point 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 17:01:09 ago (+1/-0)

all Christians are cucks
all pagans/atheists are immoral sodomites who worship only themselves
N-no you can't do that! That's different!

[ - ] chrimony -1 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 17:46:38 ago (+0/-1)

all Christians are cucks

All Christians worship the god of Israel and follow the teachings of Saul the Pharisee, who converted gentile Europeans away from their own gods. These are fundamental facts of Christianity.

[ - ] DeusExMachina 1 point 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 19:19:35 ago (+1/-0)

Who is it you think kept expelling jews from their countries and kingdoms over a thousand times going back to the 4th century? Or do those facts not matter to your narrative?

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 7 monthsNov 3, 2023 01:58:00 ago (+1/-1)

Who is it you think kept expelling jews from their countries and kingdoms over a thousand times going back to the 4th century?

Pagan Rome conquered Israel and put down rebellions before being theologically conquered by Saul. Before that other countries had conquered Israel. After that Arabic Islam conquered Israel.

The only reason modern Israel exists is because of Christian Zionists.

Saul the Pharisee, Romans 11:

"25 Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers:[d] a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written,

“The Deliverer will come from Zion,
he will banish ungodliness from Jacob”;
“and this will be my covenant with them
when I take away their sins.”

28 As regards the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. 29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable."

[ - ] oppressed 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:26:57 ago (+2/-2)

you are showing the terrible problem of naziism: it prevents foolish souls like you from entering heaven, since the bible "is jewish" and "you cant believe in a jewish God."

but the bible is true. people reject Jesus at their own eternal peril.

[ - ] chrimony -2 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:38:36 ago (+0/-2)

but the bible is true. people reject Jesus at their own eternal peril.

Ok, Christcuck.

[ - ] TheYiddler -1 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 02:30:33 ago (+0/-1)

We wuz heebs is spot on. Judaism is an exclusive religion. Paul was jealous he couldn't be in the club so he cooked up a story to let everyone in. And modernized it by "fulfilling" the laws everyone hates.

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:34:33 ago (+0/-1)

^^^Saul the pharisee

Calls a kike a "true messanger" of Christ LMFAO

CHrist commands us to literally eradicate the kike, anyone having a problem or obfuscating that message is clearly a kike, you've been outed several times kike larper

You jealous filth just hate the fact that God loves White people more then you, and that your inbred genetics are cursed, you carve your faces up to look more White, you covet everything about White Christians existence

Look at how you cope and seethe about them...look how you demand we adhere to your "dictates" of White history lmfao

typical kike, demanding Whites see things his way, doesn't go out IRL and kill kikes, needs to stfu

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 12:19:23 ago (+0/-0)

Saul the pharisee
Calls a kike a "true messanger" of Christ LMFAO

New Testament, Christcuck.

CHrist commands us to literally eradicate the kike

No, Rabbi Jebus does no such thing, Aryan nigger. That's just your delusional fantasy.

[ - ] TheYiddler -1 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 02:23:10 ago (+3/-4)

I call christ cucks that because it is a civic nationalist religion. Tons of christ cucks think they can tame Indian or spic or nigger savages. They let jews "convert" when jews fuck up. They let evil doers go about their business because "they'll be judged" so it's okay. Some Christians here might support white nationalism, but most Christians are misguided and will support shit skins.

[ - ] The_Reunto 3 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 03:49:12 ago (+4/-1)

You are speaking as though "White" would be some kind of unified identity that everyone agrees on.

"White" is a coalition of races. An Irish and an Italian are two different races. I have yet to see a "White nationalist" model that wouldn't result in races serving each other at the expense of their own well-being. Would an Irish serving an Italian be a race traitor? Inevitable, even if you propose a genetic range as a qualifying factor for citizenship, you would still end up needing a civic framework as key part of the foundation of that society.

The history of the "White" races all come from Western society that is constituted by Greco-Christian values. Christianity addresses your concern about people not taking care of their own:

"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." - 1 Tim 5:8

A Christian would be worse than an infidel if they gave away all of their money and let their own suffer (especially of their own house).

It is not right to take the bread from a child and feed it to the dogs. That said, the balance here is about the excesses, even the dogs get the crumbs that fall from the table.

You're a Talmudite so of course you are antiChristian. The problem comes down to the fact that when thoroughly analyzed, a "White nationalist" society without Western/Greco-Christian values would be a meaningless husk.

And part of the only reason you are even trying to present that is because you are advocating ad hoc for a State of Israel ethnostate, helmed by White Ashkenazim.

[ - ] goatfugee12 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 07:10:58 ago (+1/-1)

White Ashkenazim.


this guy thinks jews are whites, whites are jews..

finkle is einhorn!

[ - ] The_Reunto 1 point 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 11:56:06 ago (+1/-0)

Ashkenazim are as White as Italians are.

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 7 monthsNov 4, 2023 09:38:28 ago (+0/-1)


kikes are inbred child raping filth who were declared their own race in 2018

No kike is a "White man" kikes are evil

[ - ] TheYiddler -1 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 07:49:24 ago (+0/-1)

Sure, Whites would be fractured without a common enemy. But we do have common enemies. Let's deal with those first and figure things out later.

Your views of christianity's success are one of survivorship bias. Christianity cares much more about propagating itself than traditional European beliefs. Thus the huge focus on preaching to shit skins. Know what other religion is wildly popular? Islam. Islam's popularity does not make it right.

Not every aspect of christianity is awful. In fact there are many good parts and I'm sure you can quite many good ones. Unfortunately there are ones which poison the ideology and trick people into helping niggers and kikes.

For example, galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Fuck kikes, but their internal policies in Israel are based. They serve their own race. We need that in the USA and Europe.

[ - ] oppressed 0 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 08:21:10 ago (+1/-1)

you can just call yourself going to hell then since the bible is true.
also, the bible and white nationalism are compatible. thats one reason it's an unfair slur

[ - ] goatfugee12 -1 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 07:09:23 ago (+2/-3)

see this here today, the christcuck didn't call us liars, he just called us "anti-christians"

They are beginning to learn from their masters

[ - ] NukeAmerica -2 points 7 monthsNov 1, 2023 23:36:47 ago (+4/-6)

You got really triggered by that word. Must have rung true

[ - ] Love240 4 points 7 monthsNov 1, 2023 23:42:59 ago (+6/-2)

That response makes you look functionally illiterate.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 2 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 01:10:53 ago (+3/-1)

The bastard is a Hajji.

What did you expect? 😂

[ - ] NukeAmerica -1 points 7 monthsNov 2, 2023 00:02:38 ago (+1/-2)

no u