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Car rams into pedestrians in Melbourne. One dead

submitted by dulcima to Australia 9 monthsSep 8, 2023 06:59:27 ago (+14/-1)     (www.news.com.au)


No word if it was a peaceful ramming, a drunk, abo, chink, Indian, or one of dangus's onlyfans thots.

9 comments block

[ - ] Nozyedys 4 points 9 monthsSep 8, 2023 10:15:46 ago (+4/-0)

I was there shortly after it happened. Had to walk through because my tram couldn't get through. Cops were taping up the street and shit was everywhere.
You can find photos of the guy he looks like a Muslim of Asian descent. I don't get terrorist vibes though, it seems spontaneous.

On that note Melbourne is becoming a really dangerous place to be and I see violence everytime I go into the CBD. Reminds me of the time I spent in third world countries and some parts of the states i.e. downtown LA and San Francisco. There are homeless people on every corner that are completely unpredictable. I've had a couple of run-ins myself just walking around, and I've seen plenty more.

I would advise to to avoid walking around Elizabeth street and Swanston street especially if you are with women or children and be on guard if you have to. Don't underestimate these homeless people they are properly mentally ill and not faking it.

[ - ] dulcima [op] 3 points 9 monthsSep 8, 2023 11:09:53 ago (+3/-0)

Swanston and Elizabeth has always been skeevy. I can imagine how much worse it is now.

I rarely go into the city these days. A while back I was changing trains at Flinders (about 9pm) and there were niggers everywhere. Full Africans. Prowling about, hooting and hollering.

I really hate Melbourne. I've even got to the stage I bless my stars I live in a chink area. Say what you like about them, at least they're safe to be around.

[ - ] dulcima [op] 4 points 9 monthsSep 8, 2023 07:33:50 ago (+4/-0)*

Aftermath -


Arrested -


Reports now saying he has known "mental health issues", so may be an african.

[ - ] GradeAPatriotReturns -5 points 9 monthsSep 8, 2023 10:39:29 ago (+0/-5)

health issues", so may be an african.

This is racist bullshit. There are plenty of whites with mental health issues. Just look at the average Voater.

[ - ] dulcima [op] 3 points 9 monthsSep 8, 2023 11:14:41 ago (+3/-0)

I know, blumen, you being the most affected with those particular issues.

Stay out of my posts.

[ - ] Ex_hack 2 points 9 monthsSep 8, 2023 13:18:00 ago (+2/-0)

Stay mad nigger

[ - ] BulletStopper 3 points 9 monthsSep 8, 2023 09:47:16 ago (+3/-0)

But the real question is: Are the authorities "baffled" as to a motive, if any?

Because that alone will tell us all we need to know.

[ - ] Hand_Of_Node 2 points 9 monthsSep 8, 2023 09:12:17 ago (+2/-0)

Don't worry, “there are no terrorist links and it is a person with mental health issues”. Appears to be either hippy or african hair on the doer.

[ - ] Bonanza 2 points 9 monthsSep 8, 2023 09:23:16 ago (+2/-0)

Was thinking the same thing. Picture of the perp is so grainy you can't tell what he is. That's probably intentional.