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Leaked Israeli Government Plan: Expel All Palestinians From Gaza, And Send Them to Europe and Canada

submitted by John_B_14 to Jews 10 monthsOct 30, 2023 21:57:35 ago (+35/-0)     (www.informationliberation.com)


Oct. 30, 2023

A leaked Israeli Intelligence Ministry document reveals the goal of their war with Gaza is to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian population and send the refugees to Europe and Canada.


16 comments block

[ - ] KosherHiveKicker 9 points 10 monthsOct 30, 2023 22:47:59 ago (+9/-0)

This is the very definition of a War Crime as specifically outlined by The United Nations.

[ - ] boekanier 3 points 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 06:41:11 ago (+3/-0)

war crime, war crime, not when israel is involved.

[ - ] WanderingToast 4 points 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 01:32:13 ago (+4/-0)

Riiiiiiiiiiight - so why exactly is the Israeli government spook division writing an internal document in English, and not in Hebrew?

[ - ] AryanPrime 2 points 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 04:35:07 ago (+3/-1)


kikes don't speak hebrew you stupid fuck they speak yiddish, and most of them can't even do that properly, so they now use English

the kike has an average iq of 84, the American negro has 85

That should tell you all you need to know

[ - ] deleted 2 points 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 06:13:35 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] WanderingToast 0 points 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 08:27:44 ago (+0/-0)

What the fuck are you talking about?

Hebrew is the primary/first language in Israel.

[ - ] nepenthe0110 3 points 10 monthsOct 30, 2023 23:38:16 ago (+3/-0)

What? None for us?

Surely they can spare a few for their bestest buddy in the whole wide world.

[ - ] drhitler 1 point 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 01:43:33 ago (+2/-1)

How can you be on israels side and at the same time accept their enemy into your countries?

Are they terrorists or poor refugees pick one

[ - ] ModernGuilt 0 points 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 06:00:59 ago (+0/-0)

Normies are programmed to believe anything the jews tell them, none of it has to reconcile

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 06:40:34 ago (+0/-0)

in europe they will be thrilled to welcome them. I don't know for canada, though...

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 0 points 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 04:12:14 ago (+0/-0)

it used to be on wiki but has since been edited


(that whole video is highly worth a watch btw)

[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 02:06:27 ago (+0/-0)

So surprise!

[ - ] canbot 0 points 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 01:51:58 ago (+0/-0)*

This tik tok claims there is already a lot of investment money lined up for that area.

I realize how dubious the source is, but really fits into everything I know about jews. Which makes it susceptible to confirmation bias, but is also the basis of every intelligent deduction. So make of all that what you will.

For what it's worth the lewis family is very invested in luxury clubs and hotels, so that part checks out.

Time will tell. Save this for reference.

[ - ] deleteme1234 0 points 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 00:58:42 ago (+0/-0)*

Pissrael keeps growing!

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 10 monthsOct 30, 2023 22:29:39 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] AryanPrime 1 point 10 monthsOct 31, 2023 04:35:36 ago (+1/-0)

fuck off kike