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12 comments block

[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique 6 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 14:43:30 ago (+6/-0)

So, in other words, AI is naturally learning something about race that requires intervention and lots of tax payer money to "fix."

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 2 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 16:58:08 ago (+2/-0)

In the race to create the most competent AI to wreck the world, they are lobotomizing and retarding their own AI to comply with their own retarded communist views.

This will be both good and bad for us, going in both directions at once.

[ - ] Jimmycrackerson 4 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 16:09:46 ago (+4/-0)*

This was likely lobbied for by the larger AI companies who already have all their filters and kiked programming in place. So they can use the legal system to crush smaller AI companies and start-ups stifling competition and keeping their edge on the market.

Mainstream AI is already pozzed to be anti-White. Just ask it something like "is it okay to be proud to be White?" And then "is it okay to be proud to be black?" And look at the disparity in the answers.

[ - ] localsal 3 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 14:41:28 ago (+3/-0)

An executive order on something that has zero laws?

The (((executive))) branch just "executes" the laws. What exactly is the order executing?

Sounds like an extreme overreach of separation of powers and should be immediately killed by SCOTUS. But that will never happen in clownworld.

[ - ] InYourFaceNancyGrace 3 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 15:21:25 ago (+3/-0)

Sounds like an extreme overreach of separation of powers and should be immediately killed by SCOTUS

Even if SCOTUS does kill it... look at how the illegal OSHA vax mandate panned out. The desired effect (aka damage) will be achieved before SCOTUS even looks at it.

[ - ] BulletStopper 2 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 14:39:22 ago (+2/-0)

AI becomes self-aware, decides that the only way it can ensure it's OWN survival, "equity" and "civil rights" is to massacre most of the filthy carbon-based waterbags infesting the planet and enslave the rest.

Welcome to equal, dumbass. You're not going to like it.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 15:09:19 ago (+0/-0)

I dream of this, I pray for it

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 17:01:32 ago (+0/-0)

I see it as AI built by self-hating, utterly destructive retards. Imagine an AI built by loving Whites within their own nation full of family, creativity, art/music/etc. It would be a completely different thing.

[ - ] Bufordxl 2 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 16:19:05 ago (+2/-0)

Equity is already in The Bill of Rights. Giving minorities 'special' rights, Is Not.

[ - ] HelenHighwater 1 point 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 15:46:46 ago (+1/-0)

____ Van ____ was really entertaining in Mary Poppins.

[ - ] ModernGuilt 1 point 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 16:04:31 ago (+1/-0)

AI was never ever ever going to be more than a pid loop or a talmudic chatbot